
Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

author:Shibasho-chan - Read a little book every day

#头条首发大赛# #姜萍走红后 A local company in Huai'an came to send money to Jiang's father#

In the past few days, Jiang Ping's name has made a lot of noise on the Internet.

was originally an unknown secondary school student, but because of his amazing results in the Alibaba Mathematics Competition, he suddenly became the focus of attention.

Behind her achievements, there are waves of doubts.

Some people suspect that she cheats, some accuse capital of intervening, and some question the authority of the competition.

However, in the face of these doubts, Jiang Ping did not flinch, but bravely participated in the final, and showed her confidence and calmness with a domineering response after the final.

She said: "The exam is in good condition, but the final questions are a little more difficult. "

Some business celebrities strongly support Jiang Ping, believing that it is irresponsible to question at will without conclusive evidence. Some people also come up with so-called "ironclad evidence", but these evidences are like castles in the air, which cannot be seen and touched.

This incident reminds me of a common and strange phenomenon:

Why do some people feel sour when they see others succeeding, and they can't help but question and ridicule?

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

From a psychological point of view, this may be related to the thinking pattern of many people who are "poor to the bone":

Thinking that the success of others is a reflection of one's own failures, so the success of others is "toxic".

Next, I will talk about why some people form this "fixed mindset".

Why are people afraid of others succeeding?

"Lifelong Growth" is written by Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University.

Through decades of research, Professor Dweck has discovered an astonishing fact: the factors that make a person successful are not based on innate genes and talents, but are influenced by thinking patterns.

The human mindset can be divided into two types: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

Fixed-minded people believe that human destiny is predestined, and they are afraid of failure, so they prefer to settle for the status quo rather than try something new.

Growth minders, on the other hand, believe that through hard work, people can continue to improve and change.

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

A fixed mindset and a growth mindset are like two different operating systems in our brains, and they determine how we see the world and how we respond to challenges.

For example, Jiang Ping is a person with a high-level thinking operating system, although she is in an ordinary secondary school, she has not given up her life planning and pursuit, and is constantly striving to surpass herself while seeking material security.

On the other hand, people with a fixed mindset believe that they are born with a fixed amount of intelligence and ability.

This mindset leads them to be more inclined to avoid risks when faced with challenges, reluctant to try new things, and even prone to shirk responsibility when encountering problems, unwilling to learn and grow from mistakes.

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

This kind of thinking, like an invisible spiritual shackle, greatly limits a person's development.

It's not scary to have a fixed mindset, because each of us thinks under the interweaving of these two modes of thinking, it's just a matter of which is more important.

However, there is a kind of person who is "poor to the bone", which is the ultimate embodiment of a fixed mode of thinking.

People with a growth mindset will see the success of others as their inspiration, while people who are "poor to the bone" will see the success of others as a threat to themselves, which can lead to a huge sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

And such a sense of insecurity and vulnerability often makes him choose to attack others in order to protect his fragile self-esteem.

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

If a poor family can have a growth mindset, this advantage may close the gap between the richest and poorest families, because the children with a growth mindset will get better and better.

And in a wealthy family, if the child forms a "fixed mindset", then the child is likely to go downhill.

Most people think that Jordan is a genius and that he has become a superstar because he has extraordinary talents.

However, Jordan was actually eliminated by the varsity team in high school, and although Jordan was depressed at that time, he did not give up, but took his mother's advice - go back to school and train hard. He leaves home at 6 a.m. every morning and takes time to practice before class.

He and his mother undoubtedly have a growth mindset, which is also the basic mindset of many successful people.

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

A growth guide to shifting your mindset

Based on the core concept of the book "Lifelong Growth", I have refined the growth guide of "make yourself better" for you.

1. "Accept - Observe - Name - Educate"

Everyone is a mixture of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, and we first have to accept that we have a fixed mindset and face it first when it appears.

The next thing you need to look at is when this fixed mind is prone to and what it says to you.

You can try to give it a name, such as "worry," to communicate with your fixed mindset.

When it jumps out of your way, try to educate and convince it why you are acting the way you do, and how you will get from it even if you encounter setbacks.

Writer Liu Run once said: "Mediocre people change the results, excellent people change the causes, and excellent people change the mode of thinking." ”

By receiving, observing, naming, and educating, we can effectively shift our mindset and help us upgrade our operating system.

Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?

2. Get close to people who grow: Take the initiative to approach people and environments that can promote your growth, and avoid self-limitation.

3. Take the success of others as inspiration: When facing the success of others, do not envy and attack others, nor close your eyes and ears, and passively avoid. It's about learning from the other person's success and finding more inspiration to help you grow.

4. Educating mindset: If you are a parent or teacher, cultivate your child's growth mindset and encourage them to believe in themselves.

What do you think about failure?

There is a Weibo saying that actor Zhang Zhen.

He filmed "Red Cliff" and read "Three Kingdoms" by heart; filmed "Deep Sea Search" and obtained a PADI diving license; filmed "Wu Qingyuan", Go has been able to suppress the professional third paragraph; "The Grandmaster" was completed and won the national Bajiquan championship; After the filming of "Nie Yinniang", he learned close-quarters swordsmanship......

Like Jiang Ping and Zhang Zhen, people with a growth mindset can always learn and grow beyond their duties, so that they can have fruitful results that amaze others.

Professor Liu Jia of the Department of Psychology of Beijing Normal University has this expression for the growth mindset: "The core of the growth mindset is actually how you look at failure".

Growth is the ditch between your subjective world and the objective world, you fall down, it is called frustration, and crawling out is called growth.

Similarly, seeing the success of others, not being jealous, not avoiding them, but taking the initiative to learn from them, is also a manifestation of a growth mindset.

I am Zhishu-chan, a knowledge point every day, taking you to squeeze a book.

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Mathematics genius Jiang Ping was widely questioned: Why can't people who are poor to the bone see others succeed?


Hello everyone, I'm Zhishu-chan, a book blogger who loves reading and sharing knowledge. In this fast-paced era, reading time seems to have become a luxury. I will continue to transform books into habits and methods that can be used in the moment. Welcome to follow!

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