
Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

Feng Yuxiang, genealogical name Jishan, table character Huan Zhang, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army army first-class general, the leader of the northwest warlord, Rong Ma life, in more than 50 years of military career, he from the cloth to the general, showed a military combat ability different from ordinary people, to strictly govern the army, good training of troops, known as the cloth general, a lifetime can be described as legendary.

However, the world's evaluation of Feng Yuxiang is mixed, some people praise him as a patriotic soldier, and some people criticize him as a warlord who pursues power.

Throughout his life, Feng Yuxiang went down to the wilderness many times and raised troops many times during the warlord melee, and for the sake of political future, he even did not hesitate to use kidnapping and assassination and other means, full of attachment to the army's territory and desire for power, which is a typical behavior of the old warlords. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although there were no longer great achievements in the military, it has always adhered to the idea of resisting the War of Resistance, and has ceased to cling to personal gains and losses for the sake of the great national righteousness, actively supported the National Government, and rushed to various anti-Japanese activities.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

In addition, for Feng Yuxiang, the most talked about is the nine apostates in his life, in the complicated and unclear political situation at that time, Feng Yuxiang often turned his back on the lord, after many historians and research scholars have proved that Feng Yuxiang has reneged nine times in his life, at many important historical nodes, Feng Yuxiang has defected, so he has the title of "general of defection". Perhaps because of this, it was not highly valued within the Communist Party at that time, and Mao Zedong, Lin Shuai and others regarded it as a Wei Yan-style conspirator and hypocrite.

After Feng Yuxiang's death, Zhou Enlai affirmed Feng Yuxiang's life at the funeral, praising him as a "democratic fighter" who "did not hide his flaws":

General Feng Yuxiang was a staunch democratic fighter transformed from an old soldier; although, like all historical figures, due to the limitations of his political vision, there were inevitably defects of one kind or another in him, but the flaws did not hide, and General Feng Yuxiang's contribution to the cause of Chinese democracy will be immortal.

In 1882, Feng Yuxiang was born into an ordinary family, and his father Feng Youmao named him Jishan according to the family tree.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

Feng Youmao was originally a mason in the countryside of Anhui, and then fled to a landlord's house as a domestic worker, accompanied the young master of the landlord's family to learn martial arts, and examined martial arts, and as a result, by chance, Feng Youmao won the Wushu examination, and then joined the Huai Army, and then followed Zuo Zongtang into Xinjiang, and then returned to the interior with the army, marrying and having children.

Feng Youmao had a total of 7 sons, and later died 5 due to hardships in life, leaving only Feng Jishan and the eldest son.

At that time, Li Hongzhang was the governor of Baoding Province, the Huai army was training in the "five battalions" of Baoding Province, Feng Youmao brought his family to Baoding Province, and Feng Jishan grew up in Baoding from an early age.

In 1891, Feng Jishan's brother filled a vacancy in the green camp of horse soldiers to join the army, Jishan took his brother's seat and entered the village private school, after the enlightenment to practice writing, the poor family could not afford to buy paper and pencil, so they used a thin bamboo pipe, tied with a bunch of hemp at the top, dipped in thin yellow mud, and practiced writing on square bricks.

Feng Youmao tried every means to make up for his second son to alleviate the family's economic embarrassment.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

In 1892, there was a soldier in the battalion, at that time, afraid of delaying the moment, he was robbed of the soldier's quota by others, and the person in charge did not have time to ask Feng Youmao's second son's name, so he directly made up a name, so Feng Jishan became Feng Yuxiang.

Until 1896, Feng Yuxiang, who turned 15 years old, officially entered the Baoding Fifth Battalion as a soldier, under the influence of his father, he practiced hard, read military books widely, both inside and outside, with the continuous improvement of personal quality, he began to be full of negativity for the twilight Huai Army, not yet a few years of soldiers, in 1902, Feng Yuxiang left the Huai Army and joined Yuan Shikai.

In October 1911, the late Qing government was already crumbling and in danger, and asked the imperial court to maintain the precarious feudal rule and show off the prestige of the Qing army, and decided to hold a military exercise of the new army within the boundaries of Yongping Province, directly under the territory of Yongping Province, however, the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising disrupted the Qing government's autumn exercise deployment, the Qing government decided to stop the autumn exercise, the troops participating in the exercise were withdrawn from Luanzhou, and ordered the officers and men of the 20th town of the New Army on the East Road who participated in the Yongping Autumn Exercise to "temporarily live in Luanzhou and listen to the dispatch."

