
New Year's Greetings for 2022

When I was a child, I did not understand the "ruthlessness" of time. I just think that it is very mysterious and full of hope.

Because, at that time, I always looked forward to growing up quickly.

And now, I have deeply realized the helplessness of time and fleeting. In the rush of life, there will always be many regrets.

As the old saying goes: "Twenty weak crowns, thirty and standing, forty not confused, fifty knowing the Mandate of Heaven, sixty flower armor, seventy ancient rarity, eighty elderly." ”

This life is really not long, nor is it short. Decades, how much empty hatred, how much joy and sorrow, how much helplessness, how much epiphany?

How to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Admittedly, after experiencing it, you will understand.

A lot of truth, very simple. If you can't understand it yourself, you are not your own. This may be "growth".

New Year's Greetings for 2022

A new year is a new beginning.

Some people, busy making New Year's resolutions. Some people, continue to follow the steps. Some people, still muddy. Some people, don't know what to do.

Time, it will not pay attention. It always goes at its own pace.

Untainted, detached. I do my own thing, I am very free.

However, people will always have a snag. No one lives easily, and everyone has the pain of not being able to speak. As I get older, I understand this more and more. It is also becoming more and more bearish.

Instead of being so restless, it is better to face it steadily, do something small, and cherish the person in front of you.

Living in the moment is a kind of wisdom. Many people know it, but very few do it. Therefore, people who really live freely are rare.

As the old saying goes, "Do not be happy with things and do not grieve with yourself." It can be seen that the wisdom of life and the realm of life all need to be practiced by ourselves.

Perhaps, life is originally a practice. When the distractions in our minds arise, we just lose our direction and forget.

New Year's Greetings for 2022

I originally thought that on the first day of the new year, I would write some moving messages.

But what is the meaning of thinking about it and writing these words?

The goals and plans in your heart are engraved in your heart. One year, there is a big direction. Then, work hard in your own direction, and you will not be lost.

Perhaps, many people are complaining. Nowadays, the pressure of society is too great, and the pressure of life is too great.

Admittedly, even so. All sentient beings live in such an environment.

The environment cannot be changed, only to change oneself. Change yourself and face it bravely in order to find another way.

As the old saying goes, "Be sure to have three provinces and be my body." "Sometimes, when you are delayed by something, you forget this.

If this can be done, I think it will definitely become more and more transparent.

Many times, in fact, we give ourselves too many shackles, and we give ourselves too much denial.

Thinking too much is always just a fantasy. Life, is real mortal world, is chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea.

All fantasies are always a dream. Back to reality, to solve one difficulty after another. This may be the most real life.

This is true of everyone, without exception. It's just that everyone faces different difficulties.

New Year's Greetings for 2022

Some people will believe: tomorrow will be better.

But they forgot one of the most important premises. If you don't work hard, how can tomorrow be better? That way, it's only going to get worse.

It can be seen that tomorrow will be better, and we need to live and work hard in a down-to-earth manner. In this way, it is better.

No one's happiness can be easily obtained. No one's success is achieved overnight.

Instead of envying others, it is better to be down-to-earth. Be yourself and compare yourself to yourself. Ask yourself what you really want.

In this way, you can find your own direction in life.

Since it is a new year, there should also be a new starting point.

If you have a goal, don't tell anyone. When you really achieve results, share them with your loved ones and family. Say it, but it will not be achieved. Because, even if you fail, only you know. And once you say it, you're under pressure. Instead, you can't be fully engaged in it.

A new year, a new beginning. Don't think too much, face everything steadily, but do good things without asking about the future!

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