
Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

author:Sun Moon Star 1

Today, after work, I went to the supermarket and bought a potato. Because I have not eaten the "national dish" shredded potatoes for a long time, my heart is a little hungry, and the potato shreds I made are particularly delicious, shredded evenly, the side dishes are reasonable, spicy and sour, the color and flavor are complete, the nutrition is rich, and the appetite is very appetizing. Anyone who has eaten my fried shredded potatoes has no mouth, and the demand and goodwill are full.

Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

Shredded potatoes: Peel, slice and shred potatoes, soak in water with a little salt and white vinegar for 10 minutes, wash twice, drain and set aside.

Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

Side dishes: 1 shredded green or red pepper, 1 shredded onion, 1 chopped tomato, 1 piece of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic.

Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

Ingredients: 30 g of clear oil, a little peppercorns, a little sugar, 6 g of salt, 20 g of white vinegar.

Operating procedures: light the fire - heat up - pour oil - pepper - ginger foam - potato shredded - onion shredded - green pepper shredded tomato - sugar - white vinegar - garlic crushed - turn off the heat - start the pot

Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

Eating a mouthful of shredded potatoes that just came out of the pot is such a pleasure, and I will not change it for a plate of braised pork.

Do it yourself And sauté the shredded potatoes

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