
Feel good! The "Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" was held at the Hong Kong branch venue

According to CCTV news, the "New Year's Day Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" was held on the afternoon of January 1, and three astronauts from the Chinese space station, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu, and young students from beijing, Hong Kong, and Macao launched a "Tiangong Dialogue" and sent New Year messages from the "Tiangong."

The Hong Kong venue is set up in the Lu You Hall of the University of Hong Kong, and about 300 teachers and students participated in the activity, and the teachers and students expressed great excitement. Chen Siwei, a doctoral student in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, who asked questions to astronaut Zhai Zhigang, said that when the three astronauts left the capsule, they invariably said the four words "feel good", which made him feel both humorous and kind, and believed that it was after a long period of cooperation that such a tacit understanding could be cultivated and that he could "feel good". He felt that such activities could bring Hong Kong closer to the mainland, unite the young people of the two places, and make the young people of Hong Kong more patriotic, and he also hoped that the motherland's aerospace industry would continue to feel good all the way.

Feel good! The "Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" was held at the Hong Kong branch venue

In the 14th Five-Year Plan, Hong Kong is explicitly supported to build an international innovation and technology center, better integrate into the overall situation of national development, and deepen the cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong in science and technology. All along, Hong Kong's universities have also directly or indirectly participated in various major national space projects, including manned space projects, in different ways, and have made many contributions. At the same time, the country's continuous progress in the space industry has also provided Hong Kong with many valuable opportunities. From the space experiment of Hong Kong middle school students carried on the Tiangong-2 in 2016 to the "Spirit of the Times Yao Xiangjiang" in 2021, "Looking up at the Starry Sky TalkIng Heavenly Palace" and "Entering Hong Kong on the Moon", the National Treasure-level Aerospace Scientist Tiantuan set foot on lion mountain, making Hong Kong youth deeply feel the motherland's concern and support for Hong Kong.

Feel good! The "Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Tiangong Dialogue" was held at the Hong Kong branch venue

Edited by Yang Li

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