
He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

author:Xiao Wang's interesting life

In the long river of history, some people and things are like the shining stars, even after thousands of years, people can still feel their light. Speaking of the first year of Hikata, that is, 684 A.D., it was a year of political change. In this year, Wu Zetian made a major decision - to depose Tang Zhongzong Li Xian. This move was like dropping a bombshell in the imperial court, causing huge shocks and waves.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

Many of the old ministers who were loyal to the Tang Dynasty expressed strong dissatisfaction with this. They felt that this was a challenge to tradition and institutions, and a betrayal of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. However, this was only the beginning of that year's turmoil. In September of the same year, a large-scale rebellion broke out in Yangzhou, led by Xu Jingye, the grandson of the famous general Xu Maogong. In just a dozen days, he gathered more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and the momentum was so huge that it was shocking. This rebellion posed an unprecedented challenge to Wu Zetian's rule.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

At this critical moment, Wu Zetian chose Li Xiaoyi, whom she trusted deeply, to lead the troops to quell the rebellion. Li Xiaoyi, a general from the Li Tang clan, not only writes outstanding articles, but also has outstanding military talents. He has served in a number of important positions, especially in the defense of Tibet, and has won wide acclaim. Wu Zetian had extremely high expectations for him, and solemnly handed over the command of the 300,000-strong army to him.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

In the face of Xu Jingye's rebellion, Li Xiaoyi did not rush to fight, but adopted a steady and steady strategy. He skillfully used his troops, first defeated several of Xu Jingye's partial divisions, and then concentrated his superior forces and completely defeated Xu Jingye's main force in one go. The victory was significant in consolidating Wu Zetian's rule, and it also brought Li Xiaoyi's prestige to new heights.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

However, just when Li Xiaoyi returned to the court with the joy of victory and was about to accept the reward from the imperial court, a sudden disaster befell him. Wu Zetian's nephew Wu Chengsi and others began to maliciously slander Li Zetian in front of him because they were jealous of Li Xiaoyi's great military exploits and high prestige. They fabricated all kinds of trumped-up charges and lies in an attempt to frame this highly decorated general.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

Unfortunately, at this time, Wu Zetian no longer fully trusts Li Xiaoyi as he used to. She feared that Lee's prestige and influence would threaten her dominance. So, under the instigation of Wu Chengsi and others, Wu Zetian made a painful decision - to demote Li Xiaoyi to a remote area.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Li Xiaoyi. He couldn't imagine that he would end up like this after fighting bloodily for the country and the court. However, the king's fate was difficult to disobey, and he could only silently accept this cruel reality, and embarked on the road of debasement with endless regret and loss.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

During the depreciation, Li Xiaoyi's mood was heavy and complicated. He often looks back on his past exploits and dedication, and can't help but feel a lot of emotion. He used to be so beautiful and high-spirited, but now he has fallen to this point. But Lee Hsiao-yi did not give up hope, and he still worked hard to contribute to the country and its people, despite the earth-shaking changes in the environment.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

However, fate did not give Li Xiaoyi a chance to turn the tables, and he died of illness shortly after the debasement. After this news was transmitted back to the capital, it caused a huge sensation and mourning, and people felt deep regret and grief for the death of this highly meritorious general, and his death seemed to bring the legendary history to an end.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

Now we look back on Li Xiaoyi's life and can't help but sigh for what happened to him, his life is full of legends and tragedies. He was born into a famous family, intelligent, talented, and he made great achievements for the country and the court, but in the end he was degraded because of his high merits, which is regrettable.

He was a close confidant of Wu Zetian and pacified Xu Jingye's rebellion, why was he degraded and died?

Li Xiaoyi's story will forever inspire future generations to continue to move forward and strive for the prosperity and strength of the country and its people, and at the same time remind us to always be vigilant and sober in the torrent of history, so as not to be swallowed up by the struggle for power.

Finally, let us sum up the life of this legendary general in one sentence: "Li Xiaoyi, a tragic hero who has made great achievements but has been degraded, his story will forever be remembered in the long river of history." ”

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