
Huayang International's latest announcement: Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Wanyi Technology

Huayang International announced that it signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Wanyi Technology to cooperate in the research and development of AI map review custom rules, AI map review access collaboration platform, and AI empowerment design scenarios.

Huayang International's latest announcement: Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Wanyi Technology

The chairman of the company is Tang Chongwu. Mr. Tang Chongwu: Born in July 1967, Chinese nationality, hong Kong permanent residency, master's degree, engineer, 2018 to present, Tsinghua Wudaokou Institute of Finance EMBA; From July 1988 to December 1994, he served as an engineer of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Zhongnan Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd.; From December 1994 to October 1999, he served as the deputy general manager of Shenzhen Jingyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.; From October 1999 to November 2000, he served as the general manager of Shenzhen Yaket Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.; From November 2000 to April 2021, he served as the chairman and general manager of the company; He is currently the chairman of the board of directors of the

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