
Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Picture: Heap sugar (invasion and deletion) Text: Little Dream

【Night Dream Talk, Little Dream Listening】: The whole network has the same name, welcome to pay attention, reprint please authorize, plagiarism must be investigated! Looking forward to your story.

With the continuous rise of short video platforms, everyone has picked up their mobile phones and begun to record their lives, and many people have begun to engage in related work.

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Some people want to make funny videos, not to hurt themselves, but also to seek traffic benefits. Some people occupy public resources, thinking that as long as they can be red, they can do anything.

Of course, these problems have begun to be sorted out and dissuaded. However, there is another type of people who are still doing a lot of work, and they are the 'Nibble Clan.'

1. Mom, I'm not a tool man

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

When shopping software first appeared, there were various families on the Internet that relied on child models to support their families.

Those kids, ranging from months to years old, had to photograph dozens of suits of clothes every day with little time to go to school and play.

Their father or mother will resign to accompany them to complete the shooting, as long as the child does not cooperate, they will not be able to move fists and feet.

Just like the "girl incident" in the past, the little girl photographed more than 400 sets of clothes in four days, and even though she was very tired, she was still asked by her mother to continue working.

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Obviously, she is a child under four years old, and the mother said in the apology letter published to the society that the child is her close relative and will not hurt her.

However, from the photos taken by the child and the videos that were released, the clear-eyed people can see that the child is not happy.

In the eyes of these people, the child is just an appendage of oneself, just a channel for one's own quick benefits. That's the most chilling thing.

2. Shaiva has become sick

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

What was the earliest video of The Baby? It is the child who plays freely, the child who falls asleep sweetly, and the mother gently shakes the cradle next to it.

And now? Children who are still wearing diapers cook over an open flame like a chef, or they can live stream all kinds of goods at every turn.

If you just share your child's growth moments, then, there is no problem. But it is obvious that these so-called sunwa videos have long been more than just sunwa.

I remembered a TV series I once watched, the protagonist of the story is a child who has been put on the public platform by his mother since birth, and her every word and deed has been watched by tens of millions of people.

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

From what she eats every day, to what she wears every day, and even what she needs to do every day when she grows up, her mother voted through netizens.

When the girl has a sense of self and she wants a space to be alone, her mother will say to her, "I raised you, and everything you have to listen to me." ”

The mother's control over the girl has reached a morbid point. The girl and many people have asked for help, but no one will really want to help her.

Because, in everyone's eyes, she is like a doll in the window. Who really cares about how a 'doll' feels?

3. What you don't want, why give it to him?

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

When you were young, when it came to the Spring Festival, what was the thing you hated the most? Most children, you should have a nightmare of performing in front of strangers.

A group of uncles and aunts or elders who don't know you surround you, and your parents will make you sing and dance, and you will recite ancient poems. If you don't do it, you'll be scolded.

Obviously, your parents know that you will be nervous, but for their face, let you do it. You can only do it according to their instructions.

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Such a life, now, has become a means of making a living. However, when you were so disgusted, wouldn't your children think so?

Any child, they just come into this world through a pair of parents, they have an independent personality and soul, they have their own things to do.

Love is not a reason to kidnap hurt and exploit. Even if the child is willing, it must be appropriate, and if the child does not understand, the adult should understand.

Childhood should be colorful, and it is only once for all people. We all know that if we miss it, we will never come back.

4. Shaiva is not a business

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Under the premise of ensuring that the child's healthy growth and normal life can be protected, there is nothing wrong with the child, which is a simple record.

But if it's done as business and children are used as a tool to make money, then that's certainly something that should be slammed.

Your child, not your child, he is himself. He deserves the life he wants.

Don't let the tragedies of the past repeat themselves, please give back to those children, a complete and happy childhood.

Relying on the monthly income of 150,000, the painting style of the NibbleWa clan is becoming more and more strange

Above all, I wish you a good dream and good night.

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