
9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

author:Otaku reads books

The first book of "Burial Yuan" Author: Wu Lie Words: 2.881 million

Introduction: After Yashan, the Great Song Dynasty was destroyed, and the land of Shenzhou was devastated. In troubled times, it is not easy to survive, let alone resist tyranny? However, even in such a desperate situation, there are still brave people who dare to challenge fate.

The protagonist, a modern-day international criminal, travels to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty with the police flower by chance. In the face of the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty and the oppression of the Yuan Dynasty, they were in Goryeo, but their hearts were attached to their homeland. With wisdom and courage, the protagonist disguises himself as a Goryeo nobleman, blends into the officialdom of the Yuan Dynasty, and secretly arranges in an attempt to subvert tyranny. He trained elite soldiers, built dock forts, and used Taiwan as a base to unite Jurchen, Goryeo, Dongying and other forces to jointly plan the great cause of opposing the Yuan. After the test of life and death, he finally raised the anti-flag in the name of Tang Guogong, recovered Jiangnan, unified the south, and launched the Northern Expedition, and finally recovered the Han family.

Advantages of the novel: The beginning is fascinating, the world view setting is unique, and the scene of troubled times is vividly depicted. The characters are vivid, the battle scenes are exciting, the main line is clear, and the story rhythm is tight. At the same time, the novel provides an in-depth analysis of the social landscape and character psychology of the Yuan Dynasty, so that readers can better understand the historical background of that era.

The shortcomings of the novel: Some of the plots are too idealistic, there are too many private goods, and the treatment of ethnic and gender equality issues is a little blunt. The later plot is a little empty and weak, with the suspicion of rapid advancement and hasty ending.

Summary: This is an alternate novel set in the history of the Yuan Dynasty, with novel themes and strong storytelling. Although there are some shortcomings, it is still a good book to read overall. For readers who like historical themes and passionate essays, this work should not be missed.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The second book of "Men's Travel" Author: Alcoholic Words: 2.333 million

Introduction: In troubled times, we may not be able to choose life and death, but we can choose how to live!

The protagonist accidentally travels to the end of the Yuan Dynasty, participates in the Red Turban Uprising due to a misunderstanding, and becomes the leader of the rebel army. He witnessed the brutality of the Yuan Dynasty and the suffering of the Han people, and was determined to change all that. He formulated a development plan, clarified the purpose of the rebellion, united all the forces that could be united, and successively brought all forces under his command in a conspiracy way. Based on the masses, he accumulated grain and grass, slowly called the king, and launched a head-to-head confrontation with the Yuan Dynasty. In the end, he succeeded in recreating the Central Plains, opening the colonial era and spreading the fire of Chinese civilization to all parts of the world.

Advantages of the novel: The historical atmosphere is strong, and the plot is smooth and stable. The author depicts the scene and character psychology of the troubled times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty through delicate brushstrokes. At the same time, the novel combines elements such as farming development and military hegemony, making the story more colorful.

The shortcomings of the novel: Some of the plots are flat and straightforward, lacking personal characteristics and real cool points. The image of the protagonist is made too violently, and it seems too benevolent and virginal. In addition, there is a certain amount of didactic brainwashing private goods in the novel, which is slightly idealized.

Summary: This is a commercial historical fiction of the Yuan Dynasty, and the quality is decent. Although there are some shortcomings, it is still a work worth reading overall. For readers who like historical themes and easy reading, this work is a good choice to pass the time and find fun.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The third book of "Guidebook" Author: Alcoholic Words: 1.512 million

Introduction: In the torrent of history, a group of warriors stood up to defend the dignity and freedom of civilization. They are not afraid of power, life and death, and vow to explore another possibility of history and fight for the way out of civilization. The protagonist, with the body of Prime Minister Wen Tianxiang and the wisdom of the old Red Army of later generations, squandered his blood and fought for the dignity of the nation before the sunset on Yashan.

The protagonist Wen Tianxiang blends with the old Red Army of later generations in his dream, and has insight into historical trends and advanced knowledge. In the face of the shattered Southern Song Dynasty, he resolutely raised troops to serve the king, wandered on the edge of life and death, and turned to fight in all directions. He went deep among the people, mobilized the masses, disseminated new ideas, looked for hope in desperate situations, and gradually reversed the fate of the times. However, the collision of Confucianism and modern ideas forced him to make a choice, establish a position, and find a path that conformed to the times.

Advantages of the novel: This is a work full of heroic epics, with rigorous historical research, and the author shows another possibility of history from a unique perspective. The plot is compact, the plot is full, the details are exquisite, and the description of the war scenes is particularly wonderful. The historical figures are clearly shaped, the sense of collision with each other is strong, and the atmosphere is in place.

Disadvantages of the novel: Due to the great difficulty of resisting the yuan, some plots are inevitably idealized, which seems to be a bit deliberate and coincidental. The hot-blooded style is too violent, and some of the plot may not stand up to scrutiny.

