
The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

Oh, guys, what are we going to talk about today? I'll just give you a new thing that has just come out of the oven, this thing, it's exciting. Let's take a look to the south, in the small ravine, there is a young man named Li Mo, who looks very energetic, and his stomach is full of ink, but the family is so poor that he clangs, and he eats every day.

This Li Mo, although he is poor, but people's hearts for knowledge are hotter than fire. Fighting night after night, I look forward to one day being able to take the top prize, turn over as a serf and sing, so that I and my family can live a good life. But this fate, sometimes it's like a joke with us, Li Mo takes the exam every year, and he fails every year, and the little bit of the family is about to be exhausted.

Just when Li Mo was disheartened and was about to accept his fate, there was a rumor in the village, saying that in the old forest outside the village, there were always strange lights flickering recently, and some strange sounds could be heard at night. This news spread faster than the wind, and the people in the village talked about it, some said that the monsters in the mountains came out, and some said that the treasure was in the world.

The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

When Li Mo heard this rumor, his heart was also up and down. He pondered: "We have been studying for so many years, and we have never seen any rare treasures, this time may be an opportunity, we have to find out." So, he scraped together, saved some money, bought some dry food and tools, and embarked on a treasure hunt.

After a few days of wind and dust, Li Mo finally came to the old forest. He walked cautiously inside, and the beating in his heart was like playing a drum. He hadn't gone far before he saw a place in front of him, and there was a faint light flashing. He quickened his pace and took a closer look, oh my god, this is not a monster, this is clearly an ancient tomb!

Li Mo's heart tightened, he knew that it was illegal to rob tombs, but the temptation of this ancient tomb in front of him was too great. He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and decided to let it go. He looked around, saw that there was no one around, and cautiously began to dig. It didn't take long for Li Mo to dig the entrance to the tomb. He took a deep breath, mustered up his courage, and walked inside.

The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

The inside of the tomb was dark, and there were no fingers to be seen. Li Mo groped his way forward, and suddenly, he touched a stone slab. He pushed hard, the slate moved, and suddenly, a blinding light shot out from the depths of the tomb. Li Mo squinted his eyes, got used to it for a while, and then looked at it, my God, in this tomb, there are mountains of gold and silver treasures! He was so excited that he almost jumped up, and hurriedly stepped forward, reaching out to get the treasures.

At this moment, there was a sudden buzz in the burial chamber. Li Mo looked up and saw a huge black butterfly flying out from the depths of the tomb. This black butterfly, with big wings, and a faint blue light on its body, is terrifying to look at. Li Mo was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he hurriedly took a few steps back. The black butterfly didn't seem to intend to let him go, and after flying around him a few times, it suddenly stopped and landed on his shoulder. Li Mo's kid was as frightened as chaff, and he trembled all over. He stiffened his head and reached out to catch the black butterfly. But who would have thought that the black butterfly actually spoke: "Li Mo, Li Mo, you kid is very fat, dare to break into my nest." Okay, I'll reward you with a penny today. As soon as the words fell, the black butterfly turned into a blue light, and with a whoosh, disappeared into the tomb. Li Mo was stunned there, and before he came back to his senses, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders, and when he touched it, good guy, a roll of golden silk! He hurriedly unfolded it and took a look, oh my god, this is silk, it is clearly a zhang long gold! He counted a thousand gold coins!

Li Mo was so excited that tears were about to come out, so he quickly packed up the gold and silver treasures and left the tomb in a hurry. By the time he walked out of the woods, it was already dawn. As soon as he returned to the village, he told his family and fellow villagers about it. When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and praised him for his luck. But what is the secret behind this good luck? What is the origin of the black butterfly? What are the secrets inside the tomb? If you want to know what will happen next, let's break it down next time.

The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

Li Mo got this windfall, and he called it a mixed flavor in his heart. He knew that the money came from strangely, but his family was so poor that he could refuse this windfall. So, he decided to use the money to improve his life first, and then slowly ponder the secrets of the ancient tomb. As the days passed, Li Mo used the money to buy a field and build a new house, and the family's life gradually improved. But in his heart, he always remembered the secret of the black butterfly and the ancient tomb.

