
2021, My Reading

2021, My Reading

Yesterday, on a whim, each of us in glacier recommended three books that we had read in 2021 to form a book list.

Chen Jibing, Lian Qingchuan, Ren Dagang, Zhang Mingyang, guan Buyu, all of them are two-legged bookcases, and there are definitely more than three books to read in a year. But there are too many recommendations to read.

When it was my turn to think about it myself, I suddenly found that this year was busy, and reading was not systematic, not coherent reading. Often it is either a little on WeChat reading, a little on the kindle, a little reading on the bedside book, and flipping through which one you get in the office.

WeChat Reading's annual reading report shows that I read 30 books last year and finished 4 books...

Of course, I should have read not so few books, but I really can't remember which books I read.

The following three books are the best reading choices for memory.

1. "Alive", Yu Hua

What is more impressive is that this year, I have read several of Yu Hua's early works, "Shouting in the Drizzle", "Alive", "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood"... I am ashamed that Yu Hua's works began with the middle and late "Brothers" and "The Seventh Day", of course, these works are also on the standard line, but after reading "Alive" and "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", I found that my previous evaluation of Yu Hua was too unobjective. Now in my heart, Yu Hua is a Chinese writer who is fully qualified to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. "Alive" portrays the mentality of Chinese and the relationship between people and the times into three points, which is simply to the extreme. In the process of reading "Alive", I couldn't bear to look at it again several times, and I lost the book and sighed.

2. The Collapse and Expansion of China: The Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Kawamoto Yoshiaki

This is a book of Kodansha's Chinese history. I am ashamed, I should have read while listening, and the real detail may be Shen Qiwei's "Detailed History of the Southern and Northern Dynasties" of the detailed series. The reason why I read the Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties is because my son learned this period of history, and I originally wanted to help him sort out the knowledge points, but I found that my memory was also very chaotic, so I systematically read several related books.

As a result, it is estimated that my son still can't remember it, and I haven't remembered much after reading it. This is purely to supplement one's knowledge of historical details.

Why does a chaotic history produce one of the most romantic and indulgent times in Chinese history? This is an interesting topic.

3. Three Thousand Years of Jerusalem, Simon Montefiore

I first bought this book in a bookstore in Taiwan, and then it came out in the mainland, and I bought it again. As a result, I still read on WeChat Reading... Paper books seem to be only suitable for collection.

WeChat reading can be read and listened to, and can be carried out anytime, anywhere. As long as you get used to it, you will feel better than the kindle. There are a few kindles in the family, and some of them don't know which pile of books they are caught in. I listened to and read the book intermittently.

The three thousand years of Jerusalem can also be said to be the three thousand years of human religious activities, and the three thousand years of intertwining the civilizations of the East and the West. There is no other city that touches people's hearts, makes people sad, makes people cry like Jerusalem.

By the way, set a small goal: from 2022, the personal number will be no less than three articles a week, regardless of length; no less than 3 books per month; no less than 2 videos per week...

2021, My Reading

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