
Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

Fun Kan Red House 246: Expelling villains, Qingwen yue lied to the fool, reprimanded the foolish woman, and the musk moon first appeared sharp

It is said that Jia Baoyu wore the que jinqiu given by Jia Mu early in the morning, and took Li Gui, Zhou Rui and other six long followers, four small squatters such as Ming Yan, and li Gui's people's small squatters, and a group of people went to pay homage to prince Tengshou.

In the Jia family and other people's homes, the master has a small house, the slaves also have a small house, and the front and back of the hula are embraced, what a flamboyant style. So some people are around the master, instigating bad learning and not following the rules, and these people can't do anything good.

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

After spending several generations of good tutoring and rules of the Jia family, the children and grandchildren are becoming more and more unbearable, and an important reason is that there are too many temptations around, "rich and adulterous"! Not mentioned here.

After Jia Baoyu left, Qingwen was still lingering on the sickbed, and the cold made her even more anxious, bluntly saying to the doctor: "It will only deceive people's money, and a good medicine will not be given to people." ”

Qingwen can be called a word, Wang Taiyi's medicine is influenced by Jia Baoyu, the medicinal effect is extremely limited, and only rely on Qingwen's own resistance to survive.

Wang Taiyi relied on this hand not to seek merit but to seek no fault, and several generations of people were mixed up in the Tai Hospital. It was only these people who suffered from his medical treatment, and many people who died in vain also thanked him for bothering to save them.

When Musk Yue saw that she was anxious, he asked her not to be impatient, "The illness came like a mountain, and the illness went like a silk", what medicine was not so fast, not to mention that Wang Taiyi's medicine had no effect.

Qingwen was unhappy in her heart, so she angered others. Seeing that the little girl was not in the room, she scolded: "There is sand drilling!" Seeing that I was sick, I boldly left. Ming'er I'm all right, one by one to peel your skins! The little girl rushed in and asked, "What does the girl do?" ”

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

The name of the seal is Qingwen Girl, and this girl is not a girl of "big girl and little daughter-in-law", but the meaning of aunt. It is not the same as Ping'er "Girl".

Ping'er "girl" is the title of the lady of the house, corresponding to the concubine aunt.

Qingwen "girl" is to respect the big girl and her parents' peers and claim to be a junior.

The little girl follows the big man to learn the rules, and the big man is responsible for education, so naturally he is very respectful.

Qingwen was already powerful, in the social class of that year, the big man and the little girl were equivalent to the relationship between master and apprentice, and it was really "deserved" to be killed and scolded to death, of course, in reality, it would not be killed. But it was normal for the little girl to be scolded. No scolding, no instrument, the big guys also came this way.

Qingwen scolded the little girl for being drunk and did not mean to be drunk: "Everyone else is dead, and you are left behind?" Saying, I saw that Xiang'er also rubbed in.

If you don't say that Qingwen offends people. So many big girls in Yihong Courtyard don't care about the little girl, only she is in charge. Scolding if the mood is not good, although it is a responsibility, but it also offends people.

Those who can enter yihong courtyard, which one is not a doorway or spend money at home. The Jia family's servants can't keep up with it for a lifetime. Like Qingwen is ten years old with Jia Baoyu, at most eight years to change a batch. These little girls will be candidates for big guys in the future. She beats and scolds people like this, and it is inevitable that she will offend people.

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

Qingwen said, "Look at this little hoof, don't ask him if he doesn't come." Here's the monthly money again, the fruit is scattered again, and you should run in the head. You go ahead, I'm not a tiger eating you! "The fallen child had to lean forward." Qingwen coldly grabbed his hand, took a piece of Qing Qing to the pillow, poked at his hand, and scolded in his mouth: "What do you want this claw to do?" Can't get the needle, can't move the thread, will only steal the mouth to eat. The eyelids are shallow, the claws are light, and the mouth is in the world, it is better to poke it! She cried out in pain.

She was about ten years old at the time and was still a child. But the little devil has done a lot of things. When she secretly passed a "handkerchief" to Xiaohong and Jia Yun as a red bride, and opened her mouth to beg for "benefits", she was called "adulterous dog thief" by Xue Baochao.

Qingwen scolded people that she did not dare to hide behind her, that is, she knew that the theft of Ping'er's shrimp whisker bracelet had been exposed, and she was afraid.