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

In Luanzhou, the flame of revolution had long been ignited, and Feng Yuxiang participated in launching the Luanzhou Uprising, and sent a telegram to the whole country, declaring independence, denouncing the Manchu Qing government, and establishing a northern revolutionary military government, with Feng Yuxiang as the chief of staff.

This was Feng Yuxiang's first defection to the Manchu Qing government, but due to government suppression, it unfortunately failed, and Feng Yuxiang was rescued by his uncle Lu Jianzhang and survived death.

Feng Yuxiang, who had just failed the uprising, was again included in Yuan Shikai's command and appointed as the former battalion commander, and in 1913, Feng Yuxiang was promoted to the head of the first regiment, when Yuan Shikai was frantically expanding his power and already had the idea of being called emperor.

In 1915, Yuan Shikai's emperor made his own decision and announced his ascension to the throne, which aroused the opposition of many patriots, and the Patriotic War broke out, Feng Yuxiang was ordered by Yuan Shikai to lead his troops into Sichuan to suppress the Defending Army, but secretly negotiated peace with the leader of the Protectorate Army without a war, and Yuan Shikai gave up his title as emperor.

This was Feng Yuxiang's second defection, and the target was Yuan Shikai.

In 1917, in order to safeguard the provisional covenant law, Sun Yat-sen raised the banner of protecting the law, and Duan Qirui sent Feng Yuxiang's 16th Mixed Brigade to Fujian to fight against the protector army under Sun Yat-sen.

This was Feng Yuxiang's third defection, and the target was Duan Qirui.

In 1921, Feng Yuxiang led his troops into Shaanxi, after the suicide of Shaanxi Overseer Yan Xiangwen, he took over as the Shaanxi Overseer, and expanded with this place as a territory, which was strongly supported and strengthened by the Soviet Union, so his army was called the "Northwest Army", in the Shaanxi area, Feng Yuxiang's department was well developed, Feng Yuxiang for the first time obtained a big chassis, he unified the military and government, incorporated Hu Jingyi and other miscellaneous troops, stepped up the rectification and training of the army; at the same time, selected talents for the localities, built roads and factories, and made a lot of achievements in provincial politics.

It was also at this time that Feng Yuxiang's ambitions were quietly revealed.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

In 1923, after the direct warlords Cao Kun and Wu Peifu took control of the Beiyang government, Feng Yuxiang, under the impetus of Sun Yat-sen, was determined to find an opportunity to overthrow the rule of the Cao and Wu warlords, and the following year, during the Second Zhifeng War, Feng Yuxiang led his troops to launch a coup d'état in Beijing, imprisoned President Cao Kun, reorganized the army led by him into a national army, and called Sun Yat-sen to invite him to go north.

This was Feng Yuxiang's fourth defection, against Cao Wu's forces.

After that, Feng Yuxiang defected at key nodes such as the Anti-Feng War, the Central Plains War, and the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War.

The defection seems to run through Feng Yuxiang's career as a horseman. Perhaps Feng Yuxiang's true mentality is to want to chase the world, so in order to achieve this goal, he can turn to anyone, or he can rebel against anyone.

Warlords fought, he repeatedly changed camps, after several defections, crushed the forces of Cao Wu, thwarted the forces of Zhang Zuolin and Guo Songling, but he himself rose up suddenly, gained many territories, and his strength soared.

Feng Yuxiang wandered between various forces, circling around on all sides, and finally aroused the anger of the people, Zhang Zuolin united with a number of forces to encircle and suppress it, and Feng Yuxiang's army was defeated and trapped in the northwest.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

Perhaps the most thrilling moment in Feng Yuxiang's life was this, in order to save his life, he also made contact with Wang and Jiang, and also became brothers with Chiang Kai-shek, but after all, their nature was difficult to move, the two brothers fought each other within a year, and Chiang Kai-shek used his human way to treat his body and plotted against Many of Feng Yuxiang's old departments.

