
Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

Hitler as the head of the German fascists during World War II, his latest bamboo is difficult to write, in addition to sending troops to provoke a world war, but also in the fallen countries to bring deep harm to the people of all countries, his crimes are difficult to describe, but later it was exposed that Hitler issued a military order before the end of World War II, still carried out to this day. What's going on here?

Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

As we all know, the three axis powers are Italy, Germany, and Japan, of which Germany and Japan played a particularly large role in the war, in fact, at that time, there were many small countries that also fell to German fascism, including Spain, of course, Spain fell to Hitler for a short time, it was only after 1940 to participate, but for this ally, Hitler also showed great respect, when the head of Spain was the famous dictator Franco.

Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

Franco himself was elected head of state after the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, as a dictator, Franco was supported by The Fascists in Germany and Italy, so he pursued a principle of non-intervention in the Second World War and declared Spain neutral, but in fact Franco still sent an army to help Hitler fight, which was the famous Blue Division. The composition of this unit was all members of franco's spear party, and in order to attract attention, this unit entered the Soviet Union and wore German uniforms.

Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

This unit, which was ostensibly a volunteer army, was in fact no less harmful than Germany in the war, and Hitler was also very happy about this, and he promised that as long as the Spanish volunteers who participated in the battle, they would be treated as German citizens, and enjoy the same pension treatment as German soldiers.

Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

It was only with the gradual defeat of the Axis powers, Franco saw that the Axis powers were likely to lose, immediately declared himself neutral, and this unit wore German uniforms in the war, so it escaped the trial of World War II, franco himself continued to practice dictatorship in Spain until his death in 1975, and Spain ushered in democratic reform.

Hitler issued a military order during World War II, which was carried out to this day, and caused a sensation after exposure

However, it was later revealed that in Germany, the Spanish volunteer soldiers who participated in World War II were still providing pension services, which caused an uproar, to know that in European countries, Hitler is definitely a topic that cannot be mentioned, and many media have questioned the German government about this matter, but they have not received some specific statements. On the one hand, people expressed great hatred for Hitler's behavior, but from another point of view, after all, participating in the war was not the sin of the low-level soldiers, who also needed a stable environment to live after the end of the war, which is also another manifestation of humanitarianism.

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