
What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

China's ancient historian Sima Qian said in the book "Baoren Anshu": "Man is inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than Hong Mao." This can be used to describe a person's life, to describe a person's contribution to society, and to evaluate a person after death.

But nothing is absolute, everything has two sides. In ancient times, Qin Shi Huang was tyrannical, profligate, and instructed the common people to build the Great Wall, but he practiced the same track, the same book, and unified weights and measures, laying a profound foundation for the great unification of our country.

It follows that any person or thing is a unity of contradictions. Tang Enbo, a famous general of the Nationalist Army, as one of Chiang Kai-shek's favorite generals, had the reputation of "famous anti-Japanese general". He should have been praised, but he betrayed his mentor Chen Yi at a critical moment, causing Chen Yi to die of hatred. Is this person a young talent, a hero who defends his family and the country, or a villain who betrays his faith and repays virtue with resentment?

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

Youth meets grace and soars

Tang Enbo was born in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, to a small landlord family, and his family was relatively wealthy. And Tombaugh's parents are very enlightened, let Tang Ember study, so that he received a very systematic and complete education.

In 1921, Tang Enbo traveled east to Japan to study with his fellow villager Tong Lexun. However, due to Tombaugh's own reasons, studying in Japan soon faced a serious economic crisis. Deprived of financial support, Tombaugh was forced to drop out of school and return home.

As the saying goes, "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat is naturally straight to the bridge". After returning to China, Tang Enbo met a person who made his life change dramatically. This person is Chen Yi.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

Who is Chen Yi? He was a first-class general in the Nationalist Army, with more than 100,000 troops in his hands, and was a capable general on Chiang Kai-shek's side. Chen Yi admired Tang Enbo very much and was optimistic about him, believing that he must be a person with great talent and great strategy in the future, so she funded Tang Enbo to help him complete his studies.

Not only that, Chen Yi also used his connections to make Tang Enbo rise from company commander to major general and admiral all the way, and became the famous "King of the Central Plains". In addition, Chen Yi even married her own dry daughter to Tang Enbo.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

Tang Enbo was naturally very grateful for this, and quickly divorced his original wife, and changed his original name to Tang Keqin to the later Tang Enbo. The relationship between Tang Enbo and Chen Yi is also a teacher and a friend, and more is the relationship between a righteous father and a righteous son.

It can be said that at this very difficult moment, Tang Enbo was very lucky to meet Chen Yi. If Tang Enbo is a thousand-mile horse buried by the world, then Chen Yi is his Bole and his nobleman.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

Middle-aged anti-Japanese resistance, outstanding merits

With the help of nobles and the internal and external factors that Tang Enbo himself strives to be self-motivated, Tang Enbo's career has progressed very rapidly.

In 1927, Tang Enbo was appointed deputy commander of the 19th Army of the National Revolutionary Army in Nanjing, and then appointed as a lieutenant colonel in the Staff Office of the General Headquarters, and then promoted to chief of the Operations Section. In 1928, he was appointed colonel of the Central Army Officer School in Nanjing.

Such an excellent talent, in the talented Kuomintang army at that time, Tang Enbo naturally also stood out. Between 1928 and 1936, Tombaugh rose to prominence in army operations and was promoted to higher positions. Chiang Kai-shek was very appreciative of him and greatly used him.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

After the July 7 Incident in 1937, the Kuomintang was forced to cooperate with the Communist Party for the second time due to reality. In the early stage of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists to resist Japan, Tang Enbo fully demonstrated his talent and ability in military operations, and actively responded to the call of the Kuomintang to stop the civil war and unanimously resist Japan.

At the end of 1937, Tang Enbo was appointed commander-in-chief of the Seventh Army Group and was ordered to garrison the Zhangjiakou position. We must know that at that time, even the Kuomintang in our country did not have such an elite unit as Japan, let alone a strong ship and cannon like Japan.

Tombaugh was tasked with staying there for 8 days, but they had been unknowingly holding out for 13 days without reinforcements arriving on time. During these thirteen days, Tombaugh had only a few hours of rest in the command post every day.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

In the case of the isolated and helpless crisis of reinforcements being delayed due to the flood disaster and the Pursuit of the Japanese Army, Tang Enbo did not get angry or restless because of this, but instead told his subordinates that it was the supreme glory to die on the battlefield as a soldier, and led by example, ordering anyone whoever retreated would be shot on the spot, including himself.

Tombaugh's example stabilized the morale of the army and boosted morale. In 1938, in the Taierzhuang Campaign in the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War, it was precisely tang Enbo who led his army to attack the left wing of the enemy's Tenth Division in time at the most dangerous moment in Taierzhuang, so that the battle could change from passive to active and achieve the exciting Taierzhuang victory.

Tang Enbo's contribution to repelling the Japanese army to defend the mountains and rivers cannot be changed, and he is a real anti-Japanese hero.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

In his later years, the civil war was not smooth

But as the war drew to a close, the common enemy of the Kuomintang and the Communists, the Japanese imperialist aggressors, was repulsed. At this time, the Kuomintang once again pointed its spearhead at the Communist Party.

In 1942, Tang Enbo was appointed commander-in-chief of the border regions of the four provinces of Lusu, Yuwan and Anhui. At that time, Henan was experiencing a very severe drought, and 10,000 acres of fertile land could not produce grain. In this case, disaster relief should be the most critical, but Tombaugh's men are greedy for money, and the impact is very bad.

Therefore, the people of Henan regard Tang Enbo as one of the "soups" in "water, drought, locusts, and soups". It can be seen that the common people hate Tang Enbo to the bone. His act of brandishing butcher knives at ordinary people and even creating multiple "no man's lands" in the Soviet zone made people complain.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

In 1944, Tang Enbo frequently lost on the battlefield, and the result can be imagined, a large area of the Central Plains fell. For Tang Enbo's successive defeats, the crowd was indignant, and Chiang Kai-shek had no choice but to transfer Tang Enbo back.

Tang Enbo, who had lost his army, was naturally not reconciled, and ran to his righteous father and mentor, Chen Yi, to cry. Chen Yi was in a high position of power at that time, and used his connections to give Tang Enbo military power again.

In 1949, Chen Yi looked at the overall situation and decided to revolt. He sent someone in advance to persuade his righteous son Tang Enbo to prepare to go to Shanghai himself. But what Chen Yi did not expect was that day and night defense, family thieves are difficult to prevent. Tang Enbo had been bribed by Chiang Ching-kuo, the son of Chiang Kai-shek, to betray the old man who had once been with him in his sixties.

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

In 1950, Chen Yi, who had passed the age of Hua Jia, was arrested for plotting a rebellion. What is even more unexpected is that in June, Chen Yi, a prominent figure who was just and honest and devoted to the country, was executed in Taiwan. This result was not expected by Tombaugh, and it was completely unexpected by Tombaugh.

After this incident, the fact that Tombaugh was an ungrateful white-eyed wolf was known to the world and deeply spurned. His colleagues looked down on him, and his wife moved to the United States with her children. Tombaugh eventually ended up with a wife and daughter.

In April 1954, Tombaugh was diagnosed with cancer, and in June he died of excessive blood loss during surgery in Japan. In this way, Tombaugh ended his life. As his superior and friend, Chiang Kai-shek only said lightly after Tang Enbo's death: "If he dies in battle in Shanghai, he will be a hero."

What kind of person is Tombaugh? After Tang Enbo's death, Chiang Kai-shek evaluated him in 10 words

brief summary:

Tombaugh ended his life in depression. There are always two sides to everything. The same was true of Tombaugh's life. Right and wrong, merit and fault, are all decisions made by oneself.

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