
This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

There is a case in "Winner is Justice" starring Masaka Sakai and Yui Niigaki.

The hot genius child star Bud Yi and his mother Rumiko are dependent on each other,

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Rumiko had an unfinished dream of stardom when she was young, so she began to train her daughter Toei to enter the show business circle at a very young age.

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After the explosion of the bud clothes, Rumiko naturally became the president of the agency and lived a life of spending time and drinking.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Until one day, I received a complaint from my daughter to dissolve the mother-daughter relationship with her.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

This story was broadcast in 2013, but countless remakes are still being copied and staged in the current reality.

Even, standing on the traffic outlet of short videos, such replication is becoming more and more easy.

Today I saw such a word on the hot search -


As the name suggests, nibbling on the baby and nibbling on the old corresponds to the essence of a "parasitic" behavior of adults, the former's "host" is the child, and the latter's "host" is the parent.

Many people should have brushed the "cute baby" video on various platforms, many things adults do boring, children do but become interesting and cute.

But when does this apply to business practices?

Kids do everything cute,

Cute can bring traffic, traffic can be monetized,


Kids can monetize anything they do.

This has been put into practice by many parents.

In many short video accounts with "Sunwa" as the focus, the introduction is followed by the contact information of commercial cooperation.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?
This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

How much money do you make?

A month's income can reach 150,000.

The child's age, weight, and food intake can all become the traffic passwords that attract clicks in the title of the blockbuster video.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Compared with other videos that require a professional threshold, "Sunwa" is obviously a lower threshold and easier to imitate, so in order to win more traffic, parents have also "rolled up".

"2-year-old eats broadcast"

Last year, a small Internet celebrity named "Peggy" attracted attention, and the 3-year-old her already weighed more than 70 pounds.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

At the beginning, Little Peggy had a video of eating that went viral, and many netizens left messages saying that she had an appetite to watch her eat.

Since then, Peggy's parents have successively posted videos of her eating high-calorie foods such as barbecue, fried chicken, and hamburgers.

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Even when your child has explicitly declined, they will continue to add food to the plate.

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Netizens who sensed something was wrong reminded Peggy's parents in the comment area to control their children's diet,

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

But Paige's parents not only did not take the advice, but also excitedly announced, "Break through 100 pounds immediately!" ”

Seeing this sentence, my most intuitive psychological feeling is only four words:


Children have been completely reduced to eye-catching tools.

The person who eats is little Peggy, but the adults are fed with deformed desires and pleasures.

The "excessive weight" of the body is easy to see, and it is easy to find ways to alleviate it, but the "excessive weight" of desire is often unconsciously growing and difficult to correct.

After this matter fermented on the news, the relevant videos have all been deleted, and the account has been banned.

But if Paige Jr. really became popular in this way, it might be another story.

In the episode "Winner is Justice" child star vs mother mentioned in the opening chapter, Gu Meimen has a line:

"There are two models for the average successful child star, one is a sad money-making machine that is manipulated by adults like a doll and chased by a whip, and the other is a precocious hairy child who knows how to observe the color and command."

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It's brutal, but it's also realistic.

I don't know how many people still have an impression of child model girls.

Looking at the photo, it is a child who will make people sigh like "I want to cheat on my daughter again".

But once the perspective is switched, in the gap between the shooting of children's clothing advertisements, because there are some problems with the movements of the girls, they will suddenly be kicked and kicked by the mother standing on the side.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Later, some netizens broke the news that they had filmed the mother beating the child with a hanger on the spot, accompanied by a loud reprimand, which made her cheer up, and it was already ten o'clock at night.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

In another video, the mother of the girl calls the shots in a semi-threatening tone.

"Say hello quickly, say hello to me, give me a smile, twist your ass."

The girl showed a slight uncooperative look, and her mother's hand had already made a gesture of raising her desire to fight.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Girls are not alone,

In a follow-up interview, the staff of the child model shooting base said that it is very "normal" for the child model to be beaten and taught.

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Because the base of shooting requires money and the photographer also wants money, everyone is in a hurry.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

There have even been examples of bleeding on the body.

And do kids really like to take pictures?

The answer is no.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

In the reporter's interview with the mother and daughter of the girl, the answer given by the girl is also "dislike",

And then immediately denied by the mother,

"She deliberately said she didn't like it."

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

For a moment, it was unclear whether the mother was sincerely thinking so, or whether she had found a fig leaf for her behavior.

After answering this question, the girl was immediately carried outside by her mother to play.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Maybe when she grows up a little, she will give her answer more firmly and affirmatively.

The preferences of children can be fabricated, the behavior of children can be manipulated,

But children will also grow up and gradually have the ability to think independently.

Back to this episode of "The Winner Is Justice",

When Nha Yi argues with her mother in court, Rumiko realizes that her mature daughter has long been out of her control.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

At the end of the story,

Ya Yi won the lawsuit and won the control of his life for himself,

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

Rumiko, who is now middle-aged, needs to restart a life that no longer depends on anyone.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

For extremely self-interested people, moral exhortation is often useless to say more.

Perhaps only the belated price can make them recognize the reality.

This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?
This kind of money, or do you mean to earn?

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