
Don't doubt it, he just doesn't love you

I want to tell you stories every day

Don't doubt it, he just doesn't love you

Friends often ask me: Anan, what should it be like to love someone? Does he really love me?

Love is

I want to declare that the whole world has taken you for itself.

I don't want you to be anxious and flustered for him, and I won't let you wait blindly.

I want to stay in touch with you at all times, just like I was with each other.

Want to introduce you to friends and let everyone know you exist.

Even if it only disappears for five minutes, it will let you know in advance.

In this era, everyone is basically 24 hours with a mobile phone, the person who wants to reply to your message has long returned, who wants to find you, it is also time to send a message, if you have not received a reply for a long time, don't doubt, he just does not love you.

The person who truly loves you will not let you live in suspicion every day, and let you constantly speculate about his intentions.

He will make you feel that you like you, even if it is a look, an action, a word. No matter how introverted people are, in front of the people they like, they will have a lot to say.

Affirming your existence and caring about your feelings is to love you.

Don't doubt it, he just doesn't love you

In fact, many girls in the relationship, it seems that there will be more or less a few moments, feel that the other party does not pay attention, not so much love, as if all the efforts have never been responded to, want the answer, action, the other party has never been able to get.

What I have never understood is why, since we are together, why we will become so indifferent and do not pay attention to details; what to say to him, to do more things for him, it seems that I can't feel it, I am not moved, and if I think about it, it is because I don't care, don't love or don't love enough.

A person who loves you will act in a hundred ways to prove it, and the reason why a person ignores you is either because he doesn't love you anymore or because he is taking care of others.

Don't leave yourself any illusions, okay?

Don't continue to waste time on anyone, believe in your feelings, stop clinging, let go...

Life is short, why should you wronged yourself...

- END -

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