
Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

Stills of "Tang Yin" Clip Courtesy of Suzhou Ballet

BEIJING, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- Founded in 2007, Suzhou Ballet will perform five performances in three theaters in Beijing, from December 31 to January 8, 2022, in two works, "Fine Products Gathering - Spring Festival" and "My Name is Lilac". Among them, "My Name is Lilac" will also be used as the opening performance of the "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the 22nd "Meet Beijing" International Art Festival and the "Meet Beijing meet Jiangnan" Suzhou Culture and Art Exhibition Week.

Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

Stills of "Spring Festival" Courtesy of Suzhou Ballet

"The Gathering of Fine Arts - The Rite of Spring": innovation and challenge, paying tribute to the classics with the tiptoe

As the first copyright introduction work of Suzhou Ballet, the 20th century American choreographer Glenn Tateley's version of "The Duty of Spring" appeared on the Chinese stage for the first time in 2020. In this work, Glenn Tethley incorporates his personal dance language, opening up a whole new concept of movement vocabulary in the techniques of ballet and modern dance, thus making the Rite of Spring one of his most technically difficult classics.

In 2020, suba overcame all difficulties under the influence of the global epidemic and completed the rehearsal of "Spring Festival" in the form of online video rehearsal and successfully premiered. Foreign rehearsal teacher Alexander Zaitsev is a well-known freelance dancer and guest ballet master of many leading ballet companies, having served as principal dancer of the Stuttgart Ballet. He said: "'Spring Festival' is a difficult work that can change the dancer's concept of ballet, and the actors of Suzhou Ballet have a solid professional foundation and good understanding, although they can't communicate face-to-face, they can still quickly understand and achieve the expected effect, which is really amazing!" ”

In 2021, Suba rearranged "The Charity of Spring", and together with the wonderful clips of Suba's original repertoire such as "Xi Shi", "Tang Yin", "Carmen", "Chopin's Poems", as well as classic fragments of classical ballet such as "Fairy" and "Ge bellea", a "big drama" with diverse styles and rich content was formed, "Fine Collection - Spring Festival". This performance will be performed as Suba's "New Year's Eve Drama" in 2022, on December 31 and January 1, 2022 at the Beijing Tianqiao Theater.

Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

"My Name is Lilac" Stills Courtesy of Suzhou Ballet

"My Name Is Lilac": Love and Faith, Paying Homage to Heroes with Tiptoes

Ding Xiang, a Suzhou girl, was pregnant at the age of 22 and sacrificed herself in Nanjing Yuhuatai for the cause of revolution. Today, among the 16 female martyrs exhibited at the Yuhuatai Martyrs' Memorial Hall, Lilac is one of them. However, the story of Lilac opens in another form after her sacrifice, her husband Isle Hong met his later wife 18 years after Lilac's sacrifice, and gave birth to the first daughter with this girl who looked like Lilac, named Le Lilac, and continued the blood spirit of the martyrs...

Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

In June this year, Su Ba's centenary gift of the founding of the Party" "My Name is Lilac" was successfully staged in Suzhou. As Su Ba's first realistic theme work, the play is directed and choreographed by national first-class actor YaBin; Zhao Ruxun, honorary chairman of the China Dancers Association, serves as the artistic consultant; and He Jianming, vice chairman of the China Writers Association, serves as the literary consultant.

Delicate and exquisite ballet interpretation, shallow chanting and low singing of Kunqu recitation, graceful Jiangnan woman holding an oil-paper umbrella... In this red-themed dance drama, although it is full of tension under the shroud of war, it gives the overall sensory experience an indelible Jiangnan temperament. On January 5, 2022, the play will be staged at the Shunyi Grand Theater in Beijing, and then on January 7 and 8, 2022, it will be performed at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center on January 7 and 8, 2022 at the invitation of the "Meet Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the 22nd "Meet Beijing" International Arts Festival "Meet Jiangnan" Suzhou Culture and Art Week.

Suzhou Ballet brings high-quality plays to Beijing New Year's Eve

Stills of "Xi Shi" Fragment Courtesy of Suzhou Ballet

Tell the story of China well and spread Jiangnan culture

At the press conference on the 27th, Wang Quanxing, director of the Suzhou Ballet, introduced that SuBa brought two works from Beijing this time, "Fine Collection - Spring Festival" and "My Name is Lilac", the former will focus on the characteristics, diversity and classical ballet level of the troupe's repertoire style, and the latter is an attempt and breakthrough in realistic theme works, integrating artistry, storytelling and ornamentation.

"In the past two years, although our international performances have been unable to make the trip due to the epidemic, we still insist on telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese culture as our key tasks. From the production and creation of repertoire, to the dissemination and exchange of art, as well as public welfare popularization activities, Suba always hopes to show the artistic style of Chinese ballet and the infinite charm of Jiangnan culture through her own unremitting efforts. He said.

Wang Quanxing revealed that in 2022, SuBa will take the true and touching story of Mr. Wang Ganchang, the founder of "two bombs and one star", as the prototype of creation, with the responsibility of shaping the heroic characters of Suzhou, carrying forward the spirit of loyalty to the party and dedication to the country, and creating a realistic ballet drama "Magnificent Clouds". In addition, Suba will also invite first-class artists at home and abroad to gather in Suzhou, focusing on creating the "2022 First Suzhou International Ballet Art Festival", through various forms such as boutique exhibitions, performance exchanges, post-performance discussions, etc., so that the audience can experience richer and more diverse ballet art at close range, and play a positive role in promoting cultural exchanges between China and the West. (End)

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