He decided to go to the old forest again and find out. This time, he was well prepared, called a few strong young men from the village, and brought the necessary tools and dry food. They marched into the woods and soon found the entrance to the tomb. When I went in carefully, I saw that the tomb was still full of gold and silver treasures, but the black butterfly was gone. Li Mo pondered in his heart, this black butterfly wouldn't be the patron saint of the ancient tomb, right? He looked around for clues.

Suddenly, a low moan came from the depths of the burial chamber. Li Mo and the others were so frightened that their souls were about to fly, and they hugged each other tightly, for fear that something would happen. The voice grew clearer and clearer, as if it were coming from a large sarcophagus. Li Mo strengthened his courage and slowly walked towards the sarcophagus. He took a deep breath and pushed hard, and the sarcophagus lid opened. Inside lay a dry corpse dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a strange smile on its face. Li Mo took a closer look and almost screamed, this dried corpse actually looked exactly like him! He was so frightened that his voice was hoarse, and when he turned to look at the other boys, they were all pale with fright. Oh, I'll go, this thing is really wicked! The dry corpse, called "Lao Gan'er" in our Northeast dialect, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a faint blue light in his eyes, like an ice lamp in our Northeast winter. He sat up from the sarcophagus slowly, his voice was hoarse like an old smoking gun, and he said, "Li Mo, Li Mo, aren't you still coming back." Hearing this, Li Mo was frightened, trembling all over, and stammered: "You... Who are you? Why do you look like a mold carved out of me? The dry corpse grinned and said, "I am you, you are me." We are in the past and present lives, and I am the master of this ancient tomb. ”

The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

Li Mo was confused when he heard this, and he asked, "This... What the hell is going on? The dry corpse sighed and said, "I was a rich merchant when I was alive, but because of greed and ambition, I was cursed and trapped here." I hope to be free, and to have someone inherit my wealth and secrets. I will become a black butterfly and find that destined person in the world. As soon as I saw you, I knew that you were my destined person. ”

Li Mo was dumbfounded when he heard this, and asked, "That... So what should I do? The corpse said, "Bury my body on the hillside outside the village, and take the gold and silver treasures back to the village and give them to those who need them." In this way, you will be able to undo my curse and be truly free. Li Mo hesitated for a while, thinking about the messy things he had done before, as well as the difficulties of his family, and finally nodded and agreed.

The group buried the corpses and brought back the gold and silver treasures to the village. According to the last wish of the dry corpse, Li Mo distributed the money to the poor people in the village. The people in the village were very grateful, and Li Mo was also respected and praised by everyone. But just when Li Mo thought that this was the end of the matter, the black butterfly appeared again. flew up to Li Mo and said, "Li Mo, Li Mo, you did a good job." Now, I send you the true treasure of knowledge and wisdom. After speaking, the black butterfly turned into a blue light and burrowed into Li Mo's body.

The scholar robbed the tomb, and a black butterfly flew out of the tomb, and the butterfly rewarded you with a penny

Since then, Li Mo has become extremely smart and can do everything with ease. He used his knowledge and wisdom to help the villagers get rid of poverty and become rich, so that the life of the villagers was better and better. He also understood that true wealth is not gold and silver, but knowledge and wisdom. Only knowledge and wisdom can change people's destiny. The secret of the tomb has been slowly forgotten over time. But in the dead of night, in that old forest, there is still a faint light shining from time to time, as if telling an ancient story.

