
"New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" Three Questions Hong Kong students: lucky, shocked, feel warm

Hong Kong, 1 Jan (China News Service) -- The "New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" of the "Spirit of the Times Shines on Xiangjiang" was held on 1 January, and three students who are studying at the University of Hong Kong were given a rare opportunity to ask questions to aerospace experts and astronauts at the Tiangong space station. In an interview with a reporter from China News Agency after the event, they said that they were very lucky to be able to ask questions to astronauts and experts, and they were very shocked by the development of national aerospace science and technology, and the answers of astronauts and experts also made them feel excited and warm.

"New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" Three Questions Hong Kong students: lucky, shocked, feel warm

On the afternoon of 1 January, the Hong Kong Venue of the New Year's Day Dialogue Activity on the New Year's Day of the "Spirit of the Times Yao Xiangjiang" was held at the Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue Event, sponsored by the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Macao SAR Government, the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Cpc Central Committee, the China Manned Space Engineering Office, and the Central Radio and Television Corporation, and co-hosted by Tsinghua University, the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Re-Departure Alliance, the University of Macau, and the Macau University of Science and Technology. Students from the three places interacted with the three astronauts of shenzhou 13, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, to explore the mysteries of the universe together. The picture shows three astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu interacting in real time. Photo by Li Zhihua

Ye Chenxi, a sophomore at the University of Hong Kong, was the first questioner in Hong Kong to be given the opportunity to ask questions, and her question was asking the space experts in Beijing about the Chinese characteristics of the Chinese space station.

Ye Chenxi said that she usually pays attention to some information about China's aerospace through the media, and is very curious about what the characteristics and styles of China's space station are, and Berlin Hou, deputy chief designer of the space station system of China's manned space project, also gave a very professional answer and answered many of her doubts.

"New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" Three Questions Hong Kong students: lucky, shocked, feel warm

Students on the spot picked up their mobile phones to photograph astronauts in interactive communication. Photo by Li Zhihua

For the first day of 2022, you can communicate with space experts and participate in the on-site connection with astronauts, Ye Chenxi used "very shocking" to describe, can see the real-time picture of astronauts on the space station, and have experts answer questions, feeling "very worthwhile".

Chen Siwei, a doctoral student in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, was even luckier on the day and got the opportunity to "dialogue between heaven and earth" with astronauts. His questions were also interesting, including asking astronauts how to stay "feeling good."

In an interview, Chen Siwei said that when asking questions, he was "lucky to have a little nervousness" and asked questions about "feeling good" because he had watched videos of three people on the Internet and was curious about how they felt when they talked about "feeling good" and why they "felt good".

"Teacher Zhai's (Zhai Zhigang)'s answer made me feel very fulfilling and sufficient, and I think this reflects the feelings and dedicated attitude of our Chinese astronauts." Chen Siwei said that being able to stand out from the crowd as an astronaut is inseparable from decades of hard work, and it is necessary to work hard enough to "feel good." He also said that the greater significance of the event is to strengthen the ties between Hong Kong and the mainland, so that Hong Kong youth can feel patriotic.

"New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" Three Questions Hong Kong students: lucky, shocked, feel warm

Astronauts share space-themed paintings created by teenagers. Photo by Li Zhihua

The third, Zhou Ting, who also asked the final question at the Hong Kong venue, was a student of the University of Hong Kong's School of Medicine. She told reporters that although she studied medicine, she has been interested in aerospace since she was a child, and being able to celebrate the festival with the country's astronauts on the first day of the new year makes her feel that it is of great significance.

Zhou Ting thanked Wang Yaping for his answer about "what messages and blessings do you have for teenagers across the country" and thought that Wang Yaping's answer was "very warm and lovely". "I believe that everyone can also be encouraged by this, becoming more and more interested in the space industry, and working harder to realize the Chinese dream." (End)

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