
Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

Throughout ancient Chinese history, there were many heroes who took bayonets and rushed to the sea of swords and fires for the development of the country and in order to repay the favor of the monarch.

Assassination as a special political means in ancient China, often used by politicians, so it has shaped a lot of heroes, today let us understand the famous assassination operations in ancient Chinese history, look at the history of the North Lake those singable stories.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the assassination of Wang Zhi was a famous assassination event, and Gongzi Lu wanted to kill Wu WangFu and then establish himself as king, so he needed a person who had both courage and wisdom.

At this time, the minister Wu Zixu recommended Zhuanzhu, so he often held secret meetings to discuss this assassination operation. ultimately.

At a banquet hosted by the prince, he used the sword hidden in the belly of the fish, and after a fierce battle, he killed the Wu king, but he was unfortunately killed by the guards of the Wu king.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

However, Gongzi Lu achieved his goal and successfully became the King of Wu, fortunately, he did not give his life in vain, and with the assistance of Wu Zixu and other loyal subjects, He Lu had a role and became an overlord.

Still in the Spring and Autumn Period, the protagonist is still the Wu king, Lu Lu, who obtained the throne by organizing assassination activities, and was in a hurry and did not cut the grass and remove the roots in time.

After the assassination, the son of the former Wu Wangfu fled, lived in Weiguo for a while, and was recuperating in Weiguo, preparing for a comeback, which made Lu Lu very worried, so he was ready to plot an assassination campaign again.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

Lu Lu secretly consulted with Wu Zixu and others, and at this time there was another warrior, that is, to leave, to leave after thinking about it, he promised King Wu, in order to make himself have no worries, and devoted himself to assassination activities for Lu Lu.

He cut off his own arm and his wife fell prey to the assassination. Leaving for Weiguo, through continuous efforts, Wu Wang's son, Qingji, gained his trust.

But this assassination campaign was not as smooth as the first one, but it also allowed us to see the brilliance of human nature. When Qingji was drinking on the boat, he had to start assassinating him, but Qingji's martial arts were also very good, so he did not leave Qingji to death.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

At this time, the guards wanted to kill and leave to avenge Qingji, but Qingji not only did not kill to leave, but let Him leave intact and return to the Kingdom of Wu, and King Wu was shocked by this, but he still wanted to vigorously reward the warrior to leave, but he did not accept it.

Instead, he killed himself. This is also because it is necessary to leave Qingjie to find that Qingji is a person who loves and hates clearly and appreciates talents, and is willing to use his life to end this assassination campaign.

Another more famous assassination activity is the Jing Ke Assassination of Qin, a story that we have learned in detail in middle school textbooks, so it is briefly described.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

The strength of the State of Qin was very strong, in the process of unifying the world, the State of Yan became a thorn in the eye of the State of Qin, and at the request of Prince Dan of Yan, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang went to the State of Qin to prepare to assassinate the King of Qin and prevent the Invasion of the State of Yan by the State of Qin.

However, when presenting the map, the King of Qin sensed that it was not good, and did not let Qin Wuyang, who was good at martial arts, present the map but let Jing Ke offer it, and Jing Ke, who was not very good at martial arts, did not succeed in completing the task but left a heroic title in history.

When Qin Shi Huang was touring the world, Zhang Liang once wanted to kill Qin Shi Huang in order to avenge the country, so he ambushed Qin Shi Huang in the place where Qin Shi Huang had to pass.

Warriors for the country, go up the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of fire

However, due to qin shi huang traveling with a large number of guards, the strict defense made the assassination fail, but it gave posterity the courage to counterattack the qin state, and Zhang Liang also successfully escaped in this activity.

After Sun Ce became the overlord of one side, he was also assassinated, and Xu Gong was killed by Sun Ce because he had written to the emperor to organize Sun Ce's development.

Xu Gong's protégés wanted to avenge Xu Gong, so they designed an assassination, which was eventually successful, and history also lost a hero who competed with Cao Cao.

These famous assassination activities show the development of history and the personality charm of heroes, which are either exciting or regrettable, and they are worth grasping the deep connotation.

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