
Orange red cake (steamed)

Orange red cake (steamed)

Ingredients: 10 candied kumquats, 100 grams of sugar, water to taste.

Orange red cake paste 10 candied kumquats, 150 grams of water-ground glutinous rice flour, 1 gram of red yeast rice flour, 40 grams of sugar, 160 grams of warm water, cooked glutinous rice flour to taste.

Directions: 1. Kumquats are scrubbed with fine salt and rinsed with water, cut in half.

2. Bring the kumquats to a boil in a small pot with sugar and a spoonful of water over low heat, until the kumquats are soft, the sugar melts and thickens and turns off the heat.

Orange red cake (steamed)

3. Let the kumquat cool and beat into a saucer.

Orange red cake (steamed)

4. Mix all the ingredients and sift them.

Orange red cake (steamed)

5. Place the batter in a large bowl and cover with plastic wrap, poke a few holes in the surface, put in the steamer and steam for 25_30 minutes.

Orange red cake (steamed)
Orange red cake (steamed)

6. Place the steamed batter warmly and remove the sticky cooked powder and roll into long strips and cut into small pieces.

Orange red cake (steamed)

7. The surface of the cut orange cake is evenly glued to the cooked powder, and then the excess cooked powder on the surface is sieved to remove the excess cooked powder.

Orange red cake (steamed)

Tip: The snack I miss the most as a child.