
These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

A good attitude can meet a good pregnancy, but many Jimei will always face various pressures in the process of preparing for pregnancy. And these pressures have made them fall into the strange circle of pregnancy preparation that "the more they want to conceive, the more they can't get pregnant", such as:

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

1. Anxious psychology

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and many people are eager to have children, but in fact, the more they want children, the more they will affect the chances of conception. Because anxious psychology will affect the secretion of hormone levels in the body, resulting in abnormal changes in body functions, which is not conducive to normal conception.

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

And this anxiety mood, not only difficult to conceive, it is best to temporarily contraception. Because such emotions will not only affect the quality of sperm or eggs, but also affect the secretion of maternal hormones due to emotional stimulation after conception, make the fetus uneasy and restless, and affect its growth and development.

Therefore, before pregnancy, Jimei must slowly adjust its emotions, and a healthy baby will naturally come.

2. Long-term infertility Nervousness

Some sisters around have been preparing to be pregnant for a long time, but they have not moved, so they suspect that they have infertility, such emotions coupled with the pressure of their families, have been in an anxious and nervous mood, to know that the longer so nervous, the formation of psychological barriers, the more difficult it is to get pregnant.

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

Therefore, we need to understand that "infertility" is only temporary, and there is no need to be nervous and inferior for this. Adjust your mindset and go to the hospital for a systematic examination to see if it is due to infertility due to physiological problems or infertility caused by psychological disorders. If it is the latter, then it is easy to do, let go of their psychological baggage, believe that they can get pregnant, and if necessary, they can ask a doctor to help adjust.

3. Avoid medical treatment and do not dare to face it

Many people think that infertility is a very humiliating thing, so even if you have not been pregnant, you dare not go to the doctor. In fact, this is a very wrong idea. Because there are many kinds of causes of infertility, there may be physiological factors or psychological factors, there may be male causes or may be female causes, must go to the hospital after scientific and systematic examination to better prescribe the right medicine.

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

So avoiding the doctor will only let this opportunity to solve the problem slip away, so that the body that could have successfully conceived has truly become infertile in its own negative treatment.

4. Excessive pressure Pseudo pregnancy

Some Jimei because of the heart is very eager to get pregnant, there are also symptoms of false pregnancy, such as every month's good friends did not come, but also accompanied by nausea, vomiting phenomenon, but the reason is because of excessive psychological pressure, resulting in some physiological changes, such as endocrine disorders, menstruation delay, etc., and even nausea, vomiting and other pregnancy illusions.

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

After 4 to 6 months after menopause, you may also feel "fetal movement", followed by a bulge in the abdomen, which fully shows the phenomenon of pregnancy, but it is not really pregnant.

These various reasons have led to a lot of Jimei not being able to get pregnant, in fact, as long as the husband and wife are in good health, and after a period of careful preparation for pregnancy, it is not difficult to conceive a baby. However, if the pressure of pregnancy preparation is too great, or the spirit is nervous and anxious, it is likely to be difficult to conceive a baby. Therefore, I would like to remind you to keep a relaxed attitude when preparing for pregnancy!

These good attitudes overcome the pressure of pregnancy preparation

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