Li Mo's life became more and more prosperous, and he became the most learned and wealthy person in the village. But he always remembered the secret of the black butterfly and the ancient tomb, and the dried corpse that looked exactly like himself. He always wondered, was it all just a dream? One day, a Taoist priest came to the village, holding a dust whisk in his hand and a long sword on his back, and he looked like a master with two brushes. The Taoist priest wandered around the village and finally stopped in front of Li Mo's house. He observed that the luck of Li Mo's house was unusually strong, and he couldn't help but take a few more looks. Li Mo saw that this Taoist priest had an extraordinary temperament, so he warmly invited him into the house to drink fragrant tea. The two sat down in the hall and chatted while drinking tea. The Taoist priest asked about Li Mo's past, and Li Mo unreservedly recounted his experience to him in detail. After hearing this, the Taoist priest smiled slightly, and said to Li Mo: "Li Mo, do you know that there is an inextricable connection between you and the owner of the ancient tomb?" Li Mo was stunned for a moment, and asked rhetorically, "Dao Chief, what do you mean by this?" The Taoist priest took a sip of tea and explained unhurriedly: "The owner of the ancient tomb was once a Taoist priest who had achieved cultivation. In the process of cultivation, he went astray and coveted the glory and wealth of the world, which eventually led to his own ruin. After his death, his soul could not rest in peace, and he turned into a black butterfly and wandered the world, looking for someone who could inherit his will and wealth. Li Mo was dumbfounded when he heard this, and then asked, "Dao Chief, then what should I do?" The Taoist priest replied, "Since you have inherited the wealth and secrets of the owner of the tomb, you should continue his last wish and use your knowledge and wisdom to help more people." At the same time, you should also be wary of your own greed and ambition and avoid following his old path. Li Mo nodded seriously, indicating that he would keep it in mind. The Taoist priest continued, "However, there is still an unfinished relationship between you and the owner of the ancient tomb. If you want to get rid of his influence completely, you will have to go to the tomb yourself and complete a specific ritual. Li Mo asked, "What kind of ceremony is it?" The Taoist priest told him, "You need to prepare three things: a peachwood sword, a bottle of realgar wine, and a yellow paper talisman." Then, take these items into the tomb, place them in front of the sarcophagus, and chant a spell to lift the curse of the tomb owner. Although Li Mo was a little uneasy in his heart, he decided to try it when he thought that he could completely get rid of the influence of the owner of the ancient tomb. He followed the instructions of the Taoist priest, prepared the required items, and set out on the journey to the ancient tomb again. After several days of trekking, Li Mo finally arrived in front of the ancient tomb. He took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to walk into the tomb. The tomb was still full of gold and silver treasures, but the black butterfly did not appear. Li Mo placed the three items in front of the sarcophagus and began to chant the incantation. As the spell progressed, a sudden gust of wind blew from inside the tomb, blowing the gold and silver treasures in all directions. Li Mo held the peachwood sword tightly to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. At this moment, the black butterfly appeared again, and it flew in front of Li Mo, with a complicated light flashing in its eyes. Li Mo took a deep breath and said to Black Butterfly, "Black Butterfly, I'm here today to lift your curse. I hope you can let go of your obsessions and get relief as soon as possible. The black butterfly trembled slightly, then nodded slowly. The little thing jumped on top of the peachwood sword, and with a swish, it turned into a bright blue light, and it went into the sword with a thud. Li Mo's kid felt a fierce force coming from the sword body, and he knew in his heart that this must be the strength of the black butterfly. He grabbed the mahogany sword and aimed it at the sarcophagus. Good fellow, the sarcophagus immediately cracked, and a puff of black smoke came out. The black smoke swirled around in mid-air a few times, and then it seemed to be gone, scattered into the air. Li Mo knew in his heart that this was the soul of the master in the ancient tomb who had finally been liberated. Since then, Li Mo has never encountered the black butterfly again. He used his knowledge and wisdom to help many people, and became a good person admired by everyone in the village. The secret of the ancient tomb has been slowly forgotten over time. However, in the dead of night, there would be a faint light in the old forest from time to time, as if telling an ancient and mysterious story. Li Mo always remembered the secret of the black butterfly and the ancient tomb. He sometimes thought of the corpse that looked exactly like himself, and the strange ancient tomb. But he knew it was all in the past. What he has to do now is to cherish the days in front of him and use his knowledge and wisdom to create more good things.

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