
Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

The new and old seasons of The Glory of Kings are about to change, and it is also the time of the change of new and old seasons, and it is the time of the new spring. So, for the next two months, the amount of skin was a bit much. If you do the math, it's at least double digits. Therefore, keep a good attitude, choose what you like to start with, but also need to do what you can.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

S26 season, the season skin has been exposed, is Dharma's desert monk. The special effects of this skin, there is nothing to say, the season skin is just, can not play the flowers, anyway, the official is not willing to play out the flowers.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

But in the S26 season, in addition to one season skin, there is also a race year skin for the previous year. It has been revealed before that it was given to Athena. But more details and skin names are not known, and now, finally, officially announced.

Athena's Race Year skin, called "The Covenant of dawn", is dominated by orange-yellow and features "an immortal will, born of faith".

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

This skin still looks quite handsome, although it does not play Athena much, although there is already an ice crown princess, but who can refuse a free epic skin?

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

Although the skin quality is epic, the skill effect seems to be a rich color effect. For example, a skill, the shield is also the main color of the skin.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

The second skill is The main output skill of Athena, and it is also the root of playing Athena well. Therefore, the special effects of this two-skill are still quite good.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

The shield charge in the state of the big move is still very good-looking, and the moment of explosion is also very good. However, this color scheme and Athena's heat are afraid that they will be misunderstood.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

In the passive state, wings from the debut animation appear. However, the wings in the passive state are not very clear.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

However, the moment he spread his wings in the debut animation, Shuai exploded.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

The moment the resurrection landed, it was also full of power. Moreover, this color is too obvious. It felt like a reminder to the opponent that Athena was resurrected here.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

This skin can be obtained in a way that you need to reach the King's Dan position in the four seasons of Chang'an, which can be directly claimed in the new season. If this requirement is not met, it is necessary to complete the charge in the Mirror of Space-Time to obtain it. However, the requirement of charging will be more difficult than reaching the king's rank.

The 28th update should be the last regular update before the new season. The long-awaited recharge campaign for many players has finally started. The recharge campaign has been suspended for almost a month, and it is very nostalgic. Because new skins have been popping up lately, recharge activities are here again. Although this routine is quite deep, it has to be said that it is still quite humane. Because some players still need such activities.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

Another player who has been looking forward to for a long time is the return of the limited skin, and this time is the skin that everyone dreams of, the limited skin of the first open star component, she is Mulan's youth final season.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

This skin, the last time it returned, was in August 2018, more than three years have passed, and finally returned again. However, it is worth noting that after the return of the youth final season this time, there will be no direct sales return. Therefore, this is the last direct sale return of Mulan's youth final season. If you've been waiting for this skin, don't miss it. The return period is from January 1st to January 7th, which lasts for one week.

However, on New Year's Day, in addition to the return of mulan youth final season, there is also the official launch of the mirror KPL skin hidden light chaser.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

In addition, there is the synchronous launch of the king skin of Zhen Ji's daughter country. All three skins appear at the same time, which is a difficult situation for players with difficulty in choosing or having limited conditions. If all three skins are started, in addition to the 60 booked by the KPL, 888 +412+532 points are required, for a total of 1832 points.

Glory of Kings: Athena's Skin Dawn Covenant was officially exposed, and the Youth Finals season finals finally returned

Text/Glass of wine to interpret the king

For this case where three skins appear together, if you do not have the ability to choose all of them, you can only do what you can and choose one or two skins you like. Mirror KPL skin has been booked, and this price, really hard to refuse. Zhen Ji's daughter king skin also has a price advantage, and there is such an inseparable label as the Journey to the West. Equally difficult to refuse. And Mulan's youth final season, this is the last direct sale return, and it is also impossible to choose to let go. It's too hard.

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