
"Sub-production contending" and "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" - Zichan always thinks from The standpoint of Zheng Guo

We all know that in the Spring and Autumn Period, in general, the extortion and demands of the powerful princely states against the weak princely states were endless. Because of their own lack of strength, the weak princely states often retreated and swallowed their anger. However, Zheng Guo's children were different, and he took advantage of the opportunity of the "Pingqiu Alliance" to raise questions and argue on the basis of reason. This is the "child inheritance" that deserves to be mentioned.

"Zuo Chuan" Yun: "Sons of the Birth Controversy, That is: "Former Tianzi Ban Gong, light and heavy to the column, column honor tribute, Zhou Zhi system also." Humble and heavy, serve also. Zheng Bo, male also, and envoys from the gonghou tribute, fear of the Buddha to give also, dare to think please. Princes and soldiers, think of things. The fate of reason, no moon does not come, the tribute has no art, and the small country has a gap, so it offends also. The princes repaired the alliance, and the small countries also existed. Contribution is not enough, death is just around the corner. The system of survival will be over today." Since the middle of the day to fight, as for the dusk, the Jin people promised it. ”

"Sub-production contending" and "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" - Zichan always thinks from The standpoint of Zheng Guo

"Spring and Autumn Zuo Clan Biography"

In fact, the "tribute" was first handed over to Zhou Tianzi. From the beginning of the offspring, we can take the rules of "tribute" formulated by the former Son of Heaven — order and weight — as outlined in the two explanations proposed.

We all know that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes had the obligation to provide "tribute" to the Zhou royal family. However, after the gradual decline of Zhou Tianzi's power, "tribute" became fat in the eyes of the princes--those who had the ability to get it.

"Zuo Chuan" Yun: "At that time, the Son of Heaven was in decline, the government was in the hegemony, and the overlord measured the size of the country and blamed it for its tribute." ”

At first, the overlords did not dare to force the princes to be responsible for their "tribute", at most they only "blackmailed the son of heaven to order the princes", and then the situation gradually began to change, and the overlords began to blatantly ask the princes for "tribute".

"Sub-production contending" and "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" - Zichan always thinks from The standpoint of Zheng Guo

"Eastern Zhou Kingdoms, Spring and Autumn Chapter" Qi Huangong stills

Originally, according to the system of the Zhou Dynasty, the weight of "tribute" was arranged according to the "dignity", according to the "Book of Shang": "The Four Square People's Great Peace Conference, Hou, Dian, Male, Bang, Cai, Wei, Hundred Workers Sower, and See Shi Yu Zhou." "It can be concluded that the order is Hou, Dian, male.

In fact, the nature of the princes of the "Dian" level was to temporarily manage the land on behalf of the Zhou royal family, and they did not need to bear military tasks. That is to say, for the princes of the "Dian" level, precisely because the military requirements are relatively low, most of the income needs to be provided to the royal family in preparation for the royal family's military expenditure, so although their positions are low, they still have to bear a heavy "tribute".

We all know that Zheng Bo's status is only "male", but the Jin state has to pay the "tribute" according to the standards of "Hou" and "Dian", no wonder the children will shout injustice; and Zheng Guo is only a small country, it has to deal with the two overlords of Jin and Chu at the same time, the burden is too heavy. Therefore, the sub-industry hopes to establish a new system, otherwise the supply of small countries will not be enough, and sooner or later they will perish.

Zi Chan raised his head and protested against the unequal treatment, causing his fellow uncle to pinch a cold sweat and blame him: "If the princes are begging, can they be blasphemed?" However, Zi Chan was worthy of being a courageous person, and he had long seen that "there are many people in jin government, and there is no time to steal, so why bother?" Moreover, "if the country does not compete with the mausoleum, what country does it?" "Of course, the offspring must be argued for on the basis of reason, otherwise it will be even more despicable." And the facts have also proved that the offspring is right to do this, if it shows weakness at that time, there will be endless troubles!

"Sub-production contending" and "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" - Zichan always thinks from The standpoint of Zheng Guo

"Eastern Zhou States, Spring and Autumn" Stills of the Jin Dynasty Chariot

"Han Xuanzi Suohuan" is another good example. Han Xuanzi had a jade bracelet that fell into the hands of Zheng Guo's merchants, so he came to Zheng Guo to ask for it. Zi Chan refused on the grounds of "not being a guard of the government", but Uncle Zi and Zi Yu thought that Han Xuanzi did not ask for much, and that he was such an important figure, he should be able to curry favor with him, and if someone said something to provoke dissension from it and annoyed him, he would regret it. Why offend a big country by cherishing a jade ring?

As everyone knows, the strategy of childbirth can be described as far-sighted. "Zuo Chuan" Yun: "I am not secretly promoted but have two hearts, and I will end up with it, and I am loyal and faithful." ”

The Jin state is a big country, and if the small state affairs respond to its needs, it will make the desires of the big countries insatiable, and will gradually exceed zheng Guo's supply capacity; for the "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" matter, whether it is given to him or rejected, the degree of offending him will actually be greater.

Therefore, the best way is to stick to the position of "rebuking it with courtesy", which is not to have two hearts for the Jin state, but for the sake of long-term planning. If Zheng Guo blindly pasted the Jin State, then Zheng Guo would become their border city, so that it would lose the dominance of the country. What's more, Han Xuanzi was ordered to go on an envoy, but instead came to ask for the jade ring, wasn't this too greedy?

"Sub-production contending" and "Han Xuanzi Suohuan" - Zichan always thinks from The standpoint of Zheng Guo

Envoys during the Spring and Autumn Period

Let's think about it, because of a jade ring, there are two kinds of sins caused - one is to make Zheng Guo lose his national status, and the other is to make Han Xuanzi a greedy person, is it necessary to do this?

If the child is indeed very reasonable, it can also be seen that the child always thinks from the standpoint of the state, and he will never let the dignity of the country be harmed.

The child responded with beautiful diplomatic rhetoric in order to successfully achieve the goal. The persistence of the sub-property eventually made Han Xuanzi dare not force it anymore, so he had to turn to the merchant to buy at a low price. And the merchants were not willing to complain, and zichan took Zheng Guo's oath of alliance and made a big truth, advising Han Xuanzi that if he lost credibility among the princes in order to obtain jade, then he would inevitably lose his reputation among the princes because of small losses, and finally persuade "Han Zi Ciyu", so that Zheng Guo could have a relatively perfect ending in the matter of "Han Xuanzi Suohuan".

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