
No matter how this year goes, it's going to be over.

In the afternoon, the company group was inexplicably lively, took a look, and it turned out that colleagues had been saying that there was no news of the annual break in 2021. I didn't leave work until eight o'clock and called for a bowl of rice to go home early. The circle of friends on WeChat seems to be saying: "Tomorrow is the new year." "Yeah, no matter how it goes this year, it's going to be over." I naturally look back on the year.

2021 wasn't going well for me. Although there is a slow progress in work, at present, there is no major breakthrough. There were also a lot of unexpected things and some unpleasant things happening during this period. After the friends around me knew, they all became interested in being "this melon", asked me what I thought, whether I was ready to resign, and talked about doing business in passing.

At that time, I felt that our group of people, although they always said that they had only graduated a few years ago, were still very young, and they were still a child in their mentality. But if you don't pay attention, you will be betrayed by the small details of life. When you walk out of school, who cares about going to work? We have all become forward-looking adults.

In addition, the thing that makes me feel this way the most is when I go to see the house. In order to buy a house, this year and various intermediaries have successively run almost half a six-plate water. The reason why I ran through half of Liupanshui was because the budget was limited and the affordable houses were more suburban. Also because of the limited budget, they pushed me, are "minimalist decoration, save money and advanced" and other content. In the end, I dragged on, and I sat down with them when I had time to settle the account. Not just the down payment, the monthly mortgage, but also a lot of follow-up problems, buying a car, and the situation where the family is sick.

Although friends have been comforting and saying, "You can just celebrate the New Year without growing up." "But life, at some point, will force you to think like an adult." That day with friends, we finished the account, looked at each other, did not say clearly, but tacitly knew what the other was thinking: parents will grow old, responsibilities are increasing, what we want will only become more and more expensive, and there will only be more and more places to use money.

We can only run a little faster, a little faster.

And I know that this pressure is not only what we experience, it is scattered on everyone's shoulders.

Some people broke up this year; some people missed out on schools or jobs they wanted to go; some people fell into the trough of their careers in 2021.

But fortunately, we are still on the last day of 2021 as scheduled.

As it was said at the beginning: "No matter how this year is, it will pass." ”

And for me, it has the second half:

So those sad things, those difficult days, those people who are difficult to let go, will also pass with 2021.

KFC at three o'clock in the morning

What's more, when you open the memories and look at them, you can still see many cherished moments that occurred in this year. For example, playing with friends off work, everyone has a lot of ideas on a whim; it's all strange little things, right? And the reason I remember this clip is because I think:

It's so good that everyone can still think of happy things for a second.

Therefore, even if it is really not fun to grow up, the identity of adults is really a little tired, and this year is indeed not easy. But at the very least, we also have the ability to heal ourselves, to feel satisfied with a little scrap of life.

No matter how this year goes, it's going to be over.

About the work:

In fact, after working for so long, the one I remember most is that I was still working in the industry media once when I was scolded by the editor-in-chief: "As an editor, why don't you use punctuation?" "Even though there were only two of us in the editor-in-chief's office at the time. But the 23-degree air conditioner chilling wind was blowing overhead, and I could feel the heat on my face – not because of the high temperature in the room, but because of shame.

"Commas are pauses, periods are endings, exclamation points are mood points, and every symbol has its uses." He paused, "Punctuation and words are a whole, it constitutes the logic of written expression, can not be used indiscriminately, let alone not used." "It's not just about punctuation, it's also about color aberration in photos.

"If you look closely, the different blues are presented on the computer, and its look and feel are different." His tone slowed down. After a closer discussion, I found that the details of each place actually came from the editor-in-chief's consideration: Why should the illustrations be interlaced with the text? Not because "I want to interlace", but because interlacing gives the reader a visual "breathing sensation".

As editors, we have to consider how closely the illustration is to the text, and then decide how many or few interlaces there are. In this way, I polished the details little by little, and gradually went from copywriter to editor.

I also often see it in the background of my public account, and many readers and friends ask: "How to become a powerful content creator?" "I'm far from being strong myself, and I can barely call it "qualified." But from the editor-in-chief, I got this feeling: the beginning of the great, in fact, is not that you have improved a lot at once. Instead, you begin to have your own standards and pursuits for work or works.

Thinking of such a thing, a former colleague once talked to me: "People are really picky sometimes." Not only is it picky about the content of the work", I didn't understand it at that time, and I only woke up to this day. Sometimes you serve a person, not only a matter of work ability and character, but mainly from dissatisfaction with the status quo. Some people, no matter how good, you don't always want to be with them. Some people can convince the public, even if he is useless in himself. In the words of a former colleague: "Maybe this is fate."

But it is an honor: "Every time I encounter something like this, I always have a lot of different choices." Thinking of this, I can't help but think of the sentence taught by the teacher: "It is always right to learn more." After all, although my imitation ability is not first-class, it is also passable.

In any case, there are only a few hours left this year.

Take good care of yourself, sleep well, eat meat well,

Only in 2022 can we have the strength to smile and embrace it.

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