
More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

In 227 BC, in the long pavilion next to Yi Shui, the princes Dan and Gao Wanli of the Yan Kingdom dressed in white and white robes, and a group of courtiers solemnly set up a banquet here to bid farewell to the warrior Jing Ke, who was about to leave the Qin kingdom.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

The dark clouds in the sky were low, and gradually there was no small wind, and after a while, Jing Ke's carriage and horse arrived, only to see Jing Ke stride forward, followed by a young young boy Lang, this young man was no one else, he was the grandson of Qin Kai, the martial general of the Yan State who wanted to accompany Jing Ke to the Qin Kingdom to help him.

The wine feast is hurried, after all, it is not a reunion to reminisce about the past, but to send the wine goodbye.

After the King of Qin, who was delusional about unifying the world, annexed the State of Zhao, he also looked at the State of Yan with a tiger's eye, and the State of Yan sent warriors this time to end the atrocities of the King of Qin and preserve the peace of the State of Yan.

After the last drink, Jing Ke got up and led the team to set off.

In the fierce wind, his clothes seemed to turn into a hunting flag, his long hair fluttered freely in the wind, and his back was so determined that the guests who came to send farewell were filled with tears and turned to tears.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

Seeing this scene, the musician Gao gradually sang while hitting the building: The wind is xiaoxiao and the water is cold, and the hero will not return once he is gone... Everyone present at the moment knew very well in their hearts that no matter whether they could successfully threaten or assassinate the King of Qin, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang would face the situation of nine deaths.

Going to Qin Ting this time is tantamount to dying, and I don't know how tragic the people involved should be in their hearts!

According to the text recorded in the "Records of History", we roughly trace back the whole process of Jing Ke's assassination of Qin: the original design plan for the assassination was that Jing Ke held a box containing Fan Yu, a warlord wanted by the Qin State, and Qin Wuyang held a map wrapped in a poisonous dagger, and after arriving at the Qin court, Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang went to the temple together, close to the Qin King.

When the King of Qin came to see the map, Qin Wuyang slowly unfolded the map, and when the dagger was revealed, Jing Ke quickly grabbed the dagger and forced it to the King of Qin, or forced him to hand over the land that had been usurped by other countries, or directly killed the King of Qin on the spot.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

Just in case, Let Qin Wuyang and Jing Ke cooperate with each other to ensure the success of the Qin Assassination Operation to the greatest extent.

However, the truth was not satisfactory, because after Qin Wuyang walked into the Qin court, his face was pale and his body trembled, and this scene was looked at by the courtiers of the Qin Dynasty and asked the reason on the spot.

Jing Ke replied with a smile: The people who came out of the desolate place had never seen the great world, and they should be afraid of the heavenly power of the king, so their hearts were trembling.

Although this remark was cleverly concealed, it made the suspicious King of Qin increase his vigilance, so the King of Qin only allowed Jing Ke alone to go to the temple to present the map.

Jing Ke took the map from Qin Wuyang's hand, and then walked up to the main hall with the box, and came to the Qin King's imperial case to present the map.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

When the figure was "poor and dagger appeared", Jing Ke grabbed the dagger, pulled on the sleeve of the King of Qin, and began to stab.

The King of Qin did not choose a path for a while, so he had to tear off his sleeve and then dodge Jing Ke around the pillars on the temple.

Just imagine, if qin Wuyang, the little assistant, was also in the palace at this time, and he cooperated with Jing Ke, even if the King of Qin could dodge left and right, what would he do? In the end, even if he was not captured alive, he was stabbed on the spot.

However, Jing Ke did not catch up with the King of Qin in the end, and the King of Qin also took the opportunity to draw the sword on his body, as a result, the long-planned plan to assassinate Qin failed, jing Ke was cut and injured by the king of Qin, and was beheaded on the spot by a crowd of attendants, and Qin Wuyang, who stood in his highness, although it was not expressed in the book, but he thought that he was eventually killed by the qin state.

This assassination undoubtedly angered the Qin king Yingzheng, but also accelerated the demise of the Yan kingdom, and later generations of people talking about this will often blame Qin Wuyang for the failure of the assassination, and what was originally a good assassination assistant eventually became a "pig teammate" who was involved in Jingke.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

Looking through the historical texts, the name "Qin Wuyang" appears very few times, and there are three words and two words in the "History of the Xiongnu Column Biography No. 50", which only tells us that Qin Wuyang is the grandson of Yan Guoxian's general Qin Kai.