Qingwen hates people with bad character the most, like raiding people, Musk Yue and Jia Baoyu "stealing tests", she is satirizing sneaky, hiding ghosts, Falling Er is just a little girl, how can she bear it.

In the end, she did not hold back, failing to live up to Ping'er's "kindness" of not telling her, and also forgetting Jia Baoyu's "kindness" of gently persuading her, and grabbing Xiang'er and using "Yizhangqing" to poke her hand, punishing her for stealing things to shame the people of Yihong Courtyard.

Qingwen poked the hand of "Yizhang Qing" and was most criticized by people. Although There is something wrong with Xiang'er, Qingwen is also too vicious, how to get her hands on it.

In fact, if you understand what Yizhang Qing is, you know that Qingwen Poking And Falling Er will not cause substantial harm at all, but it is just a pain in the hand.

"Yizhang Qing" is not long, it is explained to be a slender jewelry with an ear-digging, one is pointed, the other is thicker, and the top is a small dipper. Usually do not make a hairpin on the head, and remove it when used to make an ear scoop.

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

(Twenty-eighth time) Ke happened to walk to the door of Sister Feng's courtyard, only to see Sister Feng stepping on the threshold to dig her ears and pick her teeth, watching a dozen or so young people move flower pots.

Wang Xifeng took the "ear digger" to pick his teeth, which should be "YizhangQing". And she punished the little girl in the forty-fourth time, "Turn around and pull a hairpin on her head, and poke at the mouth of the little girl..."

Wang Xifeng's poking his mouth with a hairpin was really vicious. Qingwen poked her hand with a green poke, which is no different from the chopstick poking her hand, and it is most likely the end of the ear spoon... Xiang'er just cried in pain, did not say that the injury was bleeding, and Qingwen's punishment was merciful.

Here Musk Yue pulled away, persuaded Qingwen to stop her anger in illness, and said that she could not fight much when she waited well, which proved that the hierarchy between the little girl and the big girl was strict.

Qingwen was angry and forgot Jia Baoyu's instructions, calling the little girl to exchange for Grandma Song, pretending that Xiang'er was too lazy, Jia Baoyu picked her up, and ordered Xia'er's mother to come and lead people.

Aunt Song is an old adult, jia Baoyu is the master of the attackers, just say whether you can wait for the attackers to come back. Qingwen said, "Second Master Bao has instructed us today, what 'flower girl' and 'grass girl', we naturally have a reason." Just by my word, call his family to take him out. Musk Yue said, "That's all." Go early, go late, take it early to clean the day. ”

This is Qingwen, full of thorns, often offending people. Picking up a fallen child, Jia Baoyu is not the master, Musk Yue already knows but does not theory, only she cannot tolerate it.

On the surface, Qingwen's frizzy emotional intelligence is low, but in fact, it is her purity of heart and zero tolerance for "filth".

Qingwen guarded Jia Baoyu for five or six years, obviously everyone else was trying to steal it, but she didn't move like a mountain. It is not that she does not understand, but that she cherishes "character" to the extreme and cannot be trampled on. This is true for oneself, and it is true for others.

Although Qingwen is offended, has low emotional intelligence, and does not know how to be a person, if there is no Qingwen in the world, such a quality of zero tolerance for filth, it is inevitable to make people chill. Cao Xueqin's portrayal of the purity of Qingwen, the purity of Lin Daiyu, and the purity of Miaoyu is a positive praise of good intentions, so as not to put the cart before the horse, misunderstood!

Naturally, Xiang'er's mother was not willing to take her daughter out. She never had a chance to come in again. The family's face and children are gone, and their income and future are also greatly affected. It was so easy to come in to Yihong Courtyard, but it was awkward to go out, so it was not good to say, and the loss was even greater.

This daughter-in-law is not very good at talking, and she has the anger to say it directly, and she can scold them if she wants to, so why not give them a face and throw them out. Qingwen was not stupid, and all pushed Jia Baoyu's body. As a result, the daughter-in-law had no eyes, and at this time, instead of asking for forgiveness, she collided with Qingwen and accused Qingwen of daring to call "Baoyu" without rules.

Although Qingwen has sharp teeth, she will not quarrel, and when she heard Xiang'er's mother say that she opened her mouth to call Baoyu, she blushed. Annoyed, he said, "You told me to go before the old lady, saying that I was wild, and you also threw me out." ”

Qingwen's words became a proverb, and when Xia'er privately passed the handkerchief for Jia Yun and Xiaohong, she was now taken away. Later, Qingwen also passed handkerchiefs for Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, and will eventually be taken away.

