
Painting talking about | Xu Chao: Liuquan Jinshi Plays The Heart water and clouds know

Huo Xiaohui

"Flowing springs and golden stones, knowing the water and clouds in the heart". This beautiful verse is one of Mr. Xu Chao's many collections of sentence creations.

Collection sentences are also called "collection of links", that is, collection sentences into links, generally from ancient and modern poetry to select the appropriate sentences to do the upper link, and then choose a sentence in different works to do the lower link, they are seamlessly organized together, and another new meaning.

Mr. Xu Chao is a master of collection sentences, he said that he can not write poetry, do not want to learn, because "there is no sense of language", occasionally self-written, more through the collection of sentences to create a second degree of classic sentences. The biggest advantage of the collection sentence is that there are many "raw materials" and good, and you can find topics and choose words according to personality and needs. Mr. Xu Chao said, "This kind of creation is the one who asked the sages to 'dialogue' and seek to reach my heart, which is more authoritative, more classical and interesting than just relying on my widowhood to organize the words, and it is more of the meaning of 'collecting beauty'." He said that Song poetry has thoughts, so he worked this, and wrote Song Poetry Collection Spring and Whole Song Poetry Collection, which is the fruit of his deep ploughing, cultivation, watering, and picking in the soil of traditional culture, which is interesting and fascinating.

The combination of beautiful words and calligraphy is like the encounter of golden wind and jade dew, which concentrates on the charm of traditional art. Calligraphy is an important carrier of Mr. Xu Chao's artistic pursuit of "Jimei". His calligraphy or calligraphy or golden text, its content may be used to describe nostalgia, such as "pine wind clear into the ear, cloud shadow is light and heartless", "intentionally waving the pen, no one shows the eyebrows", "civilization in the near future and the moon, indifferent to the whole spirit"; or used for gifts, such as "friendship is not gouge, the heart traces are precious and close", "Qingju people reflect jade, lonely moon water presents the heart"; or used for inscriptions, such as "Mountains and rivers idle world, ink old screen", "dragon and snake three-inch pen, flowers and bamboo a new", "good mountains like hermits, high traces refer to floating clouds", "springs outside the window singing jade, lace crane listening to the scriptures" and so on. As for the works inscribed with natural things such as pines, willows, bamboo, lotuses, streams, springs, lakes, mountains, etc., there are many more.

Painting talking about | Xu Chao: Liuquan Jinshi Plays The Heart water and clouds know

In the conversation with Mr. Xu Chao, he talked about the concept of "Jimei" many times. As far as calligraphy works are concerned, it is a collection of literary and intellectual beauty, language art beauty, calligraphy element beauty, etc., and its pursuit is to "convey the maximum cultural content with a limited scale, achieve the most beautiful artistic realm, and let the viewer get as much beauty as possible."

Once, Mr. Xu Chao received a task from Shandong University to write calligraphy gifts for Professor Ding Zhaozhong. He wrote in the form of gold in the "Collected Poems of the Whole Song Dynasty" a couplet of "Sunshine Light Literary Cai, Clouds Flying Magnificent", which means: Under the sunshine, the literary style is more brilliant; the clouds in the sky are flying, arousing magnificent feelings. He explained, "Professor Ding's ancestral home is Rizhao, and the upper union is Yu Rongzong Yaozu. Ding specializes in space research, and the next metaphor for space feelings" This kind of gift is very personal, can be described as "beautiful" and extremely beautiful.

Traditional Chinese concepts often emphasize the study of light art, and now there is a phenomenon of heavy art and light learning, all of which are fenced up in a garden. As a doctoral supervisor in the research direction of philology and calligraphy, he is also a calligrapher, so he can devote himself to breaking through and integrating the gap between scholarship and art, nourishing art with learning, and reflecting learning with art, which is the realm of the ancient saying "stone and jade and mountains, water and pearls and rivers".

The "about painting" interview was arranged in the Zhixin Building of Shandong University. Mr. Xu Chao, who is known as the "Treasure Teacher" by the students, is humorous, sunny, and the calligraphy is infiltrated with a clear temperament. After talking about the collection of sentences and calligraphy, we talked about the jai sign again. Mr. Xu Chao said with a smile that he formed his four jai numbers into a three-character sutra called "Kunlun House, Get three limes; Samadhi Emperor, there is a jing zhai", and asked someone to carve a seal with one side. "Samadhi" is the meaning of taking the Dharma nature; "Samadhi" is another translation of the Sanskrit word "Samadhi", which means to take the meaning of reading and doing learning, which is similar to the meaning of "Jing Zhai", and also has the meaning of cultivating one's own "three acres of land". This is another kind of "jimei", ingenious, interesting and fun.

Art should come from the heart, as Mr. Xu Chao said, people engaged in art should pursue such a realm: "In such a realm, everyone is unique, so his art is also unique, art is man; In such a realm, man and art are unified, and therefore man is art. ”

During the conversation, I inadvertently saw one of Mr. Xu Chao's original creations, that is, to find two sets of sentences from his predecessors and write them on a fan, the words of which were "The breeze and the moon whisper softly, and the dialogue is speechless and self-contemplative." How many Chang'an celebrities and celebrities, the organs are not as good as the king." Look, that's kind of interesting, right?!

Painting talking about | Xu Chao: Liuquan Jinshi Plays The Heart water and clouds know
Painting talking about | Xu Chao: Liuquan Jinshi Plays The Heart water and clouds know

Xu Chao, born in 1945, is a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. Professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Literature of Shandong University, director of the Research Center for Calligraphy Art of Shandong University. Consultant of Shandong Calligraphers Association.

One-point drawing talk

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