
I can't buy a jade ring that can't be taken away

I can't buy a jade ring that can't be taken away

Tang Xuanzong and Yang Yuhuan, the famous painter Hou Taolong provided pictures

Rong Haisheng

In the thirteenth year of Lu Zhaogong (529 BC), in the Pingqiu Hui League, Zheng Guo's ruling chancellor Zi Zhi argued on the basis of reason, so that the Jin State agreed to lower the tribute demands on zheng guo. In order to appease the allies, in March of the sixteenth year of lu Zhaogong, the ruling minister of the Jin dynasty, Han Zhizheng, asked Zheng Guo. Zheng Ding publicly hosted a banquet to entertain him.

Han Qi is a person who attaches great importance to cultural accomplishment. The "Zuo Chuan Zhao Gong 2nd Year" records that Han Qi once visited the home of Lu Guo Taishi and studied books such as the I Ching and Lu Chunqiu, and the Marquis of Jin often asked him to visit on behalf of the Jin Dynasty. Han Qi is also a master of gold and stone, and has a special love for jade. He treasured a jade ring, very exquisite', and often admired. He found out that there was a similar jade ring in the hands of Zheng Guo's merchants, so he took the opportunity to ask Zheng Dinggong to get this jade ring and make it fit together. Unexpectedly, the son did not agree to give it, saying: "This jade ring of Zheng Guo is not an artifact preserved in the state treasury, and our monarch does not know it." ”

Afterwards, Zheng Guo's chancellor Zi Uncle and Zi Yu said to Zi Chan: "The Jin state is a big country and a hegemon, and Han Xuanzi (Han Qi) is the ruling minister of the Jin state, and his requirements are not much, just a jade ring." We don't dare to have a grudge against the Jin Dynasty, let alone offend Han Xuanzi. If someone uses this to stir up dissension between the two countries and annoy Han Xuanzi, it will be too late to regret it. We can't skimp on a jade ring! Zi Chan said: "I did not do this to be rude to Jin Guo and Han Xuanzi, but to consider it for a long time." What worries a gentleman is not the lack of possessions, but that he is in a high position and has no good reputation. Governing a country should consider how to get along with other countries and maintain the status of the country according to etiquette. We are small countries, and respect for large countries should be reflected in etiquette, not in their favor, unreasonable demands on them, if they are not rejected by etiquette, once they become more intense, we will not be able to bear it. Isn't it a sin for Han Xuanzi to go on an envoy at the behest of the monarch and lose his reputation in order to obtain a jade ring? ”

I can't buy a jade ring that can't be taken away

Jade is the essence of heaven and earth

Han Qi heard about the businessman and negotiated directly with the businessman to buy the jade ring, and negotiated the price under the inducement to make a deal soon. The businessman said, "This matter must be told to the ruling grand master." Han Qi said to ZiChan, "Not long ago, I asked Dinggong for that jade ring, and Mr. Zichan thought it was not moral. Now that I have found everyone in Yuhuan, he also agreed to sell Yuhuan to me, do you agree? Zi Chan replied: "From the day Zheng Guo founded the country, he told the people: Do not force the people to buy things, so that they will not betray Zheng Guo." Relying on this oath of alliance, the whole country is united in its heart and loyal to the alliance lord. You came to Zhengguo for friendship, but you asked us to agree to rob the merchants of things, which will make us reneg on our oath of alliance. It will also tarnish your reputation. Han Qi finally gave up the jade ring in pain.

When he returned from his mission, Han Qi specially visited Zichan and presented him with baoyu and horses, saying: "You let Han Qi abandon the jade ring and give me golden jade good words, so as to express your thanks with a thin gift!" Han Qi's shrewdness and the righteousness of the son' production, the two of them jointly performed a good story of maintaining a good business environment. (Rong Haisheng, Vice President of Shandong Fuxi Yaoshun Cultural Research Association, Secretary General of Heze Federation of Social Sciences, Director of Caozhou Institute of History and Culture)

One point number human heze

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