
Battle of Laoshan: The blood-sprinkled battlefield was only buried in a wasteland, and 25 years later, the identity was exposed to the government to erect a monument for it

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

His name was Wu Xiquan, he was born in September 1968 in an ordinary peasant family in Gansu, the family conditions were very bad, when he was 17 years old, in order to be able to eat, he joined the People's Liberation Army, after which Wu Xiquan was assigned to the second company of the artillery regiment of the 139th Division and became an artilleryman. Only one year later, because our army defeated Vietnam in the war of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam, the Vietnamese authorities held a grudge in their hearts and often launched shelling on farms, villages, and schools in our country, killing and injuring a large number of people in our country. Viet Nam's actions seriously threaten the safety of the lives and property of our territory and border residents, and we have decided to teach the Vietnamese authorities another profound lesson.

Battle of Laoshan: The blood-sprinkled battlefield was only buried in a wasteland, and 25 years later, the identity was exposed to the government to erect a monument for it

In 1984, the Battle of Laoshan broke out, and Wu Xiquan's 139th Division was also sent to the front, and in the subsequent battles, due to the shortage of personnel, Wu Xiquan took the initiative to take on the task of shell loader. In a battle, he almost had to load 80 shells, the shells were heavy and heavy, the gun chamber was continuously stimulated to burn hot, Wu Xiquan's arms were burned in large areas, and Wu Xiquan endured the pain and continued to load the shells one after another. The comrades-in-arms could not look at it any longer, pulled Wu Xiquan away, and then took over to continue loading shells for him. After the war, his comrades-in-arms said to him: Why is it so deadly? If you go on like this, your arm will be ruined! Wu Xiquan smiled and replied: "If I pretend to be fast, I will be able to destroy a few more enemies."

In a tough battle, Wu Xiquan's artillery regiment was ordered to support the commando battle, Wu Xiquan was still the same as usual, tirelessly loading shells one after another, and when he loaded the 84th shell, the enemy's artillery accurately hit his position, a shell suddenly exploded next to Wu Xiquan, and since then, the life of this 18-year-old young man has been frozen at this moment. After the war, Wu Xiquan was awarded the first class meritorious service of the Republic.

Battle of Laoshan: The blood-sprinkled battlefield was only buried in a wasteland, and 25 years later, the identity was exposed to the government to erect a monument for it

25 years later, a man came to Wu Xiquan's home, he was Wu Xiquan's former comrade-in-arms, this time he just wanted to see his former brother in front of the tomb of his comrade-in-arms. At this time, only the old father and brother were left in The whole family of Takeki, and his mother died of great pain shortly after hearing of her son's death. The old father led his comrades-in-arms to Wu Xiquan's tomb, and at that moment, the tears in the eyes of the comrades-in-arms could no longer be contained, and the comrades-in-arms knelt on the ground to cover their faces and cry bitterly.

Why did the comrade-in-arms cry so sadly? It turned out that he had seen Wu Xiquan's cemetery, which was just a flat wasteland, the wasteland was overgrown with weeds, and what was most unacceptable to his comrades was that there was not a single tombstone in front of the tomb of the former martyr!

Battle of Laoshan: The blood-sprinkled battlefield was only buried in a wasteland, and 25 years later, the identity was exposed to the government to erect a monument for it

The comrade-in-arms asked Wu Xiquan's father why Wu Xiquan did not move into the martyrs' cemetery. Why didn't he even have a tombstone in front of his tomb? Maybe it was too long ago, or maybe the old father was old, and the old father couldn't remember what had happened. He only remembered that after his son's sacrifice, he could receive a few thousand yuan a month in pension, and there was nothing else.

Battle of Laoshan: The blood-sprinkled battlefield was only buried in a wasteland, and 25 years later, the identity was exposed to the government to erect a monument for it

Shortly after this incident, the deeds of the martyr Wu Xiquan were exposed by the local media, and after the local government learned of this matter, leaders at all levels came to WuXi's family many times to offer condolences, and finally the government funded the re-erection of the tombstone for the martyr.