
The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

In 1900, eight countries, led by Britain and Russia, began an all-out war of aggression against China. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government at that time was weak and incompetent, and it was powerless to resist in the face of the eight-nation alliance of disparity in strength. The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

Empress Dowager Cixi could only flee west with the Guangxu Emperor and other party, and in the following year had no choice but to sign an unequal treaty, the Treaty of Xinugu. This treaty was actually a slave treaty imposed on China by the Western powers, which made the control of the imperialist countries over the Qing Dynasty more solid, and also made the Qing Dynasty a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

However, it is reasonable to say that when a country is invaded, the aggressor is really unjust, so why is no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty? What's more, the Qing Dynasty at that time did not invade other countries and offend other countries? Why are other countries like dumb people eating Huang Lian, without saying a word of accusation? Was the Qing government so hated? In fact, there are many reasons for this.

First of all, the reason why the Eight-Power Alliance launched a war against the Qing Dynasty was on the one hand the weakness of the Qing government, which after signing a series of unequal treaties, made the Western powers want to annex it. On the other hand, and the main reason, the emergence of the Boxer Rebellion. Due to the corruption of the Qing government, some patriots were very angry, and the Boxers began to appear mainly peasants and aimed at "cleaning up." At first, it only arose in Shandong, and later spread all over the country.

The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

In the face of the step-by-step aggression of the Western powers, the Boxers began the movement of "supporting the Qing Dynasty and destroying the Oceans". At that time, the Boxers had patriotic feelings and were very disgusted with the foreigners, and when they saw that the foreigners were eager to kill them, they were quick to kill them. Later, the Boxers were even more inflated, even making trouble in the embassy. The Boxer Rebellion's burrowing of the embassy completely infuriated the Western powers. Therefore, eight powerful countries led by Britain and Germany joined hands to form a coalition army and began to suppress the war of aggression against China in the name of the Boxers. This is an invasion with a legitimate reason, and other countries are not easy to say.

The invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance was indeed an unjust act, so why was no country willing to support the Qing Dynasty?

Secondly, these countries that invaded the Qing Dynasty were all powerful powers, and although the Qing Dynasty was insulted, the overall strength of the Qing Dynasty was not particularly bad at that time, after all, the territory of the Qing Dynasty was there. Even the Qing Dynasty was invaded like that, with no power to fight back, so how dare other small countries squeak to support the Qing Dynasty? In the world pattern at that time, I am afraid that no country is willing to come out as cannon fodder.

Finally, other countries are reluctant to help, let alone countries within the coalition. In their eyes, this matter is beneficial to themselves. In the face of the Qing Dynasty, a piece of fat that is waiting to be slaughtered and rich, even if these countries are contradictory, at this moment, they only have their own interests in their eyes, let alone a situation of turning against each other. Therefore, there will be no reinforcements outside the coalition army, and there will be no internal disintegration, which is why the Qing government has no one to help.

Take history as a mirror and always remember history!

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