
Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

"Just out of stock"

"Not takedown"

"I will re-list the goods when there is a surplus"


Recently Sam's Xinjiang products

Actually collectively "out of stock"?

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you


The topic of "Sam returning the card" has also been on the hot search

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

Sam's Club was exposed to remove Xinjiang products?

A few days ago, the "Sam's Club" under the American brand Wal-Mart was exposed to remove Xinjiang products in a targeted manner. Some netizens questioned on social media whether Walmart's Sam's Club had removed Xinjiang products.

Open the "Sam's Club" APP search bar, enter the word "Xinjiang", but got the result of "sorry, did not find the relevant goods", the original Xinjiang products were removed from the shelves, which immediately triggered the indignation of the Chinese people.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

Netizen feedback:

All Walmart brands

The same thing happened

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

Sam: If necessary, you can return your card

According to a number of media reports such as Fujian Daily and Henan Satellite TV, at present, in Xiamen, Fujian and other places, there is a very obvious "Sam's member withdrawal tide", and a large number of former Sam's shop members have chosen to withdraw from membership and no longer buy any products from Sam's after seeing the suspected move of Sam's shop against Xinjiang.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

In response to this incident, the customer service said that the distribution of xinjiang goods was arranged by the headquarters, and the specific situation of the store was not clear. If necessary, the card can be returned unconditionally.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

Sam's brand side's "ambiguous" reply made many netizens feel angry, after all, Sam's senior VIP membership fee is quite expensive, 680 yuan a year, and the cheapest one is 260 yuan.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you
Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

At present, Sam's Club has opened 36 stores in 22 cities in China, with a membership of up to 4 million people, and 23 new stores under construction and planning.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

Walmart plans to increase the number of Sam's Club stores nationwide to 40 to 45 by 2022. Subsequently, the construction rate of an average of 4 to 5 new stores per year is maintained, and Sam's Club is expected to reach 100 in the Chinese market in the next 8 years.

Judging from the financial data, more than half of Walmart China's profits are currently contributed by Sam's Club.

Hema issued an announcement in the newly opened X club store that in January 2022, there is no need to apply for Hema X membership, and you can also go to hema X membership store with Sam or Costco membership cards, which won a lot of applause from netizens.

Many places now Sam's members withdraw card tide! Netizen: If you remove Xinjiang products, I will remove you

There are so many supermarkets in China

Sam's Club is not irreplaceable

The heart of the Chinese market

It has always been the Chinese consumer who has taken the initiative

Source: Oriental Network Integrated Shanghai News Broadcast, Observer Network, Netizen Comments, etc

Editors: Wei Yifei, Xiao Liu

Reviewer: Qian Chengcan

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