
After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

Bow down, die and die!

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

Zhuge Liang's life can be summed up in eight words by bowing down, and after his death, he has been highly summarized in these eight words, and from the moment he walked out of the hut, Zhuge Liang's life began to be busy non-stop, until he died of illness on the Wuzhang Plain.

When Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei, Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang everything, and Zhuge Liang did his best to solve it; when Zhuge Liang followed Liu Chan, Liu Chan was not as good as Liu Bei, he was a "parasite", completely relying on Zhuge Liang to live, and listening to Zhuge Liang for everything.

All the affairs of the Shu Kingdom were decided by Zhuge Liang alone, and in the end Zhuge Liang became ill with overwork and was exhausted alive. Since Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang began to take charge of the government, and when he fought, he always lost battles and often lost battles.

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

Zhuge Liang spent his life in six expeditions to the Central Plains, and the results all ended in failure. Zhuge Liang was once invincible and invincible, so why does Zhuge Liang always lose battles now?

Before Jiang Wei was dying, he accidentally said that he leaked his mouth and told the truth. After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Wei continued the Northern Expedition, and only then did he realize Zhuge Liang's difficulties, and he understood why Zhuge Liang always lost the battle, because Jiang Wei also experienced what Zhuge Liang had experienced at the beginning, and he felt empathy.

Jiang Wei summed up Zhuge Liang's defeat in the battle and the reasons for his own defeat, with the following three points:

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

First, Liu Chan is incompetent

The train runs fast, all thanks to the headband! The strength and weakness of a country mainly depends on the emperor, the emperor is strong, the country is naturally very powerful, the emperor is not good, the country is naturally not good.

The emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty was Liu Chan, who was an incompetent emperor who knew nothing about state affairs and relied on Zhuge Liang. When Liu Bei was alive, he could still help Zhuge Liang, but Liu Chan would only drag his feet. According to the terminology of the game world, Liu Chan is a pig teammate, completely immobile, and will not play the group.

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

Second, internal discord

An important reason why Zhuge Liang was in charge of the government was that there was discord and contradictions within the Shu Han Dynasty. If Zhuge Liang had not taken over the power, shu Han would have fallen apart.

The Jingzhou faction headed by Zhuge Liang was naturally Liu Bei's old squad, and they followed Zhuge Liang, but shu Han and the Yizhou faction did not have peace with Zhuge Liang, and they only wanted to defend one acre and three points of land, and did not want to fight.

For the Yizhou faction, whoever became emperor was the same, they were all courtiers anyway. Therefore, when Deng Aibing approached the city, the Yizhou faction quickly surrendered, and they wanted to protect their own interests and completely disregard the interests of shu Han as a whole. The Shu Han Dynasty was all conspiring to fight within itself, so how could they win the battle against the State of Wei?

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

Third, logistics are not good

Logistics mainly refers to grain and grass. Just as the so-called soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass have gone first! Grain and grass are the basis of war, soldiers have no food to eat, where there is strength to fight, is it not a lamb to be slaughtered?

During the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang withdrew his army several times because the grain was not transported in time, and finally returned without success. Although the State of Shu was the kingdom of Tianfu, the grain and grass were still far from those of the State of Wei, which was sitting on the entire north and had sufficient grain and grass. Even if Zhuge Liang is strong, he can't let the soldiers win the battle with an empty stomach!

After Liu Bei's death, why did Zhuge Liang always lose battles? Before Jiang Wei died, he accidentally said that he had leaked his mouth

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zizhi Tongjian, etc

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