
The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

Ding is an important food and ceremonial vessel in ancient China.

As early as primitive society, tao ding appeared, which is a kind of cooker used in cooking, equivalent to the current pot.

Later, copper dings appeared, and evolved into ceremonial vessels symbolizing the hierarchical status of the nobility during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

Today's protagonist is a Ding~ with "background", "story" and "technology"

There is a background

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

During the Warring States Period, the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Multipliers was seven and the country of Thousand Multipliers was five, and the Zhongshan Kingdom, located in central and southern Hebei, was the only country founded by the Xianyu ethnic minority among the twelve princes.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

In the 1970s, archaeologists discovered the King of Zhongshan during excavations in Sanji Township, Pingshan County, Hebei Province

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

Of the tombs, a set of nine pieces of copper was unearthed in the tomb.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

Today's "protagonist" is the first of the Nine Dings.

It is called the Shouding because its weight and height far exceed the other eight Ding, and it is 51.5 centimeters high and weighs 60 kilograms, equivalent to the weight of an adult.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

In addition, when this piece was unearthed, there was still a coffee-colored dried crystalline meat soup in the ding, which was found to contain trace ingredients of pigs or close animals, horses or close animals after testing.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

The bottom of the big ding is close to the foot position, there are traces of smoke after fire, and the upper edge of the smoke stain is neat, indicating that the ding is placed on the stove mouth when the ding is used. This is also a point different from the Central Plains ritual system, because according to the ritual book, Shengding was only used to hold meat, not to cook food on the fire.

There is a reason

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

This simple and delicate iron-footed copper ding, with an introverted sub-mouth, a pair of attached ears on both sides, a convex string pattern in the middle of the abdomen, and a flat bottom. The strict and well-behaved, long and beautiful inscriptions are almost all over the body, which can be said to be the top of the story.

The outer wall of the iron-footed bronze ding is engraved with a total of 77 lines of inscriptions, a total of 469 characters, which is the longest inscription found in the Warring States period bronze.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology
The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

The inscription knife technique is skillful and uniform, the strokes are strong and washed, the font is slender, the qingxiu is straight, and the words are elegant and beautiful, which is a precious material for appreciating and studying the Warring States script and calligraphy.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

On January 18, 2002, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued the Catalogue of the First Batch of Cultural Relics Prohibited from Going Abroad (Border) for Exhibition, stipulating that 64 pieces (groups) of precious cultural relics are the first batch of cultural relics prohibited from being exhibited abroad (border), The King of Zhongshan

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

Iron-footed copper ding is among them.

There is technology

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

The Ding body of Dading is made of copper, and the Dingzu is made of iron, so it is named Iron Foot Copper Ding.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

You know, copper and iron are two different melting points of the metal, bronze is a kind of red copper in the addition of tin or lead alloy, red copper original melting point is 1084.5 ° C, if you add a certain proportion of lead and tin, the melting point will drop to 810 ° C; and pure iron melting point is higher, about 1535 ° C, generally contains impurities smelting iron melting point will be lower, but also much higher than the melting point of bronze, so it is not easy to make the two cast together is not an easy task.

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom | a ~Ding with background, story and technology

From the point of dingzu iron, it can be seen that Zhongshan people not only realize that iron is harder than copper and more resistant to wear, but also have mastered the copper-iron casting technology more skillfully.

It' whole body is engraved with stories

It is the afterglow of a mysterious kingdom

He is also a special "witness"~

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