
He was very important to Toynburn and funded his studies to help him prosper, but he was betrayed and shot

Tang Enbo, a famous warlord under the old Chiang Kai-shek.

Tang Enbo's family was poor, and when he was a child, he had no money to study. Because I met him, I was able to audit the school.

Because at that time, he was the principal of the Army Elementary School. Seeing this poor boy who did not have a name, he was extrajudicial, did not charge a penny of tuition, and let him be an auditor.

He was very important to Toynburn and funded his studies to help him prosper, but he was betrayed and shot

Chen Yi

Tang Enbo regarded him as a father, followed him left and right, and became his confidant, treating him as a son and nephew.

In the 1920s, studying in Japan became a common pursuit and choice for aspiring young people, and Tang Enbo naturally wanted to go. He understood Tonbeth's thoughts, so he sponsored him to go to the Artillery Department of the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School, and sent 50 oceans to Tang Enbo every month until he completed his studies.

Tang Enbo returned from school, and he relied on his position and influence in the military circles to arrange for him to serve as a staff officer in the General Headquarters. With his relationship and Tombaugh's talents, he was able to continue to improve.

Later, because Tang Enbo was a fellow countryman with Chiang Kai-shek, he was strongly recommended by him, and he achieved many military achievements, and he was even more prosperous in official fortunes, and he was promoted to commander of the theater.

Tang Enbo's nobleman was named Chen Yi, and when he was studying in Japan, he was a classmate of He Yingqin, participated in the Guangfu Society, and participated in the Xinhai Revolution. He served as a division commander under Sun Chuanfang, and then defected to the Northern Expeditionary Army and served the old Chiang Kai-shek.

The time sequence turned to 1948, the Jiang family dynasty was in turmoil, and Chen Yi at this time had lost confidence in the old Jiang. Since he was dismissed from his post in Fujian Province in 1941, he has been reluctant to re-enter the career.

However, in 1948, when chiang kai-shek was seriously short of people, many military and political leaders left him, which can be described as a rebellion. Therefore, old Jiang remembered Chen Yi again, and together with Song Meiling, he came to persuade him to become the governor of Zhejiang Province.

He was very important to Toynburn and funded his studies to help him prosper, but he was betrayed and shot

After weighing it up, he accepted the appointment. It was not that he had illusions about Old Chiang Kai-shek again, but that he had other plans, that is, to prepare to rebel against some generals and walk out of a bright road.

After becoming the governor of Zhejiang Province, he began to contact Li Jishen and Chen Mingshu, and began to contact the East China Bureau. At that time, the old Jiang Xiaye returned to Hangzhou, and Chen Yi set up a banquet.

At the table, he advised Old Jiang to be able to afford to put it down, and it was best to go abroad to investigate. Chiang Kai-shek was so angry that he rolled his eyes and left the table with a snort.

Chen Yi prepared to revolt in Zhejiang, but he felt that his troops were too small, and he remembered Tang Enbolai, who had always been regarded as his confidant.

As mentioned earlier, Tang Enbo's official fortune was prosperous, but it did not continue, in 1944, in Henan against Japan, he fled in the wind, Chiang Kai-shek was very dissatisfied, so he made him the commander-in-chief of the army. This commander-in-chief was only a fictitious post and did not have military power in his hands, so Tang Enbo was extremely dissatisfied with Old Jiang.

Later, under the mediation of Chen Yi, Tang Enbo regained power and was appointed commander of the corps. In 1947, he led his troops to attack Shandong, and as a result, at Menglianggu, Lao Jiang's ace main force, the 74th Division, was completely destroyed, and the proud protégé Zhang Lingfu was killed in battle, and Lao Jiang was so angry that he vomited blood and ordered Tang Enbo to be removed.

He was very important to Toynburn and funded his studies to help him prosper, but he was betrayed and shot

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About half a month later, Tang Enbo heard that Old Jiang's anger had subsided, and he dared to ask for guilt. And guess what? Old Jiang was very angry when he saw Tang Enbo, and he was so drunk that he knelt down and punched and kicked him in front of so many high-ranking generals. Poor Tombaugh crawled out of the living room.

Tang Enbo was hit too hard this time, and he found Chen Yi crying and complaining, one would commit suicide, and the other would say that he would kill Old Jiang. After Chen Yi persuaded and enlightened, he decided to listen to Chen Yi's opinion and wait for the opportunity.

Chen Yi once again campaigned for Tang Enbo, and he sought the help of He Yingqin, Zhang Qun, Wu Zhongxin and others, and soon Tang Enbo was reactivated and appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou garrison.

Therefore, chen Yi wanted to revolt, and she thought of Tang Enbo. Because Tang Enbo had said before that he was going to kill Old Jiang, plus Chen Yi had been as heavy as a mountain to Tang Enbo for so many years, he felt that Tang Enbo would definitely listen to himself.

Chen Yi wrote a letter to Tang Enbo and sent his nephew Ding Mingnan to Shanghai to persuade Tang Enbo to surrender. The content of this letter is the six agreements drawn up by the East China Bureau.

After Reading the Letter, Tombaugh locked it in his office drawer. He said that he would go to Hangzhou in two days to meet Chen Gong and discuss further action plans. After Ding Mingnan returned to report, everyone was full of expectations.

Who knows, Tombaugh's letter was discovered by the head of the secret service, Mao Sen, because Mao Sen's wife was the director of the second division at the headquarters, specializing in monitoring Tang Enbo.

When Tang Enbo took out the letter again, his face changed drastically, because he found that the secret letter had been moved.

He was very important to Toynburn and funded his studies to help him prosper, but he was betrayed and shot


What to do? Tang Enbo's heart was full of fear and contradictions, and after repeated ideological struggles, the idea of repaying favors was finally overcome by saving his life. He took out the secret letter, found Mao Sen, and went to see Old Jiang together.

At this time, the East China Bureau had already judged that Tang Enbo had changed, and quickly sent someone to inform Chen Yi, asking him to leave Hangzhou quickly and go to the Liberated Area.

However, Chen Yi was very confident, he said, please rest assured that there will be no change in Tang Enbo. Taking a step back, even if there is a change, by virtue of his relationship with Tombaugh, he will never betray him, but will tell him to leave.

He was determined to wait for news from Tombaugh, and as a result came Mawson's agents.

After Chen Yi was arrested, Lao Jiang personally ordered the formation of a special court with Gu Zhutong as the president and sentenced Chen Yi to death.

Whoops, people can change, human nature is sometimes despicable, Chen Yi thought that for Tang Enborn was as heavy as a mountain, has always been regarded as a nephew, Tang Enbo will not betray him, and the tragedy occurred.

There should be trust between people, but there can be no absolute trust, because everything will change. In the face of interests, in the face of life and death, trust is sometimes fragile.

What do you think of Tang Enbo's betrayal and betrayal of his benefactor Chen Yi? Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

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