
634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out

China Fund News reporter Wu Yu

On the last day of 2021, Huawei released its report card.

Huawei's revenue in 2021 will be 634 billion yuan

On December 31, Guo Ping, Huawei's rotating chairman, delivered a New Year's speech saying that it is expected to achieve sales revenue of about 634 billion yuan in 2021. Last year, the value was 891.4 billion yuan, down 28.9% year-on-year.

634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out

Among them, the operator's business performance is stable, the enterprise business is growing healthily, and the terminal business is developing rapidly in new industries. Huawei's cooperation with customers and partners has continued to deepen, global business operations have been operating normally, and various reform measures and strategic investments have been promoted in an orderly manner. The overall operating situation of the company is in line with expectations.

Survive in 2022

Survive with quality

Guo Ping said that looking forward to the future, the digital economy has become the main engine of global economic growth, green and low-carbon has become a new driving force for sustainable development, and the integration of industry digitalization and green will bring huge development opportunities for the information processing and communication industry; at the same time, the external environment continues to be turbulent, and the ICT industry is facing challenges such as technology politicization and globalization. Huawei should maintain its strategic focus and rationally respond to external force majeure.

Strategically, Huawei insists on focusing on ICT infrastructure and smart terminals, and while maintaining the advantages of a large platform, shortens the management chain, quickly meets customer needs, and creates commercial and social value through the pilot operation of industrial subsidiaries and legions. Within the company, Legion represents the industry in finding the right technology; for customers, Legion represents Huawei to find solutions to problems with partners. Bring simplicity to customers and keep complexity to yourself.

Guo Ping said that in 2022, we still face a series of challenges, and we will work closely with our global partners to overcome the difficulties together. In the new year, we want to produce more grain, strengthen our foundations, continue to invest in the future, and "survive and survive with quality" by creating value for our customers and partners.

Looking forward to Huawei's 2022 performance!

The full text is as follows:

634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out
634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out
634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out
634 billion! Huawei's report card is coming, and the rotating chairman is speaking out

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