
After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

War is often accompanied by killing and fear, so people want to live a stable, peaceful life. But war cannot be changed, whether it is because of the ruler's plundering of land or greed for wealth, which is the reason for their war. In China, since ancient times, wars have continued to exist, and the war that has seriously injured China's vitality is probably about the war with Japan. When our ancestors exchanged their blood for victory, Japan paid a terrible price. After World War II, their first task was to restore the population, but Japan used a very fast method to restore the population to 100 million, the method was very simple, but it was a bitter woman.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

Before the start of World War II, Japan had been planning and strategizing for a long time. Militarism has been practiced in its own country, and it has been practiced for many years, and almost all of Japan is covered by soldiers. Therefore, during World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long because of their ambitions, whether in China or Southeast Asia, there were Japanese battlefields, and they even extended to the Pacific. It is precisely because of their large-scale war that the male population in their country has been greatly reduced. After the war, the first thing Japan had to solve was the serious imbalance in the proportion of the population. They started out like other countries, but it was then that they thought of a shortcut that would allow their country to grow its population.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

They came up with a lot of policies on the subject, and they, like other countries, encouraged people to have children, implemented rewards, and could be polygamous, but none of this allowed Japan's population to grow rapidly. At this moment, they thought of another way, but it was because of this method that the Japanese girls were suffering, because they changed the age of the girls who could marry, and the previous law was that women could not marry until they were 18 years old, and they changed the age of 18 to 13 years old. We all know that girls are still a development at the age of 13, and at the age of 13, they are still just a simple child, they may still need the care and companionship of their parents, but at this young age, they begin to experience the life of their mothers.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

Not only that, but compared to these girls, these are both physical and psychological damage to them. Being tied up in marriage at an age when they are still ignorant is tantamount to pulling up seedlings for them. They will no longer be able to enjoy their beautiful life in this life, and they will be imprisoned by the family for the rest of their lives, and they will assume the responsibilities and obligations of their mothers prematurely. In their minds, childhood may no longer be beautiful landscapes and beautiful clothes, and the only memories must be children's cries and the faces of their husbands.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

As young as they were young, they fell into the family's chai rice oil and salt prematurely, unable to stand on their own. It is precisely because of this method adopted by Japan that the population of Japan has recovered rapidly, and other countries are very surprised to see this situation. Subsequently, Japan recovered very quickly, both economically and elsewhere, greatly reducing some of japan's losses after the war, and achieving the fastest recovery process.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

But is this Japanese approach really good? Although they have recovered a lot of losses, are they really doing this for the sake of the people? Subsequently, the phenomenon of men, women and children in Japanese families is common, and women do not have the ability to support themselves, because they take on the life of housewives too early, all they can do is to do housework and watch children, while men are slowly getting old, and some people say that they can rely on their children. However, even if children can take care of them, they must have their own lives.

After World War II, the population of Japan quickly recovered to 100 million, and the method was simple, that is, it was painful for women

This method implemented in Japan, although simple, has stifled the beautiful dreams of countless young girls and brought endless troubles to the future family life. It is equivalent to copying the ancient Chinese marriage system. This system deprives women of their freedom and equality, so China abolished such a system and demanded equality for everyone, while Japan is still trapped in the ideological dilemma of male superiority over female inferiority. So, do you have anything to say about this practice in Japan?

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