
Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?

author:GP online

I believe that everyone is not unfamiliar with peppermint, which is a special aromatic crop, which can play a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, assist in the treatment of influenza, headache and dizziness, sore throat and gums, and can also clear the mind. Now there is also a kind of menthol in medicine, often used as a stimulant drug, auxiliary treatment of diseases, so what is the difference between menthol and menthol?

Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" what is the difference between menthol and menthol >? </h1>

1, the nature is not the same

Peppermint is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, the whole body is a treasure, the application value is extremely high, almost no toxic side effects on the body. However, menthol is a chemical agent that is extracted from the leaves and stems of peppermint and presents white crystals.

2, the role is not the same

Peppermint can assist in the treatment of cold fever and sore throat, headache, can also alleviate skin itching, measles and muscle pain and other symptoms, but also can play a diuretic spleen, promote food digestion and sterilization effect. Menthol directly acts on the skin and mucous membranes of the skin, and can relieve pain and itching and anti-inflammatory, promote blood circulation throughout the body, relieve edema, and take internally to strengthen the spleen and stomach and dispel wind.

Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" What is the role of menthol > data-track="24"? </h1>

1. Improve the aroma of food

Menthol extracts the essence from peppermint and has a strong aroma, often making peppermint into an edible flavor to improve the aroma of food. There are many foods made from menthol on the market, such as chewing gum or cakes, which can satisfy people's taste buds and stimulate appetite.

2. Reduce swelling and relieve pain

Menthol selectively stimulates the skin and mucous membranes to cold off the sensory nerves, promotes people to temporarily feel cool, stimulates the skin mucosa and vasoconstriction, thereby speeding up blood circulation and relieving skin swelling and itching.

Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?

3. Anti-inflammatory and relieve itching

Menthol contains tea naphthol acid, coupled with a strong fragrance, the cooling properties of menthol, topical use can stimulate the skin mucosa, can obviously feel cool, but also can anti-inflammatory and relieve itching.

4. Ventilate and clear heat

Menthol can play a role in clearing heat and dispelling wind and detoxification effect, internal administration can assist in the treatment of wind fever and cold, reduce the sore throat caused by colds, headaches, dizziness and red ears.

Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="16" What are the contraindications to the use of menthol >? </h1>

1. Control the dosage

Menthol is a drug that cannot be used in large doses, with a maximum dose of 0.1 grams per day. Menthol has a certain toxic effect on the body, excessive consumption may paralyze the nerves, and even cause poisoning symptoms, such as diarrhea dizziness, nausea and vomiting, etc., the most terrible thing is that it will lose precious life due to respiratory paralysis. Therefore, menthol should be taken with caution and used strictly according to the doctor's instructions.

2. Infants and young children are prohibited

Menthol has a strong irritation, its own infant intestines and skin delicate, if unauthorized use of menthol will stimulate the skin and intestines, resulting in adverse symptoms. In addition, when using menthol, you can not touch the eyes and mucous membranes, and you cannot drop nasal agents containing menthol into the nasal cavity of infants and young children, so as not to cause collapse.

Menthol and menthol are not the same thing? These 4 effects are very common, but can not be used casually, these contraindications should be remembered what is the difference between peppermint and menthol? What are the effects of menthol? What are the contraindications to the use of menthol?


Although menthol has a powerful function, it can not be used at will, so as not to bring irritation to the body, and in severe cases, it can cause irreparable regrets. In addition, people who always have hypohidrosis, hyperactivity of liver and yang, and yin deficiency and blood dryness are forbidden to take menthol; lactating women can not take too much, because menthol can inhibit milk secretion; yin deficiency fever and sweating and lung deficiency cough people should use caution, because peppermint aromatic and spicy. In addition, menthol has a refreshing and excitatory effect, so it cannot be used at night, otherwise it will affect sleep.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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