This notebook novel is divided into 3 volumes, and details the whole process of how Dan, the crown prince of the Yan state at the end of the Warring States period, faced with the crisis of the Yan state being annexed by the Qin state, found the assassin Jing Ke and made him risk his death to qin to assassinate Yingzheng.

In the book "Yan Danzi", Tian Guang, a heroic hero of the Yan kingdom who was deeply respected by Prince Dan of Yan, once said bluntly:

I privately looked at the prince's protégé, no one can take on the heavy responsibility of assassination, the warrior Xia Fu is a bloody brave man, the face will turn red when excited; the warrior Song Yi is a brave person, the face will turn blue when excited; the warrior Qin Wuyang is a bone brave man, and his face will turn white when excited. Only a warrior named Jing Ke that I know is not only calm and agile, but also brave and strategic, even if he is excited, his face will not change color, and if the prince wants to achieve something, he will definitely use this person.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

After hearing this, the crown prince made up his mind and treated Jing Ke with high-standard courtesy, and Jing Ke was touched and agreed to become a dead soldier of Prince Dan, willing to sacrifice himself to go to the Qin State to carry out assassination operations.

However, it was too hasty to send only Jing Ke alone, and in a hurry, Prince Dan selected Qin Wuyang from among the disciples to serve as Jing Ke's assistant.

Because although Qin Wuyang's face will change color when he is excited, his face will turn white, and this change in face will not be too obvious, so the final assassin candidates for the plan to assassinate the King of Qin are Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang.

And Qin Wuyang was valued by Prince Dan among the tens of thousands of people in the Yan Kingdom and accepted as a doorman, the main reason is that qin Wuyang was a sage after Qin Kai, everyone said that there was no dog in the door, and qin Wuyang was also a loyal and courageous man.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

In addition, Qin Wuyang once killed people in the downtown area when he was 12 years old, and the people in the market did not dare to look at him, which also showed how brave and fierce Qin Wuyang was and how bold he was.

It is reasonable to say that Yan Guo sent Qin Wuyang as the assistant of the assassin Jing Ke, which must have considered that this was the "ace partner" and "the best combination".

But now, while people feel sorry for Jing Ke, they can't help but be angry at Qin Wuyang, believing that not only did he not help much in the process of stabbing Qin, but also made the assassination operation almost revealed because of his "white face" and "fear".

In fact, in detail, Qin Wuyang probably showed "white face" and "vibration fear" out of two possibilities, which then led to his inability to go to the temple to cooperate with Jing Ke to stab Qin according to the original plan.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

One possibility is that Qin Wuyang was pale and his body was shaking because of extreme emotional anger.

According to the book "Yan Danzi", Qin Wuyang's face turned pale as soon as he was excited, and we can know according to the common sense of life that when people are extremely angry and excited, their bodies often shake involuntarily.

From this point of view, when Qin Wuyang faced the Qin monarch who was about to send troops to annex his mother country, that kind of anger overflowed into his face, and when he was young, he probably did not know how to restrain his look and disguise himself, so he let the courtiers of the Qin State find that his face was pale and he kept trembling, which was quite strange.

Another possibility is that Qin Wuyang was originally a "fake warrior" who bullied the soft and feared the hard, greedy and afraid of death.

Although the 12-year-old Qin Wuyang dared to kill people in public in the downtown area, and his eyes were fierce, so that everyone did not dare to look directly, so Prince Dan decided that Qin Wuyang was a courageous warrior based on this matter.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

But this subjective judgment is inevitably too rash, because killing people and courage are not simply equated.

The people qin Wuyang killed may be weak civilians without the strength of chickens, or they may have killed others by mistake, or they may even kill people with passion.

A murderer is a murderer once, but a murderer may only dare to take the lives of others, but does not dare to sacrifice his own life in a time of national crisis.

At this point, Qin Wuyang may not have the lofty ideological realm of Jing Ke, that is to say, Qin Wuyang is probably reluctant to die generously for the sake of the interests of the country.

Therefore, Qin Wuyang's pale face and trembling body above the Qin Ting Hall were also very likely to be difficult for him to face the moment when he was about to lose his life, and he was trembling with extreme fear.

More than two thousand years ago, the teammate who was with Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, Qin Wuyang, could also be considered an assassin?

Historical materials are always easy to be relished by posterity, and even multiple interpretations, just as "everyone has a Hamlet in their hearts", everyone's evaluation of Qin Wuyang is also divergent and inconsistent.

Today, Xiao Xiao Yishui is still there, Jing Ke is also famous for his thorn Qin, and whether the historical Qin Wuyang is brave or timid, and whether he is a "pig teammate" who pulls the hind legs of Jing Ke seems to be less important.

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