
【Knowledge】What to do if women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids

【Knowledge】What to do if women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common benign tumors in the female reproductive system, but pregnancy can cause some changes. If a woman of childbearing age "becomes pregnant with a tumor" or "has a long tumor during pregnancy", uterine fibroids are not only prone to become larger and degenerate due to pregnancy, but also may adversely affect pregnancy and childbirth.

【Knowledge】What to do if women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids


Do fibroids during pregnancy miscarry?

Uterine fibroids can be divided into: subserous fibroids, intermural fibroids, submucosal fibroids, broad ligament fibroids and cervical fibroids according to the location. Uterine fibroids in different locations also have different effects on pregnancy.

In the first trimester, submucosal fibroids can affect the implantation of fertilized eggs and trigger miscarriage, while intermuscular fibroids form mechanical compression, resulting in deformation of the uterine cavity or inadequate blood supply to the uterus and miscarriage. At the same time, uterine fibroids may also affect placental implantation and development, and placental hypoplasmation or previa occurs. In the third trimester, if the fibroids deform or grow too large or fast, the blood supply to the fibroids is affected, which can lead to fibroid degeneration, which can trigger contractions and lead to premature birth.

Uterine fibroids of different parts and sizes may have completely different clinical manifestations at various stages of pregnancy, and whether they will have an impact on pregnancy depends on the specific situation.


Do you have uterine fibroids to remove before pregnancy?

Since "pregnancy with tumors" has so many risks, is it necessary to remove uterine fibroids before pregnancy and then get pregnant? Not! If the fibroids are small and the location does not affect pregnancy, there is no need to take a stab. However, the following two types of uterine fibroids are best dealt with before pregnancy: one is the uterine fibroids that have an impact on the uterine cavity, such as submucosal fibroids that obviously affect the morphology of the uterine cavity, and some of which affect the intermucoid fibroids of the uterine cavity, both of which will affect conception; the other is ≥5 cm in diameter of uterine fibroids, which will accelerate growth during pregnancy, causing abdominal pain, fever, threatened miscarriage or fetal growth restrictions.

What conditions occur during pregnancy that require surgery

Asymptomatic uterine fibroids during pregnancy can be temporarily observed. Surgery can be considered to minimize fetal risk under the premise of maternal safety: fibroids grow rapidly in the short term and are highly suspected of malignancy; red degeneration of fibroids, which is ineffective with conservative drug treatment for 72 hours; subserosal fibroid pedicle torsion, secondary infection, acute pelvic pain, etc., conservative treatment is ineffective; fibroids compress adjacent organs and cause serious symptoms.

How long it takes to prepare for pregnancy after uterine fibroid surgery

There is an increased risk of uterine rupture following uterine fibroid decorceration. This is mainly related to the nature, size, location, number, surgical method, postoperative incision healing, and postoperative contraceptive time.

Those with subserosal fibroids can try to conceive up three months after surgery. Those with intermuscular fibroids or submucosal fibroids can only try to conceive one year after surgery.

Source: Health Newspaper

Editor: Meng Fanjin

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