
The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

Although Yi Tian is also one of the trilogy of archery eagles, there are many obvious differences with double eagles in many aspects. For example, the most important jianghu human design in the Double Eagle Era, the Five Absolutes, no longer has this concept in the heavens. Compared with the double eagle, the jianghu of the heavens is more complex and there are more masters.

Of course, some of the details are still the same. For example, on the rivers and lakes of the divine eagle and the heavens, the age of the villain's first master is actually similar.

The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

The jianghu of the god carving, the first master of the villain is the Golden Wheel Guoshi. Although the bad things done by the Golden Wheel Guoshi were far less than those of Ouyang Feng or Li Moxuan, and Jin Yong had also washed him to a certain extent in the new revision; after all, he was the chief enemy of Guo Jing and Yang Guo, and he had met many times on the battlefield, and it was a situation of life and death.

So, how old is the Golden Wheel Guoshi?

At the end of the Divine Sculpture, the Yellow Medicine Master, Yi Deng, and Zhou Botong among the Five Absolute Masters were already close to a hundred years old, but the Golden Wheel Guoshi was not so big. There was an accurate age positioning in the book - the Golden Wheel Guoshi was twenty years older than Guo Jing.

The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

On the three theories of Mount Hua, Guo Jing was probably in his fifties, so the Golden Wheel Guoshi was also more than seventy years old.

It seems that he is not young, after all, he is ancient, but judging from the physical state of the Golden Wheel Guoshi, he is even a mature body. With the power of the Ten Layer Dragon Elephants, no one dared to face it head-on.

Unfortunately, the Golden Wheel Guoshi died to save Guo Xiang, in fact, with his cultivation behavior, he could also get the high life expectancy of Zhou Botong and others.

The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

Look at the rivers and lakes of the leaning sky.

Relying on the jianghu of heaven, there are many villain masters, such as the second elder of Xuan Di, such as Zhou Zhiruo in the later period, but to say that the person who is bad from beginning to end is Cheng Kun.

Cheng Kun is not only high in martial arts, but also sinister and vicious, so he is a well-deserved master of the first villain of The Heavens.

At the end of the heavens, how old is Cheng Kun?

The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

On the eve of the lion slaughtering conference, Zhang Wuji broke into Shaolin alone, and he saw Cheng Kun rushing up the mountain in the dark. At that time, Cheng Kun had passed the age of ancient rarity, but he was still physically fit, which made Zhang Wuji marvel.

Obviously, the original text already tells us the age of Cheng Kun, more than seventy years old.

The number one villain master of the two works, similar in age. It seems that the idea of the divine eagle and the heavenly being about the setting of the ultimate boss is similar.

The first villain master of the Divine Eagle and the Heavenly Heavens is both in their seventies

In Jin Yong's jianghu world, the physical state of the master is better maintained than that of ordinary people. Ordinary people are already in their twilight years when they are fifty or sixty years old, their legs and feet are not flexible, and their strength is not as good as before. But the master in Jin Yong's book is very slow, and he can still walk like a fly in his seventies. Only people in their nineties like Wujie and Sandu can see the aging of their bodies.

Perhaps for these masters, more than seventy years old is the best age, deep skill, pure internal strength, and physical strength will not drop too much, but the experience is not comparable to when they were young - this age, perhaps the peak of their strength.

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