In a certain way, Xia'er is the symbol of Qingwen, which will be "supported" by the free marriage.

Musk Yue saw that Qingwen was stopped by The Fallen Lady, and couldn't help but stand up and fight with the enemy. Came up and said a few truths, leaving the daughter-in-law dumbfounded.

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

First, Musk Yue said busily: "Sister-in-law, you just have to take someone out and say something later." Is there anyone in this place where you shout and preach? Who have you ever spoken to us? Don't say sister-in-law you, that is, Grandma Lin Daniang, you also have to bear three points for us. ”

Qingwen and Musk Yue were serving their masters, and they didn't know who would become aunts after that. Their transcendent status is that such big housekeepers and ladies as Lai Everyone and Lin Zhixiao's family are also polite, and They are old, and they must reason with them!

As soon as the musk moon came up, it overwhelmed people!

Second, Musk Yue said, "It is to call the name, from childhood to now, it has been ordered by the old lady, you know, I am afraid it will be difficult to feed, Baba wrote his little name, and everywhere he posted a call for thousands of people to go, in order to feed well." Even carrying water and picking dung flowers can be called, let alone us! ”

When the servants called "Baoyu" was ordered by Jia Mu, when she was a child, she was afraid that it would not be easy to feed, so she did not let the people call "Grandpa" to fold the birthday, and also posted it everywhere for the praise of the people of the world, Qingwen called Baoyu, and there was nothing wrong with it!

Not only that, lin zhixiao's family called out "grandpa" a few days ago, and Jia Mu heard it and said no.

Musk Yue brought out Jia Mu and Lin Zhixiao's family, whether it was true or not, the daughter-in-law did not dare to ask for verification.

Then she raised herself, saying that every day she had to go to Jia Mu and Madame Wang to talk back, naturally she wanted to call Baoyu, was it difficult to say "Grandpa" to the old lady?

The identity of the fallen girl cannot be seen at all in front of the master, how to know the rules inside. Since she only mixed on the three doors, shutting up was her best choice.

Third, Musk Yue said, "... This is not the sister-in-law standing for a long time, and after a while, without us talking, someone will come to ask you. If you have any testimony and take him with you, you go back to Lady Lin and ask her to come and talk to the second master. Thousands of people in the family, you also came, I also came, we recognize people and ask for their surnames, but they still can't recognize it! ”

Why is it said that musk moon is Madame Wang's line? When she scolded the fallen mother, she finally revealed the horse's feet

There are no rules for the fallen girl, but the Jia family has rules. There was something wrong, she could only go to find Jia Baoyu from Lin Zhixiao's family, and there was no one like her who could not come to Yihong Courtyard to spread wilderness.

Jia Baoyu is not something that anyone can speak. A person like Xia'er Niang, if it weren't for Xia'er, who would know who she was!

After musk moon fell a few times, he immediately called the little girl: "Take the cloth to wipe the floor!" When the daughter-in-law heard this, she had nothing to say, and she did not dare to stand for a long time, and she gambled and left with her.

The daughter-in-law stood for a while, and then she stood dirty on the ground, what an insult. But that's where the situation is stronger than people.

She was only obedient on the three doors, and could not enter the inner house. A daughter who makes a mistake should not humiliate herself first. Qingwen and Musk Yue had already left her face. It is estimated that Grandma Song will tell her that the reason why she was picked up was that she stole the shrimp whisker bracelet and did something ugly!

In short, Aunt Song advised the daughter-in-law to be more disciplined, even if She'er wanted to leave, she would kowtow to the girls who were educating her. Xia'er Niang had to bear the shame to lead Xiang'er to prostrate herself, but no one paid attention to her. The fall is finally gone!

Qingwen fell, the most surprising Musk Moon, she is so powerful, but does not show the mountain dew. To discuss the heart, it can be called the first in Yihong Courtyard. The most important thing is that she can stay until the end, which shows that she has the benefit of Qingwen and attacking people leaving one after another.

Judging from Qingwen's sentence "Jiyue is rare, and the clouds are easy to disperse", the musk moon is undoubtedly the eyeliner of Madame Wang's ambush in Yihong Courtyard. That's another story.

To find out what happens next, look at the next breakdown!

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Wen | Junji Yakan Red Chamber

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