
Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Saying that the emperor of the ages will think of Qin Shi Huang is like saying that the changing law can think of Shang Martingale. The exploits established by Qin Shi Huang were said to have been inseparable from the changes brought by shang martingale to the Qin state. Before Shang Martin entered Qin, the sense of existence of the Qin State was extremely low, "the princes were humble to Qin, ugly and great"; after Shang Martin entered Qin, he changed the law to "open the imperial industry for Qin", so that the poor, weak and backward Qin State was renewed.

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? From the records and evaluations of Shang Martin by later historians, it can be found that if these 3 people are offended, Shang Martin will die. Sima Qian said: "Shang Jun, his talent is mean and mean. In the "Zizhi Tongjian", we can find more traces of the reasons for Shang Martin's death, at the beginning, Shang Martingale was full of legal science, and Qin Xiaogong, who was determined to change the law and strengthen Qin, was immediately in agreement:

The Qin state was poor and weak, the nobles monopolized the high position of the career, the people had no reward for their merits, and their enthusiasm for foreign wars was not high enough. In view of the situation in the Qin State, Shang Martin successively launched the "Order of Reclamation of Grass", "Law of Sitting Continuously", "Twenty Grade Military Meritorious Knighthood System", etc., to know that the Qin people are brave and courageous, and the private fighting of the people is prevalent, and private fighting is prohibited, military merit is rewarded, and meritorious service is promoted, and the people will "have the courage to fight in public and be afraid of private fighting";

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Then there were the rewards for heavy farming and suppression of commerce, the production of grain and cloth; the abolition of the sub-feudal system and the introduction of the county system; the introduction of the small family system, which forbade fathers and sons and brothers to live in the same room; the burning of Confucian poetry books, and so on. At the same time, Shang Martin also established the "continuous sitting" decree, in which a person who commits a crime, the whole family and even the neighbors, must be held accountable, unless they are reported in advance, and those who know it and do not report it are severely punished; the knighthood must be obtained by killing the enemy and making military merits.

The hereditary status of the nobility was broken, and the people had the opportunity to move upwards, but was the result of the change really as simple as one party's happiness and one party's worry? According to historical records, there are also many complaints about Shang Martingale: "Shang Jun... The usage is harsh, taste the Wei prison, and the Water is red. For ten years, many people complained. "Shang Martin strictly enforced the law, despised indoctrination, and advocated heavy punishment for misdemeanors in order to establish authority.

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Therefore, Shang Martin did not win the hearts and minds of the people, and the main help he received came from the king of a country, Qin Xiaogong. As a disciple of the Fa, the point of "not avoiding the powerful and the criminal doctor" was vividly brought into play by Shang Martin. Therefore, when Shang Martin changed the law under heavy pressure, he naturally offended the aristocratic forces: the prince, Gongzi Qian, and Gongsun Jia, Gongzi Qian was stripped of his nose, and Gongsun Jia was cast to death.

Which new decree did the prince commit to? There is no detailed record, but Gongzi Qian was the eldest brother of Qin Xiaogong, Gongsun Jia was a representative of the old aristocratic forces, and Gan Long and others can be counted as a faction, they fought against Shang Martingale, Shang Martin was certainly a capable subject, but he was also an orphan minister; the prince broke the law and could not add punishment, and the result was that this crime could only be imposed on the nobles of the former scenery.

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Gongzi Qian, Gongsun Jia, and Prince Zi all lost face, and Gongzi Qian even closed the door for 8 years, what was he thinking during these 8 years? Qin Xiaogong supported Shang Martingale, but Qin Xiaogong could not live forever, as soon as he died, the crown prince took the throne, and the situation changed in an instant, whether it was for the original personal vendetta or to appease the dark tide of the Qin State, the new monarch would destroy Shang Martingale.

Shang Martingale was so powerful, why was he still killed? Historian: Only because of offending 3 people

Qin Xiaogong died, and the Lao Clan began to target Shang Martin again, and the two sides were at odds. The new Qin Jun could not fight against all the old clans on his own, killing Shang Martin was the easiest way to save trouble, and Shang Martin died so easily. After his death, the new law continued to be implemented, which shows that the new jun must have seen the benefits of it, and he did not completely negate the martingale. It's just that Shang Martin, as a sword in the chaotic world, finally came to a situation of certain death.

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