After the struggle with Chiang Kai-shek, Feng Yuxiang suffered huge losses, the army also collapsed, Feng Yuxiang lost control of the army, he went around to contact anti-Chiang forces, so he united with the Chinese Communists, becoming an important part of Feng Yuxiang's comeback.

Soon, the all-out War of Resistance broke out, the country was in trouble, Feng Yuxiang no longer had the idea of the old warlords, as Zhou Enlai said, he transformed from an old soldier into a democratic fighter, and actively ran on the anti-Japanese front.

Feng Yuxiang has repeatedly invited communists and democrats to give lectures, jointly analyze the world situation, and comment on the domestic political situation; at the same time, he has traveled to Hubei, Henan, Hunan Province, Qian, Sichuan, and other provinces to actively strengthen ties with the anti-Japanese patriotic forces in various localities.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the outbreak of the Civil War, Feng Yuxiang issued the "Questions and Answers on the Founding of the People's Republic of China 204 Questions", opposing the civil war, and proposing to implement the democratic thinking of "developing science, democratic politics, economic construction, national defense and military, liberating women and children, improving international relations, establishing an industrial base, improving agriculture and afforestation and animal husbandry, supporting commerce, popularizing education, transforming society, improving races, developing transportation, and advocating fisheries."

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

In 1946, Feng Yuxiang was ostracized by Chiang Kai-shek and sent an envoy to the United States on the grounds of investigation, and abroad, Feng Yuxiang repeatedly published a series of articles opposing the civil war and attacking Chiang Kai-shek, and he prepared to write a book called "The Chiang Kai-shek I Know.".

Apparently, Feng Yuxiang annoyed Chiang Kai-shek, so his passport was revoked and he was ordered to return to China.

In February 1948, when he was disease-free and painless, energetic, and seeing that the reactionaries were about to be defeated and that New China was about to be founded, he should be full of hope and confidence, and it was at this time that Feng Yuxiang personally wrote a will, as if he had expected it

In July of the same year, the family tried their best to escape the siege of the secret agents, and after careful arrangements by several patriots, they finally boarded the "Victory" cruise ship and embarked on a journey back to China.

A month later, when the ship was sailing on the Black Sea, it suddenly caught fire, and Feng Yuxiang was unfortunately killed, and the general who ran around for the sake of New China and worked for half his life was sacrificed on the eve of the founding of New China.

After Feng Yuxiang was killed, Chairman Mao Zedong personally chose a site and buried him at the east end of the Dazhong Bridge in the western foothills of Mount Taishan in Tai'an City, Shandong Province, and the bridge that spanned the two banks of the Xixi Shixia was built by Feng Yuxiang.

Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

If you look closely at Feng Yuxiang's tomb, you can see that this tomb is facing a deep stream in front of it, backed by Cangshan Mountain, pine and cypress are lush, and the mountain next to it is a stream, solemn and solemn. The tomb is made of Taishan granite, the tomb wall is squarely engraved Guo Moruo's handwriting "Mr. Feng Yuxiang's Tomb" seven large golden characters, the tomb steps are 66 levels, divided into 4 layers, 66 levels symbolize that he spent 66 spring and autumn in his life; and the fourth layer represents the four stages he has walked through in his life: the first layer, representing from birth to the weak crown to join the army; the second layer 14, representing from youth to adulthood; the third layer 14, representing his transformation from an old soldier to a staunch democratic warrior; the fourth layer of 18, which records his insistence on resisting Japan and opposing division. A life of unremitting struggle for democracy and peace in the motherland. And level 66 symbolizes that he has spent 66 spring and autumn in his life.

Above the tomb wall, the head of Mr. Feng Yuxiang's side bronze gilt relief is embedded to seal the cave, and under the head, there is Feng Yuxiang's self-inscription poem "I":

Civilians live and live, and do not talk about beauty or seek leniency.

Only for the people, only for the country, the struggle is not to be sincere and humble.

This ambition does not move to the death to resist the widow, and do my best to write what I say.

Grit your teeth and I am what I am, and it is good to try hard.

In just 60 words, it records the magnificent and regretless life of General Feng Yuxiang.


Feng Yuxiang, "General Of defects": Nine times of defection, flaws are not hidden, Chairman Mao personally chose a cemetery for him!

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