
How did Emperor Yuancheng ascend to the throne?

In the second year of the Unification of the Yuan Dynasty (1261), Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, crowned his eldest son Zhenjin as the King of Yan and led Zhongshu to save trouble. In May of the fourth year of the reign of The Chinese Dynasty (1263), King Zhenjin of Yan added a zhongshu order and sentenced him to the Privy Council. In February of the tenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1273), Yuan Shizu established his eldest son Zhenjin as crown prince according to the principle of the inheritance system of the eldest son of the Han family.

How did Emperor Yuancheng ascend to the throne?

Zhenjin has been familiar with Confucian classics since childhood, has a high degree of Confucian knowledge, has a deep understanding of the idea of benevolent government, attaches great importance to Han Chen, and cares deeply. He also has a good understanding of the sufferings of the people and has a generous heart of love for the people. If Zhenjin can succeed to the throne normally and become the next emperor, he will certainly be able to become the king of benevolence and love for the people. However, although Yuan Shizu admired the prince's benevolent way, he was obsessed with the courtiers who were disgusted by the crown prince for financial management, and the gap between father and son was deepening because of the different concepts of governing the country.

In the 22nd year of the Yuan Dynasty (1285), Yushi Shangshang asked Shizu Zen to give the crown prince the throne to raise the heavenly year (it is not excluded that it was a conspiracy deliberately laid out by the financial ministers), and the crown prince, in order to avoid misunderstandings, asked The Imperial Household Governor Shangwen to hide the recital. However, The Songzhang was still learned by Shizu, and in a fit of rage, Yuan Shizu ordered Emperor Daijongjongji to try the case, and the spearhead was directed at the crown prince.

Fortunately, the matter was barely over, but the relationship between the crown prince and the ancestor had already led to a father-son discord, and Zhenjin was worried and depressed, and died of illness in the early December of the twenty-second year of the Yuan Dynasty (1285). After the crown prince died depressed, Yuan Shizu also regretted it greatly and posthumously awarded zhenjin as "Prince Mingxiao".

How did Emperor Yuancheng ascend to the throne?

Prince Mingxiao had three sons, all of whom were born to his wife, Hiroyoshi. Yuan Shizu's favorite is his third grandson, Timur. In the 29th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1292), Shizu made Prince Mingxiao's eldest son Ganma La the King of Jin and left the town of Mobei, while his second son, Da La Ma Ba La, was sent to Huaizhou (present-day Qinyang, Henan) in the Central Plains Han Dynasty to live (Da La Ma Ba La was born deaf and mute, which means that he had no connection with the throne), leaving only his third son Tie Mu Er in Dadu, and waiting with him. The different arrangements of the three grandsons of the Yuan Dynasty show that Timur has become the heir to the throne that he has chosen.

In June of the 30th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1293), Timur was ordered by Yuan Shizu to leave the town of Ha la and Lin (present-day Erdenezhao, Mongolia), and Yuan Shizu also granted Tie Mu'er the "Crown Prince Treasure" that Prince Mingxiao once held.

By the 22nd day of the first month of the 31st year of the Yuan Dynasty (1294), Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty died in Dadu, and the emperors who received the news, Ganmala and Timur, rushed back to Shangdu and gathered the kings of the clan to discuss the ownership of the throne. At the suggestion of the brothers' biological mother, Princess Hiroyoshi of the Ming Dynasty, the hadith of the ancestors was used to decide who would succeed to the throne.

How did Emperor Yuancheng ascend to the throne?

Ganmara has a slight stuttering problem, while Timur is articulate and quick-witted, so in the recitation, Ganmara is not his brother's opponent at all, and he loses the battle and passes by the throne. Relying on the "recitation of the hadith" in exile, as well as the "Crown Prince Treasure" he already possessed, and the newly obtained "Chuanguo Seal", Timur officially succeeded to the throne in Shangdu Da'an Pavilion and became the second emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Chengzong Guanze Du Khan (referring to Kublai Khan after he formally established the Yuan Dynasty and became emperor).

After Timur ascended the throne, he posthumously honored his grandfather Kublai Khan as Emperor Wenwu of the Sacred Virtue God Gong, with the title of "Xue Chan Khan"; posthumously honored his father as Emperor Wenhui Mingxiao and "Yuzong" at the temple. After that, the three sons of Emperor Yuanyuzong, in the following years, successively became emperors (or were posthumously honored as emperors by their descendants), and received the title of emperor after their deaths--the eldest son Ganma la, who was later posthumously honored as Emperor Yuanxianzong by his son Emperor Taiding and his grandson Timur; the second son of Yuan, Emperor Yuanwu, was later posthumously honored as Emperor Yuanshunzong by his son Emperor Wuzong Haishan; and the third son was Yuan Chengzong. That is to say, the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty after Emperor Wuzong of Yuan were all descendants of Emperor Zhenjin of Yuanyuzong (including the Khans of the Northern Yuan and the Tatar Chahar Department).

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