
"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

The word "squint" caught fire

The model makeup of the well-known brand Three Squirrels advertising

Model makeup for Mercedes-Benz advertising

And the character image of the movie "The Lion Boy"

All around the word "squinting"

Frequently appears on hot searches

Many netizens believe that this is "insulting China"

Related movies and brands were once boycotted by netizens

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

Is "squinting" an insult?

Are these brands insulting China?

Netizens are arguing about this

Come and hear what the authorities have to say


Shanghai Consumer Protection Association: The aesthetics of the consumer circle should keep pace with the times

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

In response to the three squirrel incident, the Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission issued a document on the 27th that the aesthetics of the consumer circle should also keep pace with the times. Society is developing, consumption is iterating, and only by keeping pace with the times can businesses keep pace with the times, meet the new aesthetic needs of consumers, and establish cultural and emotional resonance with consumers.


Jinguan News: Believe in your own beauty, but also tolerate the beauty of others

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

Jinguan News commented on the 27th that if we habitually conduct self-examination and self-confirmation in the discourse system artificially set by some people, we are actually falling into the stereotype of the other side, and we are deepening these inherent narrow impressions in continuous debate and "mutual tearing".

And believe that aesthetics should be pluralistic, believe in their own "beauty", tolerate the "beauty" of others, should be a better choice.


Yangcheng Evening News: Whether squinting is "insulting China" depends on the specific context

In the author's view, squinting at "insulting China" is a new knowledge for the vast majority of Chinese people, but in the Western context, it is a fact. But isn't it a different context that such humiliation still holds? Don't lightly equate squinting with "insulting China."

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...
"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

The author emphasizes the question of the boundaries of criticism at the end. It is believed that the discussion of public issues should be carried out in the public sphere, and the criticism should of course also be in the public sphere and public platforms. We should not send private messages to relevant parties through Weibo, WeChat and mobile phone text messages to accuse or even insult.


People's Daily: Cultivate strong aesthetic self-confidence and avoid "buttoning the hat"

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

On December 28, the People's Daily published an article titled "How to View the Controversy Surrounding 'Squinting'"," saying that the recent incident of "squinting" has sparked discussions from time to time, resulting in a "roundtable" to discuss. Proposed to think about the "squinting" controversy from multiple perspectives:

1. From the product point of view: fully respect the audience, in order to win the market;

People's Daily believes that consumers have the right to choose products, and conversely, brands should also pay attention to market feedback and pay more attention to cultural connotation and product quality.

2. From an aesthetic point of view: cultivate healthy aesthetic taste and cultivate strong aesthetic self-confidence;

People's Daily advocates inclusive and diverse individual aesthetic tastes, but it also needs to form a healthy public aesthetic, and it is even more necessary to shape an upward mainstream aesthetic.

This passage has become the "voice" of many netizens forwarding and agreeing:

"I think there should be a consensus that what we oppose is not "squinting", but the following two points: one is discrimination based on stereotypes and specific physical characteristics; the other is the phenomenon of deliberately pleasing Western aesthetics and defining China in a condescending manner. ”

3, from the perspective of communication: adhere to the effect-oriented, but also avoid "buckle hat".

The People's Daily also said that we should be vigilant against the problem of insulting China, and we should also be vigilant against using the issue of squinting to confuse domestic public opinion and even create divisions.

It can be found in the roundtable discussions of the People's Daily

Commercial advertising, cultural products, aesthetic orientation

Patriotism, public opinion...

These are all brought about by this incident

Dimensions available for discussion

And in the three squirrel incident

We can communicate aesthetics and complain about discrimination

Seek better solutions

The appearance of the model should not be attacked

Or "a stick to kill" business

"Killed with a stick" squinted

"Squinting" insults China? The state media said so...

Synthesized from People's Daily, China News Network, Sina Finance, etc.

Fortune Chengdu,

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Too serious,

You lose!

Don't be serious, you lose even worse!

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