
Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

author:Will fire

Recently, Zhang Zetian rarely posted two Christmas photos of enjoying parent-child time with his daughter on the social platform, and said that this is the best time of the year, and the words are full of happiness, and the mother and daughter are also in the same frame this time.

Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

In the photo, Zhang Zetian wears a red sweater and a mask with Christmas elements, the pearl ornaments on the side of her ears are exquisite, her smile looks very happy, her left hand is wrapped around her daughter's shoulder, and both mother and son are watching the performance carefully. Her 5-year-old daughter has reached the waist of Zhang Zetian, wearing a red sweater of the same color like a parent-child suit, a long hair black and soft, and a red bow on her head, which is particularly well-behaved, inheriting her mother's gentle and lovely temperament.

Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

There is also a single photo of Zhang Zetian, in which Zhang Zetian stands next to the exquisite Christmas tree with flat shoes, a long brown hair highlights its gentle temperament, a warm smile on his face, Zhang Zetian's skin is fair under the light, his body is graceful like a girl, wearing a black dress to expose a small section of delicate legs.

Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

In the face of netizens commenting that girls have grown up so big, Zhang Zetian also joked with netizens, "Some people think we are sisters when they go out", and the tone is very naughty. In fact, it is not out of thin air for passers-by to say that Zhang Zetian and his daughter are sisters, after all, Zhang Zetian is only 28 years old now, which can be regarded as a very young mother.

Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

Speaking of which, last month Zhang Ze genius just finished her 28th birthday, as a birthday star, she dressed up very plainly that day, the plain face did not appear as carefully dressed as last year, there was only a beautiful small cake on the table, in addition to this there was no other decoration, very low-key.

Zhang Zetian took his daughter out shopping! The 5-year-old daughter has a bow tie and strong hair and is outstanding in height

Today's Zhang Zetian is more of a calm and indifferent, throw away the sharp edge on the body, not arrogant and low-key life, from their body we see a woman's calm convergence, I don't know if everyone likes this calm and low-key on her body?

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