Summary: This is an alternate novel set in the history of the Yuan Dynasty, which has successfully attracted the attention of many readers with its unique theme and style. Although there are some shortcomings, the overall quality is high, and the flaws are not hidden. For readers who like historical themes and hot-blooded style, this work is worth reading. (PS: A little knowledge, the guide is the name of Prime Minister Wen Tianxiang's poetry collection.) )

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The fourth book "Han Feng 1276" Author: Mao Jump Words: 3.086 million

Synopsis: When Kublai Khan's iron cavalry swept across Eurasia, a new force was quietly rising on a deserted island on the coast of the East China Sea. Chu Feng, a traverser, took Ryukyu Island as a starting point, relying on the three chapters of the Civil Covenant Law and the wisdom of the traverser, and gradually established his own foundation. He farmed and climbed technology, formed a fleet, expanded his power to Dongying, Goryeo and other places, and finally established a powerful maritime empire.

At the time of the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Chu Feng sent a righteous army to support the imperial court, although it failed to change the fate of the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, but it saved the little emperor, Lu Xiufu, Wen Tianxiang and others, and inspired the will of the people of the world to resist. Chu Feng founded the Han Dynasty and knew that the land could not compete with the Mengyuan Empire, so he chose to establish a sea power empire and opened the colonial era of great navigation. He conquered the western countries, launched a fierce arms race with the Mongol and Yuan empires, and finally divided the world into two worlds for the ultimate decisive battle.

Advantages of the novel: The historical research of the work is rigorous, and it has a certain scientific value. The plot is smooth and stable, the main line is clear, the story rhythm is tight, and the tension is moderate. The characters are wonderful, showing the style of the times from the perspective of small people, as well as the changes and interesting stories of historical figures. The war scenes are vividly depicted, and the atmosphere is well rendered.

Disadvantages of the novel: As a Xiaobai Shuangwen, some of the plot is too idealistic, and the details are slightly rough. In the middle and late stages, there are repetitive routines and templates, and there is a lack of unexpected surprises.

Summary: This is an alternate novel set in the history of the Yuan Dynasty, which has attracted many readers with its wonderful story and unique style. Although there are some shortcomings, the overall quality is high, the volume is large, and the tube is full and hearty. For readers who like historical themes and cool writing style, this work should not be missed. Highly recommended!

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The fifth book "Under the Whole World" Author: Shawshank 117 Word count: 1.711 million

Synopsis: Zhao Cheng, a freshman in the history department of a university, accidentally traveled to the Mongolian steppe in 1206 and mysteriously appeared in Genghis Khan's Golden Horde. From a baby to Genghis Khan's brainchild, he witnessed the rise of Mongolia and the changes in the world. Mongolia, Western Xia, Jin, Song Dynasty, various regimes and nationalities were intertwined in front of him, and in the long river of history, he planted the seeds of resistance. Religion, culture, and politics, he collided with them, merged with them, and finally ushered in a new era.

Zhao Cheng showed extraordinary wisdom and courage since childhood, and won the appreciation of Genghis Khan and became his important adviser. He accompanied Genghis Khan in the southern and northern wars, established great military exploits, and became a prince. However, his ambitions don't stop there. After the death of Genghis Khan, he took advantage of the power struggle and successfully became independent, eventually eliminating the Jin, Song, Western Xia and other forces, and becoming a generation of emperors.

Advantages of the novel: the entry point is unique, the war scenes are vivid, and the first half of the battle experience following Genghis Khan is exciting. The writing is smooth, the rhythm is tight, and the climax is repeated. The storyline of the undercover subversion of Mongolia is novel and refreshing.

Disadvantages of the novel: Some of the plot is too idealistic, and the beginning of the prodigy flow is slightly abrupt. There are errors in the order of historical events, which gives people a sense of disobedience. In the later stage, the part of the Central Plains was slightly routine and lacked novelty.

Summary: This is a fantasy and epic historical fiction of the Yuan Dynasty. Despite its flaws, its unique charm and deep impression are unforgettable. For readers who like historical themes and fantasy elements, this book is worth reading.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The sixth book "The Glory of the Empire" Author: Zeng Yan Word count: 1.585 million

Synopsis: In the troubled times of the late Yuan Dynasty, modern people traveled through and built a new empire with faith, steel and gunpowder. He gradually grew from a folk man who was recruited by the Yuan Court to a general of the Red Turban Army, and finally led the rise of a new era.

At the beginning of the protagonist's crossing, he became a folk man who repaired the Yellow River, and then was caught up in the wave of the Red Turban Uprising. With his extraordinary wisdom and courage, he formed a deep friendship with Ding Dexing, Fu Youde and others. They experienced life and death together, struggled together, and eventually became the best of the Red Turban Army. Under the planning of the protagonist, they occupied the south of the Yangtze River, accumulated grain and grass, and laid a solid foundation for the future hegemony.

Advantages of the novel: The story is tightly paced and climaxes are repeated. The content of the uprising and rebellion is vividly described, and the scenes of farming and war are very wonderful.

