
The woman's highlight of the "pregnant state" is actually a tumor at work

Red Net Moment December 27 (Correspondent Gu Yanxin) "Huh? Are you pregnant with your second child? "Are you pregnant?" How did you get so much fat? In recent months, Ms. Chen has often been asked similar questions by acquaintances. I thought that I had gained weight during the long-term home isolation during the epidemic, but in this little half year, it seemed that only my stomach was fat, and it was still hard. Originally thought it was pregnant, Ms. Chen tested her own urine, but did not get pregnant, every month menstruation came on time, but the menstrual volume was more than a month. Then Ms. Chen had symptoms of dizziness and lack of strength, and her face was getting worse and worse, and she fainted once. With a nervous mood, Ms. Chen came to the gynecological outpatient clinic of Zhuzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

This test is not good, the hemoglobin index is 71g/L, it is already moderate anemia, 1/3 less than normal women. After careful examination by the ultrasound doctor, a tumor the size of a "watermelon" was found on Ms. Chen's uterus. Is the tumor benign or malignant? Ms. Chen was very worried.

The woman's highlight of the "pregnant state" is actually a tumor at work

After careful examination, The general women and the owner of the gynecological oncology Department, He Meifang, told Ms. Chen that her series of reactions were caused by uterine fibroids, and this fibroid was huge, with a diameter of 15cm, and the fibroids stubbornly supported Ms. Chen's uterus to be 4-5 months pregnant, so Ms. Chen's menstruation would be so much, and such a large uterine fibroid must be operated on.

Considering that Ms. Chen's fibroids grow rapidly, the possibility of malignancy cannot be completely ruled out, and there is also obvious anemia. After careful and detailed examination and preparation, Director He organized a general discussion and formulated an exclusive surgical plan for Ms. Chen. After the operation, Director He successfully helped Ms. Chen remove the fibroids and preserve the uterus. Fortunately, postoperative pathological results show that the tumor is benign.

"I'm so lucky, the team at the hospital is very professional, thank you." During the postoperative rounds, Ms. Chen said happily. After the operation, Ms. Chen recovered very well, and her appearance became significantly better.

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor in women, and according to statistics, about 20% of women over the age of 30 have uterine fibroids. Fibroids are mostly asymptomatic and are only detected during physical examination. Symptoms are related to the location, size, and presence of degeneration of fibroids, but are less related to the number of fibroids. A common symptom is increased menstrual flow.

Who are the fibroids that tend to "target"?

1. Women of childbearing age

Women in the 30-50 age group, uterine fibroids are more common, it is recommended to have regular physical examinations. New-onset fibroids are rare in women under 20 years of age and after menopause. After menopause, the level of estrogen in the body decreases, and the small fibroids are prone to atrophy and even resolve on their own.

2. Have a family history of uterine fibroids

If someone in an immediate family has had uterine fibroids, the probability of getting fibroids is 4.2 times higher than that of people without a family history of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids have a clear genetic predisposition.

3. Long-term menstrual disorders

Long-term menstrual disorders are mostly caused by disorders in hormone levels in the body. Uterine fibroids are hormone-dependent diseases, so there is a high incidence of uterine fibroids in women with menstrual disorders.

4. Chronic gynecological inflammation troubles

Chronic gynecological inflammation is also one of the risk factors for uterine fibroids, such as vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, endometritis, etc., please go to a regular hospital as soon as possible for thorough treatment.

5. Long-term manual workers

The prevalence of uterine fibroids is higher in long-term manual workers than in office white-collar workers. One study supports this view: workers' prevalence rates (7.27 percent) are more than double that of cadres (3.27 percent) and skilled professionals (2.68 percent), which may be related to factors such as economic income, literacy, work life, sanitation, self-care awareness, and more.

6. Obese people

Studies have shown that for every 10 kilograms of body weight gain, the risk of developing uterine fibroids increases by 21%. But you don't have to worry too much, obesity is often caused by a variety of complex causes, such as mental stress, hormone disorders, etc., uterine fibroids and obesity may be the common result of these factors, can not simply think that obesity is the cause of uterine fibroids.

7. Excessive abuse of hormonal drugs and prolonged mental stress

Stressful stress, recurrent miscarriages, and frequent use of hormones and steroids can also lead to the "presence" of uterine fibroids. Mental stress can affect endocrine levels. Excessive use of birth control pills can increase estrogen levels in the body, which can easily lead to uterine fibroids. Therefore, reducing drug abuse and maintaining a pleasant mood can reduce the risk of uterine fibroids to a certain extent.

8. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome

If you have PCOS, often the ovaries are hyperfunctioning. Diseases that disrupt the endocrine function of the ovaries, such as granuloma and ovarian myeloma, may lead to the occurrence of uterine fibroids.

9. Women who have not experienced pregnancy and childbirth

The more production, the lower the incidence of fibroids, because during pregnancy and lactation, the ovaries do not ovulate and estrogen secretion is at low levels, thus protecting the uterus.

10. Women who smoke

Women who smoke are more likely to get uterine fibroids because cigarettes contain substances that antagonize estrogen, and because of this, women who smoke regularly are also prone to aging. It shows that estrogen cannot be too much in the body, nor too little.

11. Some chromosomal abnormalities

Cytogenetic studies have shown that about 25% to 50% of patients with uterine fibroids have cytogenetic abnormalities, including the interchange of fragments of chromosome 12 and 17, the deletion of chromosome 12 rearrangement and chromosome 7.

In addition to the above factors, mainstream medicine agrees that uterine fibroids are hormone-dependent tumors, and estrogen-progesterone synergistically promotes fibroid growth.

In general, uterine fibroids tend to occur at reproductive age, are rare before puberty, and atrophy or may disappear after menopause. The onset of uterine fibroids is considered to be the result of the interaction of multiple factors, and a single cause is not a sufficient condition for uterine fibroids, but if you are in the above risk factors, please take care of your uterus as soon as possible, take time to do a physical examination, and don't let the uterine fibroids take advantage of the loophole. Don't be like Ms. Chen, who has obvious blood loss and anemia before coming to the doctor!

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