
Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

Article │ Danqing commentary The original of the whole network Refuse to reprint

Dan's heart does not change, and Qingyun goes straight up! Hello everyone, I am your old friend Danqing.

New Year's Day 2022 is really a special day to test the pockets, because three skins were shelved on this day.

The first is Zhen Ji's daughter King Skin, the second is the mirror KPL limited skin hidden shadow chaser, and the third is Mulan's youth final season for the second time.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

The king skin of the daughter country still continues the consistent advantage of the skin linked with "Journey to the West", that is, the poster looks beautiful, and the skin modeling part is slightly delayed (for example: the face of this new skin), but the operation in the bureau feels better, which is really remarkable.

Next, let's talk about something that everyone cares about

Don't rush into the youth finals season

Like Zhuang Zhou's cloud dream builder before, the youth final season was also "very reluctant" to arrange a wave of returns after thousands of calls.

However, although the heat of this skin is very high, please do not rush to start, mainly for these two reasons:

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

The first point: the poster and modeling of the youth final season are good, the youth is beautiful and sports, and the innings model can only be matched by many stars, but the good-looking star weapons and costumes need to spend coupons;

Second point: If you are a player who pays special attention to the operation experience, and some time ago, has been exchanged for a crystal dragon hunter through skin fragments, then this youth final season is still saved, and the operation feel is not at all in a grade.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

The percussion sound effect of the baseball club in the youth final season and the crisp sound effect of the crystal dragon hunting knife are very different, and the feel and fluency of the strokes are also very different, and you can go to the training camp to experience it carefully.

Han Xin's skin of another battle is also returning

In addition to the return of the youth final season, another star skin with a good feel is also quietly returning to the field, but many players do not deliberately pay attention to it.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

This returning Star Yuan skin is Han Xin's tournament battle order limited skin, named One More Battle. This is a black sports style of exquisite skin, which is composed of head + clothing + weapons, and is matched with the brave skin of Street Fighter, and the appearance and special effects are surprisingly good.

The return time is December 26, 2021, and the end time is January 25, 2022, and players can enter the Event Order Zone and use the Event Order Coin to purchase the corresponding treasure chest.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

Although it is a probabilistic acquisition, whether it can be drawn depends on Providence, but fortunately there are 90 times of guarantee, and players who like it can participate in it.

The Shard Shop will feature six epic skins

Season S26 will be updated on January 6, when a new season version of Sons of Jade City will meet with players.

The preemptive suit has been fully updated for the S26 season, and according to the previous official style, the Shard Store will also be completely refreshed.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

Judging from the interface after the preemptive service update, this new season's update, the Shard Store has listed five epic skins, namely: Dai Ji - Charm Vegas, Li Yuanfang - Summer of the Waves, Little Joe - Colorful Unicorn, Xiahou Huan - Ride the Wind and Waves, Ink - Metal Storm, Ah Ke - Dark Night Cat Lady.

The Zhen Ji-Ice Circle Dance Skin, which was previously officially optimized, did not appear in the Fragment Shop this time, which was obviously reserved for the daughter king skin to set aside more revenue time.

Glory of Kings: Don't rush into the youth final season, Han Xin skin is also returning, and six epics are on the shelves of the Shard Store

The most worthy of redemption is still the three skins in the Summer Cool Series, The Summer of the Waves, the Colorful Unicorn and the Wind and Waves, the appearance and skin model are excellent, and the operation feel is also very good in the epic skin.

However, the skin of the Night Cat Lady has not been completely optimized, and it is arranged in the fragment store, which is really a bit embarrassing.

The above only represents Danqing's personal views and opinions, more game information and game news, remember to pay attention to Danqing.

Thank you for reading, look forward to your loving attention, and hope to meet you in the next corner.

I'm Danqing, we'll see you next time.


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