
Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

In 362 BC, Qin Xiangong died of illness and was succeeded by his 21-year-old son, Duke Xiao of Qin. During this period, the national strength of the Qin state was very weak, and many countries looked down on the Qin state, "the princes are humble and ugly." Once one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, it has now fallen to the point of ridicule and ridicule, and Qin Xiaogong is deeply stimulated and determined to change the law and strive to become stronger. He also issued a recruitment order, the content of which was very attractive: "There are those who can make a surprising plan to strengthen qin, and I respect the officials, and divide the land with them." This recruitment order soon reached Shang Martin's ears.

Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

At this time, Shang Martin was depressed in the State of Wei and was just a protégé of Gong Xiang's uncle. Uncle Gong admired Shang Martin's talents and recommended Shang Martin to King Hui of Wei many times, but King Hui of Wei did not reuse it, and only let him become a minor official of the Middle Shuzi, which made Shang Martin very depressed. Later, when Uncle Gong was seriously ill with acne, King Hui of Wei came to visit him, and Uncle Hui took the opportunity to say to King Hui of Wei: If you can reuse Shang Martingale, let him take over my shift and help you govern the State of Wei; if you do not plan to reuse the Martingale, then kill him, and you must not let him serve other countries, otherwise the State of Wei will suffer a catastrophe.

Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

King Hui of Wei thought that his uncle was terminally ill and incoherent, so he perfunctorily said a few words and left. After King Wei Hui left, Gong Uncle Huan sent someone to find Shang Martin, told him that King Wei Hui wanted to kill him, and advised him to flee quickly. Originally, Shang Martin was very impressed by Qin Xiaogong's recruitment order, and now he heard Gong Gong say that King Hui of Wei wanted to kill himself, so he ran to the Qin State without hesitation and was used by Qin Xiaogong. After that, Shang Martin passed two changes to make the Qin state become the hegemon of the West in one fell swoop, and surpassed the six eastern countries in terms of national strength, laying a solid foundation for the later Qin to destroy the six kingdoms.

Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

In 338 BC, Duke Xiao of Qin died, and Crown Prince Si ascended the throne, that is, King Hui of Qin. Soon after King Hui of Qin succeeded to the throne, he found an excuse to put Shang Martin to death, and he used the capital punishment of Car Split. So why did King Hui of Qin treat Shang Martin, who had done the immortal deeds of the Qin state? Sima Guang gave this answer in the Zizhi Tongjian: In the year of the Ling Dynasty, the qin people's kingdom said that the inconvenience of the new order was in the thousands. So the prince broke the law. Wei Martin said: "The law does not work, and it is committed from above." The prince, the heir, shall not be tortured. He was sentenced to His Fu Gongzi (傅公子虔) and his master Gongsun Jia (黥) gongsun Jia (公孙嘉). "Tomorrow, the Qin people will all be on order.

Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

The Shang martingale transformation method touched the interests of many old nobles, who complained one after another, and the prince also said something that should not be said. But he was the future monarch and could not use torture, so Shang Martin sentenced Yingqian, who was responsible for supervising the prince, to death, and Gongsun Jia, who was responsible for educating the prince, was sentenced to be appeased. Yingqian was a member of the qin royal family, Gongsun Jia was a member of the old nobility, both of them were the prince's confidants, but Shangmartin did not give any face, Yingqian was cut off his nose, and Gongsun Jia was stabbed in the face. In this way, Shang Martin completely offended Yingqian, Gongsun Jia, and Prince Si.

Why was the martingale torn apart by the car? Sima Guang: If you offend these three people, Shang Martin will undoubtedly die!

After the death of Qin Xiaogong, Shang Martin lost his greatest patron. Both Yingqian and Gongsun Jia constantly said bad things about ShangMartin in front of King Hui of Qin, and falsely accused him of rebellion. At this time, shang martingale had a high reputation among the people because of the success of the reform, and the people in many places even "only knew the Shang Jun but did not know the Qin King". King Hui of Qin was originally dissatisfied with Shang Martin, and at this time, seeing that he had done a great job and shocked the Lord, he seriously threatened his own authority, and coupled with the fact that Two henchmen of Yingqian and Gongsun Jia were constantly stirring up trouble next to him, he executed Shang Martin on the charge of "wanting to rebel". Although Shang Martin died, the new law was not abolished, so the Qin state later destroyed the Six Kingdoms.

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