Disadvantages of the novel: The main line is similar to Zhu Yuanzhang's experience in history, lacking novelty. Some details are not refined enough, and there is content to reduce intelligence. On the whole, it is a more routine Xiaobai Shuangwen.

Summary: Although "Glory of Empire" is slightly lacking in innovation and detail, its smooth prose and tight story rhythm can still make readers feel the weight of history and heroic pride. For readers who like historical themes and cool writing style, this book is still worth reading.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The seventh book of "Anti-Yuan" Author: Hanwei Word count: 1.312 million

Introduction: Zhang Yang, an expert in the design and manufacture of modern light weapons, traveled to the end of the Yuan Dynasty and possessed Zhang Shicheng, a smuggler of salt. He used modern knowledge to make weapons and fight the country, determined to overthrow the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty and unify China.

With modern knowledge, Zhang Yang quickly gained a firm foothold in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty. He manufactures weapons, recruits soldiers, and strategizes to gradually expand his sphere of influence. In the struggle against other forces, he showed extraordinary wisdom and courage, and finally succeeded in overthrowing the rule of the Yuan dynasty and establishing a new dynasty.

Advantages of the novel: the entry point is novel, the writing is smooth, and the cool style is obvious. The war scenes are vividly described and make people's blood boil. Farming and climbing the tech tree complement the content of the military battle, making the story more compact and engaging.

The shortcomings of the novel: some of the plot is too idealistic, the speed of invention is too fast, and it feels unreal. The details are not fine enough, and there is content that reduces intelligence. On the whole, it is a more routine Xiaobai Shuangwen.

Summary: Although "Anti-Yuan" has some shortcomings, its unique entry point and tight storyline still attract many readers. For readers who like historical themes and cool writing style, this book is still worth reading.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The eighth book of "The End of the Yuan Dynasty" Author: Xu Yu Qiankun Word count: 1.916 million

Introduction: At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the troubled times were in flames, and heroes were born. A soul from the future unexpectedly descends in these turbulent times, and in order to survive, he embarks on a journey to change history. From the confusion of the first troubled times to the final standing at the pinnacle of history, how will he write his legend? Will you become a hero who saves the common people, or will you become a powerful hero? In the long river of history, how has his figure been commented on by later generations?

The protagonist, as the heir of the Han landlord Haoqiang's family, travels to the chaotic times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. He witnessed the suffering of the people and deeply felt the decay of the Mengyuan regime. With his foresight, he relied on the power of his clan to become a local inspector, secretly train elite soldiers, show kindness to the people, and govern the county in an orderly manner. When the Red Turban Rebellion broke out, he decisively took advantage of the situation and won the position and power in the rebel army with both wisdom and courage.

Subsequently, he followed Liu Futong to fight in the south and the north, went through the test of life and death, and gradually established his own power. Knowing well the shortcomings of the righteous army, he decided to follow his own path, formulate a program, clarify the distinction between civil and military, establish a system, unite the people, and develop the economy. He supported the rebels many times and gained a good reputation. In the end, in the collision with other heroes of troubled times, he unified the north with the south and forged a powerful empire.

Advantages of the novel: The historical atmosphere is strong, elements such as conquest, conspiracy, and farming are intertwined, the plot is smooth, and the main line is clear. The characters are distinctive, and the temperament of a hero in troubled times is written. At the same time, the novel also vividly depicts the social environment, customs, etc., so that readers can feel the style of that era.

The shortcomings of the novel: Some of the details are slightly rough, and there is a lack of breaking points to push the plot to the climax. It is too flat and lacks sensational content, and it is difficult to arouse strong emotional resonance among readers. In the end, the decisive battle with Zhu Yuanzhang ended quickly, and the plots such as the Northern Expedition to Mengyuan only stayed at the outline stage, which is regrettable.

Summary: This is a medium-to-high quality Yuan Dynasty historical fiction. The story is strong, and the performance is balanced in all aspects. However, there is a lack of impressive highlights. Overall, though, it's a book worth reading, especially for those who love historical subjects.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain

The ninth book "The Battle for Domination of the World at the End of the Yuan Dynasty" Author: Broken Recipe Word count: 1.102 million

Introduction: Zhu Ziming, a modern person, accidentally traveled to the troubled times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In this era of heroes, can he compete with Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng and other heroes to realize the century-old vision of unifying the world, expelling the Tartars, and restoring China? It's a story of ambition, power, resourcefulness and courage.

Summary: This is a fast-food novel with an overhead theme of the history of the Yuan Dynasty, which belongs to the category of Xiaobai Shuangwen. The writing is smooth, the story is compact, and the climax is repeated. However, the novel is more routine in terms of plot setting and character building, and the details are slightly rough. Despite this, it is still somewhat readable, making it suitable for readers who like this genre to try it out.

9 novels that have completed the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the old country of the homeland is in trouble, and the loyal soul is washed away by wind and rain


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