
Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

In war, guns alone are not enough. Guns, though portable, are far less powerful than shells. If there is a "sharpshooter" in the team who has a hundred shots and a hundred shots and accurate aiming, the odds of victory in the war will increase greatly.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, our army had a "gun god" named Zhao Zhangcheng. He once single-handedly turned the tide of the war and opened a cannon of hope for the Battle of crossing the river.

In order to better defeat the sniper enemy, Zhao Zhangcheng made a clever move and loaded the pepper noodles into the shells. When the shells flew into the enemy camp, those Japanese were all blinded by the pepper noodles in the air, and they even shouted: "The eight roads have biological and chemical weapons," which made a great contribution to the victory of our army.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”


In 1905, Zhao Zhangcheng was born in Luoyang, Henan Province, China, the family is cold, in order to subsidize the family, Zhao Zhangcheng dropped out of school to work at a very young age to subsidize the family.

Zhao Zhangcheng joined Feng Yuxiang's army at the age of 22 and became an excellent warrior. However, at this time, the artillery company was very short of manpower, and in this way, the newly enlisted Zhao Zhangcheng was assigned to the artillery company, and the yin and yang mistakenly formed a wonderful fate with the cannon.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

Zhao Zhangcheng, who does not know a single character and can only write his own name, showed a talent that was different from ordinary people in the actual combat training of mortars. Zhao Zhangcheng did not understand any theoretical knowledge such as parabola, range, wind direction, etc., he simply relied on his intuition to move the mortar.

Zhao Zhangcheng used his intuition to send his first shell to the target, and it was accurately and unmistakably hit the bull's-eye, and even the instructor in charge of training could not believe that this was the first time zhao Zhangcheng had used a mortar in his life.

After Zhao Zhangcheng showed his talent, he received a lot of theoretical knowledge about cannonballs, which greatly improved Zhao Zhangcheng's chances of aiming, almost every time it was a hundred shots.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

After that, Zhao Zhangcheng became the deputy company commander of the artillery company, shortly after Zhao Zhangcheng became the deputy company commander. The Ningdu Uprising also broke out, and later Zhao Zhangcheng thought that the Kuomintang camp was not suitable for him, and he decisively chose to leave Feng Yuxiang's army to join the red army and become an excellent communist in our country.

Since Zhao Zhangcheng joined the Red Army, the equipment and team of the Red Army have gradually grown. Zhao Zhangcheng, who had full combat experience, asked Miao to serve as a captain to help soldiers train, and trained a batch of "sharpshooters" for the front line of the war.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

The gun god is mighty

With the outbreak of war for many years, Zhao Zhangcheng also explored his own methods in one war after another. His method is not as rigid as orthodox theory, but is easy to understand. With a precise "cannonball" in one hand, the Kuomintang fled into the wilderness, and even more so, the Japanese suffered countless casualties.

Zhao Zhangcheng also followed the Red Army to participate in the 25,000 Long March, during which Zhao Zhangcheng exerted his talents and was indispensable in all major famous battles. The Red Army also successfully transferred under his hundred shells, making great contributions to the victory of our army in the later Long March.

Especially in the Dadu River, the enemy army vainly tried to wipe out our army by geographical superiority. However, the red army was located on the other side of the river, which was indeed not conducive to setting up cannons, and at the moment of crisis, Zhao Zhangcheng used his left hand to forcibly act as a tripod to support the cannons, relying on his own eyes as a aim.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

Perhaps the dead horse was used as a living horse doctor, and Zhao Zhangcheng forcibly set up the cannon when the conditions for firing the cannon were insufficient, which greatly reduced the accuracy.

And the Red Army was lucky, Zhao Zhangcheng relied on his many years of actual combat experience to the enemy troops to send out a shell that carried the hopes of everyone, and indeed lived up to expectations, and this shell was accurate and unmistakably centered on the enemy camp.

As the shells wafted through the enemy camp, the surrounding fighters smiled with relief and excitement. Zhao Zhangcheng's launch brought greater odds to the Red Army and successfully disrupted the Kuomintang army's plan to annihilate our army. To this end, Chairman Mao personally awarded Zhao Zhangcheng the title of "God of Gun."

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

A biological weapon in the eyes of the Japanese

The Battle of Yuliao broke out in 1940, and in order to capture an important strategic area of the Japanese army, the central government sent Zhao Zhangcheng's 385th Brigade to the battle.

After the 385th Army arrived at its destination, they immediately engaged in a fierce and fierce battle with the Japanese, and our army tightly surrounded the strategic pipe head of the Japanese Kou.

However, the military defense structure of the Japanese Kou was very stubborn, and the inhuman Japanese Kou did not hesitate to use poison gas bombs in order to win the war, so that the progress of our army in this battle was very slow.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

While the battle situation was still stubborn, the Japanese Kou dispatched two more teams of troops. Under the double pressure, Zhao Zhangcheng believes that he cannot love war, but must fight quickly.

After Zhao Zhangcheng thought about it for a long time, he came up with a brilliant plan. Zhao Zhangcheng poured out part of the shells in the team, and then ordered someone to pour pepper noodles into it. In this way, dozens of shells filled with spicy shells flew into the place where The Japanese Kou were located.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

With the circulation of the air, the place where the Japanese Kou was located was filled with the pungency of the pepper, which made the Japanese Kou unable to open their eyes, and the Japanese Kou who did not know why they thought it was the biological and chemical weapons of our army, frightened and fled everywhere.

After the founding of new China, Zhao Zhangcheng became the deputy commander of artillery with his contributions again and again, and was awarded the rank of major general at the award ceremony in 1955.

Zhao Zhangcheng, the god of artillery, filled the cannon with pepper noodles, and the Japanese army shouted: "There are biological and chemical weapons on the eighth road!" ”

brief summary:

With the continuous development of China, we no longer need to use Zhao Zhangcheng's intuition and "soil method" to fire cannonballs. But Zhao Zhangcheng has something worth learning from many people.

For Zhao Zhangcheng, who has not read any books, it is more difficult to learn the launch method of the accurate system, and he has never given up, and even combined his actual combat experience with theory to establish his own method. It has enabled more people to clearly understand the theory of shells and cultivated a batch of outstanding talents for the motherland.

In the future of China, there may be no more "indigenous methods" like Zhao Zhangcheng, but we also need a "cannon god" like Zhao Zhangcheng.

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