
The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

The Qin Dynasty is a famous tyrannical dynasty in China's history, and qin shi huang's brutality is famous. However, from the macro perspective of history, the evaluation of him by historians has now become objective. Because of him, China achieved true unification for the first time, both geographically and culturally. The reason why Qin Shi Huang can get a relatively good evaluation is inseparable from his own great talent, he is the most representative feudal emperor in the feudal period, although he has done many cruel things, but he occupies an important place in Chinese history.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

But what was surprising was that the Great Qin Empire defeated many countries large and small with crushing force, and then began various reforms. It was thought that this was the beginning of a new era, but after the death of Yingzheng, the Great Qin Empire soon declined until it was destroyed.

The main reason for this is, of course, because of the various tyranny of the Qin state, when the people can't stand it, the uprising will follow. After all, for the people, the simplest wish is to live and work in peace and contentment, but if they are in danger every day and still have to worry about their lives at any time, it is better to revolt to overthrow the previous dynasty, at least there is still a possibility of survival.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

In addition, there is another important reason for the dimwittedness of those in power, in the history books and TV series we can all know that Hu Hai, the successor of the Qin State, is a straw bag. Even if it is a straw bale, he is still a very tyrannical and cruel straw bale, in short, he inherited from his father some negative qualities of cold-bloodedness and tyranny, but he did not inherit the heroic strategy of winning the government.

On the contrary, Fu Su, another son of Yingzheng, has a very noble character, and unlike his father's tyranny, he has always approved of benevolent government, and practiced it with his own hands, in the Qin Dynasty, where human life is like grass, perhaps Fusu is the only spiritual belief in the hearts of many people. Fu Su was kind in nature but not cowardly, not only was he brilliant in literature but also had a good martial art, and he also had quite political achievements in the court, so he was very popular with Yingzheng.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

For Yingzheng, this son is good everywhere, and the only bad thing is that he will not be soft. In order to unify academic thinking, Yingzheng once killed many warlocks, and most of the courtiers dared to be angry and dare not speak out, and when they encountered Yingzheng's questions, they had to go along with it a little. However, Fu Su directly wrote to advise, which touched the anti-scales of Yingzheng, and in a fit of rage, he sent Fu Su to the frontier to build the Great Wall.

In fact, he did not really plan to let Fu Su stay in the frontier for a lifetime, but just wanted to make this son soft, by the way, to maintain his dignity as an emperor, when the time came, he would still recall Fu Su. However, Yin Zheng himself did not expect that his body was so poor, and he was worried about his life when he fell ill, so he wrote a letter to prepare to recall Fu Su to succeed to the throne.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

But the letter was sent to Zhao Gao, the most famous treacherous eunuch in history, who did not send the letter at the first time, and after The death of Yin Zheng, he concealed the existence of the letter, and joined forces with Li Si to tamper with the edict and turn his successor into Hu Hai. In order to ensure that Hu Hai could ascend the throne smoothly, Fu Su and Meng Tian and others were bound to be executed, and in this way, the power of the Qin Dynasty fell into the hands of Hu Hai.

After Hu Hai ascended to the throne, the first thing he did was to execute all his brothers and sisters, and he was afraid that his usurpation of the throne would be discovered, and he was also afraid that other relatives would take away his throne, so he chose the stupidest and bloodiest solution. He killed nearly thirty people in total, and there was really no excuse to kill them, and finally he forced his brother to offer to be martyred for Qin Shi Huang, and his brutality far exceeded that of Ying Zheng.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

So how cruel is his murderous method? Archaeologists have found the bones of Yingzheng's daughter. The skeleton was buried in a village where seventeen graves were excavated, of all size, eight of which were excavated intact, and a total of seven bones were excavated. The ancients generally respected the dead, especially after the death of relatives, they would definitely bury their corpses well, but these bones were mutilated, basically the limbs were not sound, and more exaggerated was the separation of the head and the body, and the shape was very frightening.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's daughter was excavated, the scene was too cruel, netizens: Qin had to be destroyed

After experts have seen the cultural relics unearthed from one of the female wooden coffins, they speculate that the owner of the tomb should be The daughter of Yin Zheng, that is, Hu Hai's sister. In fact, in ancient times, there were many stories of brothers in the royal family, but Hu Hai could even poison his relatives and sisters who did not threaten his throne, which showed how narrow this person's heart and vision were, not to mention how cruel he should be to those people who had no blood, such an immoral and unscrupulous emperor, even if he sat on the throne, it was impossible to sit firmly.

In this regard, many netizens sighed after reading it, Qin was destroyed without reason, so brutal, how can it last?

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