
Lenovo's success is not so easy, and it is inseparable from Liu Chuanzhi's efforts

author:Little white commentator

In the 2008 global financial crisis, many companies went out of business, lenovo was not in a good situation at that time, and the performance declined seriously. In 2008, the loss was more than TWO BILLION US dollars, and the related business was blocked. Liu Chuanzhi, who originally retired in 2005, was forced to come out of the mountain in 2009, and it was Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing who pulled Lenovo back on track, and made Lenovo the world's first four years later, until 2019, Liu Chuanzhi did not fully retire, otherwise Lenovo could not be beaten to this day.

Lenovo's success is not so easy, and it is inseparable from Liu Chuanzhi's efforts

The Chinese Academy of Sciences sold 29% of the equity to Oceanwide in 2009, when it was the difficult period of Lenovo, Lenovo needed to survive this difficulty and continue to develop to change, and this equity is also out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as for what considerations, it may be to cash out and enjoy the fruits of the harvest, or it may be worried that Lenovo has the risk of going downhill and has the risk of bankruptcy, and the introduction of capital to help Lenovo tide over the difficulties, that is, the so-called state-owned enterprise restructuring. In this case, the Chinese Academy of Sciences does not have much room for bargaining. Poor corporate performance and losses, the introduction of capital, are common. As for how to transfer, why to transfer, and how much to transfer, these are not the core of the problem. In fact, in order to survive, small right and wrong, middle right and wrong, and big principles are acceptable. Those who can take office, find ways to get enterprises back on the right track, so that enterprises can continue to become bigger and stronger, participate in the construction of the market economy, continue to maintain the prosperity of the relevant industrial chains, and let the people keep their jobs is the right way.

Have done the enterprise knows how panicked when the enterprise is difficult, especially the performance is not good and there is a loss of the situation, then need a lot of money to fill, and worry about the withdrawal of old shareholders, in order to survive, you have to sell equity to survive, sometimes you will send equity to attract professionals to join, but also how much value, survival is the only way out. Otherwise, many enterprises in China will not have foreign capital today.

Lenovo's success is not so easy, and it is inseparable from Liu Chuanzhi's efforts

In addition, it is also certain that the Chinese Academy of Sciences investment in Lenovo is very successful, Lenovo is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise is actually not the purpose, the purpose is to keep Lenovo from going out of business is the key, if Lenovo falls, not only the loss of assets, the employment population has also lost the rice bowl, and the related industrial chain has also lost an important driver. The preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets does not depend on whether they are state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, but whether the assets have really maintained and increased in value. In fact, the Chinese Academy of Sciences investment Association has not only preserved its value but also achieved thousands of times of appreciation, and it has been very successful to do so, which is still to be affirmed and praised.

In fact, it is not easy for Lenovo to live to this day, Liu Chuanzhi can also be regarded as paying for Lenovo for half a lifetime, the early financing is dependent on him, and the problem in the medium term also requires him to re-emerge from the mountain, and he should also get the return. It is actually not easy for people to do one thing in a lifetime, especially in business. Look at the peer enterprises with state-owned asset background in the same period, you will know how much has collapsed, how much has been lost, and now Lenovo can compete with foreign companies in the PC field.

Among the many brands in the same period, you who are closed and bankrupt do not say, do not care, live a good association is condemned by you, the loss does not care, living in front of you do not know how to cherish, how to say should not be.

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