
Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

author:Daddy Reviews

Steak is the standard of Western food in the minds of most Chinese.

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Every time I wanted to buy a few pieces of steak, I was persuaded by the words "filiponic", "sirloin", "grain-fed", and "grass-fed" (Xiao Bai's heart was broken).

How exactly is this steak chosen? What is the difference between them?

In fact, different steaks are taken from different parts of the cow's body, as follows:

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Next, we will carefully introduce the steak on the market, you can find the most suitable part for yourself according to your personal preferences.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, mainstream steak</h1>

Steak with the naked eye

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

The naked eye belongs to the part of the eye flesh of the cow near the chest.

The reason why it is called the naked eye is because there is often a white fat in the middle of the cross-section of this piece of meat, which is a bit like an eye.

The naked-eye steak has less tendons, the meat is more delicate, and the fat content is slightly more.

Tender on the palate, sweet and juicy, suitable for most people.

Especially for people who are new to steak, or who don't eat steak regularly, it's a good choice.

Sirloin steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Sirloin steak, from the outer tenderloin of cattle, also known as New Yorker steak, sirloin steak.

The most obvious sign is a white tendon on the edge.

Sirloin steak is thicker, fatter than filipton, slightly coarser fiber, and has a certain amount of connective tissue and fascia.

It tastes tough and chewy, and the tendons have a very strong flavor of beef fat after being fried.

If you have good teeth and like the smell of beef fat, you can consider this part.

Filey steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Filey steak, also called beef fillet, is the tenderloin of cattle.

Filiptonium is the part where cattle exercise the least, there is no coarse muscle fiber, and the meat is relatively loose.

Lean meat, low fat content, beef flavor is not as good as sirloin and the naked eye.

But it is the most tender of the three steaks, especially the very thin part of the front end, which is said to be very, very, very, very tender!!!

It is a good choice for people who want to taste steak and do not want to eat too much fat, and it is also more suitable for children and the elderly.

For the same cow, the price is generally:

【Philip > Naked Eye > Sirloin】

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, non-mainstream steak</h1>

Upper brain steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

The upper brain is located in the posterior neck position of the cow.

This piece of meat fat and meat tendons are staggered, red and white.

Because of the high meat yield, the price is relatively close to the people.

Because there are more meat tendons in this part, compared to mainstream steaks, the taste of the upper brain is slightly worse.

Plate tendon steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Plate tendon is also known as "oyster meat".

Lean meat, less fat, more tender meat, the taste is close to Philip.

There is also a tender tendon in the middle, unlike the white tendon that cannot be chewed, and the plate tendon is also a little crispy after frying.

Tomahawk steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

The tomahawk steak is domineering in appearance and name.

In fact, it is a steak with bone and meat eyes, the same part, with a handle.

T-bone steak

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

T-bone steak is a piece of inner and outer pork on each side of the spine.

Simply put, it is one side of the west cold, the other side of the philip.

If you want to eat sirloin again, and you want the tenderness of the tenderness of the tenderloin, you can consider this part.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three, grass-fed VS grain feeding</h1>

In addition to being related to the part, the taste of beef also has a lot to do with the way it is raised.

Beef cattle are raised in two ways: grass-fed and grain-fed.

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding


Grass-fed is generally based on pasture as the main feed, and is freely stocked on the pasture most of the season.

Many foreign farmers raise cattle more Buddhist, put the cattle on the pasture, let them eat grass freely and finished.

Some grass-fed cattle are raised in a carefree environment and exercise a lot.

Therefore, most of them are lean and low in fat, and it is not easy to form a better "snowflake".

However, when encountering grass-fed cattle that are lazy and do not like to hang out, there may be exceptions.

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Although grass-fed is low in fat, many fat-soluble nutrients are higher than those in grain feed, such as β-carotene, vitamin E, etc.

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

Grain feeding

Grain feeding is generally fenced, with grain as the main feed.

The high energy and easy digestion of grains can improve beef cattle production efficiency, shorten beef cattle production time, and increase the "marbling" of beef.

Some Japanese Wagyu beef also add sake lees, cooked food, etc. to further enhance the quality of the meat.

Grain-fed beef has a high fat content, a thick fat layer, and is evenly distributed in muscle tissue, which is easy to form "snowflakes".

From the dimension of eating, we compare the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed:

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

In simple terms:

In pursuit of taste, you can choose grain feeding,

In pursuit of nutrition and health, grass-fed can be selected.

Of course, if your wallet allows, you can also choose the "Wagyu Steak" for 300 yuan and 100g.

Filey, Sirloan, naked eye, grass fed or grain fed? How to choose a steak? First, mainstream steak two, non-mainstream steak three, grass-fed VS grain feeding

In line with the principle of not stepping on the pit and not being deceived, we have summarized a few valuable experiences for everyone:

1. The steak part is different and the taste is different.

Same cow, steak tenderness and price ranking:

Philip > > sirloin to the naked eye

Prefer the tender texture of the preferred filet, like the chewy choice of sirloin.

2. Grain-fed steaks have higher fat content and more tender meat.

3, grass-fed steak lean meat, less fat, meat quality is more chewy.

What else do you want to know about steak? Welcome to leave a message~


Jia Rongli,He Ying,Wu Bin,Li Haipeng,Zhang Songshan,Feng Jinghai,Sun Baozhong. Analysis on production and product quality characteristics of grass-fed and grain-fed beef cattle[J].Chinese Food and Nutrition, 2010(08):19-22.

Kong Lingxuan,Li Yaokun,Sun Baoli,Liu Guangbin,Guo Yongqing,Liu Dewu. Research progress on beef quality under grain and grass-fed conditions[J].Chinese Journal of Livestock Ecology,2018,39(10):75-80.

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