
He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

Among the founding generals of New China, many suffered injuries and illnesses of varying degrees during the war, and after liberation, they could not continue to work and had to leave their jobs to recuperate. Like zhang Renchu, a founding lieutenant general, he was injured 11 times, and finally his body could not withstand leaving his job for 8 years to recuperate, and his health improved and he resumed work.

He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

Zhang Renchu, a general who came out of the Red Fourth Front, participated in the Jute Uprising in 1927. After joining the Red Army, he went all the way from squad leader to platoon commander, deputy company commander, battalion commander, regiment commander and other positions. In the three anti-encirclement and suppression battles, many of them were seriously injured and survived.

He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

In 1932, he followed the troops westward to the Sichuan-Shaanxi region to open up a base area, and repeatedly competed with the Sichuan Army. In 1935, after the Red First and Fourth Fronts joined the division, he was transferred to the Red Front as a battalion commander and participated in the famous Battle of Lazikou. The victory in the battle of Lazikou was not unrelated to his position as the commander of the assault battalion, in order to take the position, he led his troops to face the enemy 6 times, which showed how brave he was.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the commander of the 115th Division, participated in the battles of Pingxingguan and other battles, and was promoted to regimental commander due to his outstanding achievements. In the confrontation with the Japanese army, the most tragic thing was to launch a white-knife battle with the Japanese puppet army, fiercely fighting to repel the Japanese attack 9 times a day.

He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

During the liberation period, he served as the commander of the Luzhong Military Region, which was later assigned to the Order of the East China Field Army and changed to the 8th Column of the East China Field Army, with Wang Jian'an as its commander and his chief of staff. Under the leadership of Wang Jian'an, he participated in the Battle of Laiwu and the Battle of Menglianggu. Later, after Wang Jian'an was promoted, he succeeded the commander of the column and inflicted heavy losses on Huang Baitao's corps in the first phase of the Battle of Huaihai.

He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

After the founding of New China, he led his troops to support the Korean war, fighting in the Korean battlefield for more than a year, annihilating more than 35,000 enemy troops. After returning to China in 1952, his health problems occurred, and by 1954, he resigned from all his posts and recuperated in Qingdao, which was 8 years, until 1962, when his health improved, he resumed his work, and served as the deputy commander of the Jinan Military Region.

He fought too fiercely, and after liberation, he left his post to recuperate without delaying the award of titles, and returned to his post as deputy commander after 8 years

Due to the severe damage suffered during the war years, the body recuperated for a long time and improved significantly, but also recurred a few years later, and died of illness in 1969 at the age of 60.

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